Well it's almost Saturday and I've just settled in to write. This week has been one crazy week hasn't it!! My heartfelt prayers and love go out to all the folks who have been affected in any way by the storms this week. The stress that goes along with the devastation is paralyzing. I'm sure many of you can attest to that.
I watched a little bit of the Royal Wedding today. What a beautiful celebration and worshipful yet proper ceremony it was! Kate Middleton looked positively radiant and regal and Prince William brought tears to my eyes because he looked so happy and so much like his dear Mom.
After the wedding, Robin Roberts, of "Good Morning America" interviewed two of the soldiers who are friends with Prince William and before they talked about the wedding, they told Robing that they would like to send out thoughts, prayers and condolensces to the people of Alabama and to all the ones who had been affected by the terrible storms. Robin remarked that their sincerity gave her chills and she shared that she was born in Alabama and that meant a lot to her. A British reporter followed their interview and remarked the same sentiment. I was very touched by that and thought it was something so kind of them to do. It made me think that if they are friends with Kate and William that just maybe Kate and William felt the same way -- and I believe that they do.
Thursday night the NFL draft began. Coach Saban was interviewed and had been there for part of it with his players because they asked him to -- he was adament that he wanted the people of Tuscaloosa and all of Alabama that everyone of those players was deeply affected by the devastation and that even though this was a time of celebration, that they all had their hearts, minds, thoughts and prayers with the people of our State and he said that the players, coaches and athletic department would be out in the community to help and make a difference in the lives of those who'd been devastated in the storms.
Today I saw Gene Chizik in Pleasant Grove helping to give out water, food, supplies - whatever was needed and he had many many of the Auburn players and coaches with him. He talked about doing the right thing and helping people in a time of crisis and need.
President Obama was here, Gov. Bentley was all over the state, and even though I spent precious little time in front of the television -- these that I saw touched my heart deeply.
Tonight I had a conversation with a former student of mine who is getting married soon. She lives out of state but said that all the pictures she has seen have just broken her heart. She shared with me that she'd been addressing her wedding invitations and had me on her mind. She said she could never forget the special teachers in her life and she knew this had been a hard week in her home town (which is where I live).
You know, it's so easy to feel isolated when a tragedy happens. It's so easy to fall into thinking our troubles are so bad we don't want to bother anyone. It's so easy to think that because we have so many things/people to care for and maintain, we don't have time to cultivate those relationships.
But I'm telling you, cultivating relationships with God's people is a key ingredient in your spiritual growth. It's like a refreshing drink of water in a dry and thirsty land.
The outpouring of love has been so amazing this week. It's been horrific to see what this weather has done, but knowing there are people praying and having people to check on myself and my family has meant the absolute world to my husband, James, my Mom and to me personally.
It's been said that you know who your true friends are in the wake of a tragedy. The friends we have who have taken time out of their busy days to text, call or email to check on us has been such a blessing. Those who have loaned their time, energy, equipment and muscles to assisting my mom have been an amazing blessing. There have been so many people who have just stopped by and said, "you just looked like you needed a hug" -- that just warmed my day.
So for Friday's Freebies, I just want to close by saying Thank You -- Thanks for your prayers, love, encouragement, grace and mercy. Thanks for your kindness in all that you've said and done. You are truly a gift from God and we are so thankful that He loved us and protected us through these storms. To my husband, James, you are one hard-working man -- you've used your gifts of service and helps all week long this week and I'll be forever grateful.
If any of you would like to post a "thank you" to those who've helped and encouraged you this week, please feel free to do so in this blog. You can publish it on your Twitter or Facebook account by clicking the buttons to the right of this text box.
May you all have a blessed weekend and may your bodies refuel with rest and a little bit of fun before the work continues next week.
Verse of the Day: Proverbs 27:17 "As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend."
Until Monday, be blessed...not stressed! Much love! Amy
I watched a little bit of the Royal Wedding today. What a beautiful celebration and worshipful yet proper ceremony it was! Kate Middleton looked positively radiant and regal and Prince William brought tears to my eyes because he looked so happy and so much like his dear Mom.
After the wedding, Robin Roberts, of "Good Morning America" interviewed two of the soldiers who are friends with Prince William and before they talked about the wedding, they told Robing that they would like to send out thoughts, prayers and condolensces to the people of Alabama and to all the ones who had been affected by the terrible storms. Robin remarked that their sincerity gave her chills and she shared that she was born in Alabama and that meant a lot to her. A British reporter followed their interview and remarked the same sentiment. I was very touched by that and thought it was something so kind of them to do. It made me think that if they are friends with Kate and William that just maybe Kate and William felt the same way -- and I believe that they do.
Thursday night the NFL draft began. Coach Saban was interviewed and had been there for part of it with his players because they asked him to -- he was adament that he wanted the people of Tuscaloosa and all of Alabama that everyone of those players was deeply affected by the devastation and that even though this was a time of celebration, that they all had their hearts, minds, thoughts and prayers with the people of our State and he said that the players, coaches and athletic department would be out in the community to help and make a difference in the lives of those who'd been devastated in the storms.
Today I saw Gene Chizik in Pleasant Grove helping to give out water, food, supplies - whatever was needed and he had many many of the Auburn players and coaches with him. He talked about doing the right thing and helping people in a time of crisis and need.
President Obama was here, Gov. Bentley was all over the state, and even though I spent precious little time in front of the television -- these that I saw touched my heart deeply.
Tonight I had a conversation with a former student of mine who is getting married soon. She lives out of state but said that all the pictures she has seen have just broken her heart. She shared with me that she'd been addressing her wedding invitations and had me on her mind. She said she could never forget the special teachers in her life and she knew this had been a hard week in her home town (which is where I live).
You know, it's so easy to feel isolated when a tragedy happens. It's so easy to fall into thinking our troubles are so bad we don't want to bother anyone. It's so easy to think that because we have so many things/people to care for and maintain, we don't have time to cultivate those relationships.
But I'm telling you, cultivating relationships with God's people is a key ingredient in your spiritual growth. It's like a refreshing drink of water in a dry and thirsty land.
The outpouring of love has been so amazing this week. It's been horrific to see what this weather has done, but knowing there are people praying and having people to check on myself and my family has meant the absolute world to my husband, James, my Mom and to me personally.
It's been said that you know who your true friends are in the wake of a tragedy. The friends we have who have taken time out of their busy days to text, call or email to check on us has been such a blessing. Those who have loaned their time, energy, equipment and muscles to assisting my mom have been an amazing blessing. There have been so many people who have just stopped by and said, "you just looked like you needed a hug" -- that just warmed my day.
So for Friday's Freebies, I just want to close by saying Thank You -- Thanks for your prayers, love, encouragement, grace and mercy. Thanks for your kindness in all that you've said and done. You are truly a gift from God and we are so thankful that He loved us and protected us through these storms. To my husband, James, you are one hard-working man -- you've used your gifts of service and helps all week long this week and I'll be forever grateful.
If any of you would like to post a "thank you" to those who've helped and encouraged you this week, please feel free to do so in this blog. You can publish it on your Twitter or Facebook account by clicking the buttons to the right of this text box.
May you all have a blessed weekend and may your bodies refuel with rest and a little bit of fun before the work continues next week.
Verse of the Day: Proverbs 27:17 "As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend."
Until Monday, be blessed...not stressed! Much love! Amy