This week I have been reading through the book of Exodus. I've enjoyed many Bible studies on Moses and the Israelites leaving Egypt and going to the Promised Land, but I must say this week I have gained some new insights as well as had some first hand experience with exercising faith and self-control.
Moses was a chosen man from an early age. He was born during a time of turmoil where his life was in danger. His dear mother took a step of faith in trusting God to protect Moses, not knowing about his future - but she loved God and trusted that He would care for Moses. Moses grew up in Pharaoh's home - he was beloved and likely spoiled, too. But he had a sense of loyalty to his family and his people.
As he grew older, Moses interacted more with the Israelites who were being treated unfairly. He had a strong sense of justice and decided to take matters in his own hands by killing a slave master for being cruel. This crime sent him into the wilderness to hide for 40 years. Although murder is not ordained by God, He had a plan for Moses. Moses lived a hard life and learned to survive and navigate the wilderness in that 40 years. Moses learned about self-control, survival and he also learned to hear the voice of God. Moses had two flaws to his personality - poor self-confidence and a short temper. He also had two amazing character traits too - wisdom and leadership. God saw that - He saw Moses' strengths and his weaknesses too and had a good plan to use Moses to carry out His promise to deliver His chosen people.
What I noticed as I was reading this again, was how clear God was in giving instructions to Moses regarding his calling and also how he was to approach Pharaoh. He even told Moses and Aaron what Pharaoh would do and how he would react. How many times in our lives have we wished that God would be so clear in our now and in our future? I can't count my number of wishes! Another thing I noticed was that it didn't take the Israelites very long after their miraculous escape through the Red Sea to start belly-aching and complaining...and to start wishing for what they had left in Egypt...
God gave Moses clear instructions with regard to how He would provide for them. He gave them shade by day and light by night and he provided food, water and shelter. But they continued to complain....Moses' temper got the best of him and when God told Moses how to remedy their cries for drinkable water, instead of just tapping the rock with his staff, Moses lost control of his temper and struck the rock. Uh-oh!
Yesterday, I had an opportunity to get awfully frustrated with a situation that was just beyond my control. It was a situation that does not warrant details but it was so stressful that I went to bed and woke up with a migraine. I felt completely hopeless with how to solve the problem satisfactorily and at rock bottom even to pray over it. But God showed me something new in this passage of Scripture and asked me a question - Are you going to strike the rock?
As I prayed, I confessed and stood my ground that I would not strike the rock, but that I needed God's help desperately. I asked Him to set my mind on solid ground, reminding me to trust Him and not try to solve this issue on my own. My sleep was fitful and I felt like I tossed and turned all night, mainly because my head was pounding, but God had a word for me when I awakened.
I receive a beautiful devotional from Dan Graham every morning and it's all Scripture. He ties different verses together and so many times I have heard God speak to me through them. This morning the words said, Trust me and I will lift you above your circumstances..."
When I got to work the phone was ringing off the hook, my head was pounding and my normally strong unsweet tea was not unsweet but sugary sweet! Truly a Calgon take me away moment! I bowed my head and prayed, merely saying, Lord you promised that if I would trust You, You would lift me above my circumstances....I'd love it if that could happen soon but I refuse to strike the rock in frustration.
We all get frustrated - we all have bad days - but God keeps His promises...
A short time after lunch, I received a phone call and the person on the other side of the phone was my answer to prayer. Her words, actions and humility spoke my answer to prayer. It was all I could do to keep my composure while I was on the phone with her. Once I put the receiver down, I wept in thankfulness to the Lord. He told me on the way to work that I needed to cry a little today - partly because Mother's day is approaching and this is the 2nd year without my Mom. Partly because I needed to grieve this situation that had hit so hard and so unexpectedly.
My tears were necessary - my headache is gone and I have been able to share of God's work and miracle and answer to prayer with others today...I believe refusing to strike the rock had something to do with it. I didn't perform the miracle - I have no power to do so. I didn't force God to answer prayer, but by exercising the fruit of the Spirit of self-control, I refused to strike the rock out of frustration and just stomp my feet in anger. Instead, I made a conscious choice to honor God, trust Him and believe that He would keep His promises.
Sometimes God calls us to act on our belief in situations like this. Please understand that I'm not bragging about what I did. No - this is growth for me. We live in a culture of entitlement. We demand instead of asking - we expect instant results and perfection beyond reality. God expects different behavior - we have the fruits of the Spirit within us but they have to be developed. Learning to exercise self-control is hard. Patience too. I now find myself thankful for the opportunity to be obedient.
Friends, we are commanded to work out our salvation with fear and trembling - that's not about works - it's about working out - meaning exercise...using the fruits of the Spirit will cause sore faith muscles but it will be so worth it....
Refuse to Strike the Rock...stand firm and let God work - He is Faithful!
Blessings! Amy