Hi Friends! I hope you are having a good day. I have to tell you that the last couple of days have really been a stretch around here. I don't know if it's something in the wind or if the nuts are coming out of the woodwork but whew! it's been interesting around here. Makes me wonder if "Men in Black" might have some truth to it - that not all that walk the streets around here are human...there are aliens among us! :) haha!! Wouldn't surprise me!
Ok -- to get to our Word for today. I love Psalms and Proverbs. The writings of David and Solomon truly speak to my heart in ways that I cannot fully express. I'm leading a group of precious ladies in a study called "Fool-proofing your life" by Jan Silvious and in this study, Jan draws from both of these books a good bit.
God's Word has a lot to say about people who live and act foolishly. One particular passage puts into a nutshell how people are affected by the company they keep...take a look...
"He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm." Proverbs 13:20
We really need to be thoughtful and prayerful when considering people we spend time with these days. We can be selective and not be snobs, we can be careful and not be clique-ish, we can be smart but not become know-it-alls - and in doing so honor the Lord by using the wisdom that He teaches in His Word.
Sure, we're commissioned to love our neighbor as ourselves and to go into all the world and teach all nations -- reaching the lost. But that's not what I'm talking about - nor is that what this verse is referencing either.
There are people who will come into our lives that enrich, bless, challenge and motivate us to be better people and grow deeper in our relationships with them and with the Lord. These are few and far between. There are people who will come into our lives who may befriend us and for a short term it will be a healthy relationship - but then our energy begins to drain, or there are words said or impressions given that tell us to move on and let these people go -- and yet we don't. Suddenly we are entangled with one who is a fool. There can be all types of traits who fit this description but at the heart of them all is that these people are "joy-stealers" -- they have no desire to grow deeper in a relationship with Christ and therefore, drain us rather than inspire us to be better people.
We have the freedom to be selective in our relationships -- we don't have to open our lives to everyone we meet....the only thing God asks us to do is to share Him with others - by living, speaking, and letting God love them through us - letting our lives be living examples of His grace, mercy, peace and forgiveness. This doesn't mean that we have to be their best buddy.
Christians have the most amazing blessing of the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. We have access to Him to guide us in the relationships we develop -- if we'll truly listen to Him and ask Him to direct our paths and relationships. The problem lies in our part of the equation.
Maybe there's a member of your family who consistently acts foolish and makes foolish decisions that affect not only themselves, but you and the rest of the family too. Maybe it's a spouse who just can't seem to get it together -- whether it's an addiction, discouragement, fear or emotional instability - it's become a difficult situation. Maybe you have co-workers, a boss, long time friends, fellow church members, or any number of others who make bad decision after bad decision and in doing so, it affects so many others around them...these are not "bad people" but they have made some very foolish mistakes and can't see what they are doing or how it has affected your relationship with them. Then there's the abusive spouse, neglectful child, addicted neighbor, prejudiced co-worker, immoral parent - the tried and true fool. Ask God for wisdom in not becoming entangled with the issues these people have but to give you freedom according to His plan and will. Don't stay in a relationship for any reason if your life or reputation are at stake or if they are involved in any illegal behaviors....be wise and get out if you can and do so quickly.
Maybe it's bad habits, behaviors, or thought patterns that go on in your head constantly. Maybe you've allowed others to tell you how to behave or think for so long that you can no longer think for yourself.
Well, look back at the verse -- "He who keeps company with the wise, grows wise, but the companion of fools suffers harm." Dear friends, the company we keep matters. It can make or break us -- and has more influence on us than we can possibly imagine.
Let me encourage you this week to first keep company with God's Word - wisdom will come from feasting on it daily. If this is new to you - start with the book of John and then read Matthew, Mark and Luke -- and then venture into Psalms, Proverbs and go back to Genesis and go from there. These books are great to jump start your journey into wisdom.
Second, take a long look at the company you keep -- try your best to spend the bulk of your time with people who challenge you to grow spiritually, physically and mentally healthy. If you must be with people who drain you, limit your time with them and pray for God's protection over your mind when you are.
Third, when you are faced with a situation that doesn't involve developing a relationship but maybe communication (customer service, shopping, working with others, etc.), remember that it's only temporary and will not affect the outcome of your life. Take a deep breath and remember Who you represent and don't enter into the ring of emotional conversation with someone who is a fool. Remove yourself from the situation as quickly as you can and never sacrifice your appointment as ambassador to win a battle...it's not worth it and won't be ever.
Last, make time to pray over the relationships in your life. Whether they are life-long commitments, short term commitments, or quick social encounters - ask God to speak through you and to grant you favor of His blessing over any encounter with the foolish of this world and the people who are seeking Him but haven't found Him just yet. It's great to ask others to intercede for you - but really, friends, the Lord wants to hear from you directly...
Accept the fact that some weeks will be better than others and that seasons eventually change (I'm telling myself this a lot right now), and that life as we know it right now, is only temporary.
I pray that your week will get better (if it needs to) and that your hearts and minds will grow wiser and stronger as you seek Him in all things and know Him intimately.
Much much love to all of you - Amy
Ok -- to get to our Word for today. I love Psalms and Proverbs. The writings of David and Solomon truly speak to my heart in ways that I cannot fully express. I'm leading a group of precious ladies in a study called "Fool-proofing your life" by Jan Silvious and in this study, Jan draws from both of these books a good bit.
God's Word has a lot to say about people who live and act foolishly. One particular passage puts into a nutshell how people are affected by the company they keep...take a look...
"He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm." Proverbs 13:20
We really need to be thoughtful and prayerful when considering people we spend time with these days. We can be selective and not be snobs, we can be careful and not be clique-ish, we can be smart but not become know-it-alls - and in doing so honor the Lord by using the wisdom that He teaches in His Word.
Sure, we're commissioned to love our neighbor as ourselves and to go into all the world and teach all nations -- reaching the lost. But that's not what I'm talking about - nor is that what this verse is referencing either.
There are people who will come into our lives that enrich, bless, challenge and motivate us to be better people and grow deeper in our relationships with them and with the Lord. These are few and far between. There are people who will come into our lives who may befriend us and for a short term it will be a healthy relationship - but then our energy begins to drain, or there are words said or impressions given that tell us to move on and let these people go -- and yet we don't. Suddenly we are entangled with one who is a fool. There can be all types of traits who fit this description but at the heart of them all is that these people are "joy-stealers" -- they have no desire to grow deeper in a relationship with Christ and therefore, drain us rather than inspire us to be better people.
We have the freedom to be selective in our relationships -- we don't have to open our lives to everyone we meet....the only thing God asks us to do is to share Him with others - by living, speaking, and letting God love them through us - letting our lives be living examples of His grace, mercy, peace and forgiveness. This doesn't mean that we have to be their best buddy.
Christians have the most amazing blessing of the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. We have access to Him to guide us in the relationships we develop -- if we'll truly listen to Him and ask Him to direct our paths and relationships. The problem lies in our part of the equation.
Maybe there's a member of your family who consistently acts foolish and makes foolish decisions that affect not only themselves, but you and the rest of the family too. Maybe it's a spouse who just can't seem to get it together -- whether it's an addiction, discouragement, fear or emotional instability - it's become a difficult situation. Maybe you have co-workers, a boss, long time friends, fellow church members, or any number of others who make bad decision after bad decision and in doing so, it affects so many others around them...these are not "bad people" but they have made some very foolish mistakes and can't see what they are doing or how it has affected your relationship with them. Then there's the abusive spouse, neglectful child, addicted neighbor, prejudiced co-worker, immoral parent - the tried and true fool. Ask God for wisdom in not becoming entangled with the issues these people have but to give you freedom according to His plan and will. Don't stay in a relationship for any reason if your life or reputation are at stake or if they are involved in any illegal behaviors....be wise and get out if you can and do so quickly.
Maybe it's bad habits, behaviors, or thought patterns that go on in your head constantly. Maybe you've allowed others to tell you how to behave or think for so long that you can no longer think for yourself.
Well, look back at the verse -- "He who keeps company with the wise, grows wise, but the companion of fools suffers harm." Dear friends, the company we keep matters. It can make or break us -- and has more influence on us than we can possibly imagine.
Let me encourage you this week to first keep company with God's Word - wisdom will come from feasting on it daily. If this is new to you - start with the book of John and then read Matthew, Mark and Luke -- and then venture into Psalms, Proverbs and go back to Genesis and go from there. These books are great to jump start your journey into wisdom.
Second, take a long look at the company you keep -- try your best to spend the bulk of your time with people who challenge you to grow spiritually, physically and mentally healthy. If you must be with people who drain you, limit your time with them and pray for God's protection over your mind when you are.
Third, when you are faced with a situation that doesn't involve developing a relationship but maybe communication (customer service, shopping, working with others, etc.), remember that it's only temporary and will not affect the outcome of your life. Take a deep breath and remember Who you represent and don't enter into the ring of emotional conversation with someone who is a fool. Remove yourself from the situation as quickly as you can and never sacrifice your appointment as ambassador to win a battle...it's not worth it and won't be ever.
Last, make time to pray over the relationships in your life. Whether they are life-long commitments, short term commitments, or quick social encounters - ask God to speak through you and to grant you favor of His blessing over any encounter with the foolish of this world and the people who are seeking Him but haven't found Him just yet. It's great to ask others to intercede for you - but really, friends, the Lord wants to hear from you directly...
Accept the fact that some weeks will be better than others and that seasons eventually change (I'm telling myself this a lot right now), and that life as we know it right now, is only temporary.
I pray that your week will get better (if it needs to) and that your hearts and minds will grow wiser and stronger as you seek Him in all things and know Him intimately.
Much much love to all of you - Amy
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