Well, it's that time again! Hi friends, I truly hope that you are so blessed this week and that the Lord is shining His favor over your lives.
I've been busy canning pear relish this week. It's such a beautiful relish. The cooked pears are almost clear and the peppers look like confetti in the jars. The pears are so sweet mixed with the tangy vinegar and the peppers add a little spicy kick making it just a lovely bouquet of flavors.
As I was thinking about this wonderful combination, the Holy Spirit called to mind that this relish is a great physical example of the life of a Christian. Our lives should be so clear that the sweetness of the Lord comes through. It should be mixed with the confetti (color) of life in the good and the bad that falls along our paths. As the vinegar cuts through the sweetness, so will the hard times in our lives. It doesn't erase it, but it adds to the flavor and makes it richer and intriguing and interesting. And the spice of our lives should come in the form of those people who add flavor to our lives as well - whether friends or family or both - the combination of it all makes for an interesting addition to the body of Christ and when the "meat" of God's Word is served - our lives become a great application of flavor.
I know this is an imaginative stretch - but it just seemed to be an interesting correlation - and I'm so surrounded by produce right now I guess that's the way my mind is geared.
God's Word tells us in Matthew 5:13 "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men."
Just like salt adds flavor to food - relish adds flavor too. My life has been mixed with good and bad, happy and sad, sweet and bitter, salty and spicy too. I'm learning to be thankful and content regardless of my circumstances but it's not an easy lesson. I'm eager to be on to better days but in these trying times, I'm learning to find the good in the small things.
I've had a challenging week with news that has come my way. It's not been good news for the most part and I've found that there is not one single situation that I can remedy. I'm trusting that God sees that I need more flavor in my life and maybe this vinegar is cutting through some of the heavy seasonings that have come my way. But tonight, as I sit here typing this blog, there's a couple of sweet cats who are sleeping peacefully feeling safe and making me feel so loved. As I shared dinner with my husband, he acted silly making me laugh until tears rolled down my cheeks. I sought wise counsel from some friends on a purchase that needs to be made and they were so quick to offer sound advice and another dear friend has seen my weariness and has offered a place of rest if the timing becomes right.
We're all being tested and tried by fire right now. May we be seasoned well and not become scorched in the process. May we seek God daily for peace and comfort regardless of our surroundings and may our lips utter these words..."Lord, I'm going to trust You with the outcome of this situation."
We are a thread of much more than 1 strand. If we join our hearts and minds together, intertwined with the Holy Spirit...we will NOT be easily broken.
You are a great people...and I love you -- Thank you for adding richness to the flavor of my life....Have an awesome day!!
Blessings! Amy
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