If you're like me, you didn't get a lot of sleep last night. Whether you were celebrating the victory of re-election or mourning the loss of the other candidate those precious lost hours of sleep will never return. My thoughts on the election have been posted on Facebook and I won't go back and rehash that except to say that in America, we have been granted the right to vote for all people - not just some and not just those who agree with our principles. In America, we still have the freedom to worship in our churches without fear of the government holding our pastors at gunpoint to say what they want said. In America, we still have the freedom to speak our minds whether we are in the press or just a person. Today, we still have the right to keep and bear arms and protect our families and our children have the right to a free education even though free isn't really without cost. We still have the greatest military in the world and we are a people of great innovation.
As I awoke this morning, the Lord showed me a picture of a pool surrounded by rocks. It was clear from the top but murky on the bottom. I was walking with a friend down toward the pool when a big sheep came beside me and slipped on the rock and fell head first into the water. She couldn't figure out how to come up and she began floundering and fighting the water. She was partially black and partially white. Her head was small but her body was bloated and her legs were thin and fragile. I stood on the rock when she fell but when I saw her floundering, I couldn't help but want to rescue her. I walked over to her and put my hands under her head and pushed her legs away from me so she wouldn't kick me away in her panic. As I held her head, she began to relax and let her body float to the surface. When she got to the surface I was able to guide her in turning her over and she was able to get her balance and walk out of the shallow pool. Yes, once she calmed down she realized that the pool wasn't all that deep and she could still stand and walk out of her dilemma.
Isn't that they way we are sometimes? We stumble into circumstances and panic when things don't go the way we think they should. Or we get so excited in our circumstances that we lose our balance and direction. I think that's what God was showing me to share with you all today. Lift up your heads - get them on straight and calm down. Look up and let God lead you so that you can stand again. When the waters around you calm, and the clouds clear, put your feet back down and stand on the Rock of your salvation - Jesus Christ and the truth of His Word and then keep walking. Walk on out of it just like that sheep did.
If you are celebrating a victory today, enjoy it for a season. But don't get so caught up in the celebration that you lose your effective witness to others. Remember that Jesus is truly our King. If you are mourning a loss and fearing doom of our Nation. Give yourself time to spend alone with God and let Him help you sort this thing out. Remember, Jesus is truly our King. God raises up leaders and brings them down too -- He can also restore nations that have lost their first love.
Be willing to bow the knee and give honor to God's will for this country whether it brings more suffering or draws us closer to God or prosperity flows and good things begin to happen. The Great Depression brought about some of the greatest innovators of our time and once people figured out a way to survive their circumstances, America's greatest generation rose up out of the ashes. Let that be a lesson to all of us in these scary economic times. Stop blaming others for our circumstances and do something about it...it may not be the easy way or the road most traveled, but if God is leading you there, He will see you through there, too. What could have been a 10 day journey to freedom for the Israelites took 40 years because of their unbelief and some didn't make it because of their unbelief.
Christians, we are called to be salt and light -- do your part today and flavor and illuminate your world. I love you so much!! Be blessed in the Name of Jesus. Amy
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Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Finally Finished!!
Hi Friends!! "He who began a good work in you, will be faithful to complete it." Philippians 1:6
After many long hours inputting recipes, pictures, graphics, etc., the Cookbook is finally finished!! I'm about 6 weeks from getting on the plane to head to Israel and this is probably going to be the last of the fundraisers that we'll be doing and I still need your help. This amazing book has over 400 recipes that cover a range of everything from beverages, to brunch to crock pot meals and party foods -- there are over 80 desserts -- and let me tell you, just reading through it will make your mouth water! Here's a picture of the cover:
After many long hours inputting recipes, pictures, graphics, etc., the Cookbook is finally finished!! I'm about 6 weeks from getting on the plane to head to Israel and this is probably going to be the last of the fundraisers that we'll be doing and I still need your help. This amazing book has over 400 recipes that cover a range of everything from beverages, to brunch to crock pot meals and party foods -- there are over 80 desserts -- and let me tell you, just reading through it will make your mouth water! Here's a picture of the cover:
I'm thrilled!! and cannot wait for you to get your hands on a copy. There will be several ways you can order. The first and best way will be to email me at amydsings@gmail.com and let me know how many you plan to order. If you live locally, I will accept cash and checks for your orders. But for those who live out of town, I'm going to offer the cookbook on www.etsy.com to order. All you'll have to do there is look for my page (Sunflower Ministries) and click the book to order. I will get the best publisher's price by ordering at least 100 on my first order. So if you plan to order for gifts for Christmas, birthdays, weddings, etc., place your orders now and get a head start. I'm going to offer them on Ebay too. But both Etsy and Ebay charge a fee for using their sites so more money will go toward this Mission fundraiser if you are able to order directly from me...I'm using those sites strictly as a convenience to those who want to use credit cards.
There are some devotionals included in the cookbook that I wrote and there are some fun pictures of myself, family and friends over the years. So it's really more than a cookbook.
I hope you'll consider ordering. Right now, I plan to offer it for $29.99 + tax (+ shipping if necessary) - if I get more than 100 orders, I may be able to discount it some. I'm waiting to hear back from the publisher on estimated ship time -- but they've told me all along it shouldn't take very long once the order drops.
Thanks for your encouragement and support. Many of you have submitted recipes and I'm so thankful for your contributions.
Please feel free to share this with your friends. All proceeds will go toward this mission trip to Israel and future missions opportunities for orders that come in after this one.
Blessings and much much love! Amy
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Oh the despair of perfectionism...
I'm making a confession to y'all this evening that some will find shocking - most will not - my dearest friends will smile when they read this for they know I've struggled most of my (ok ALL of my life) with this...I'm a recovering perfectionist. This is my Achilles' heel and is something that truly follows me around like my shadow.
As the Lord would have it, I lead a beautiful group of ladies in Bible study on Sunday mornings at our church. They amaze me with their talent and passion for serving Christ - and we are drawn together because of our "artsy-ness" and our passion for Christ. We have been studying a great book by Rory Noland called "The Heart of the Artist". It addresses the temperaments, behaviors, traits, strengths and weaknesses of the artist and challenges its readers to seek God's will in using this artistic talent in the local church as well as in the global church and as we carry out the Great Commission too. Well, as with most studies, I usually get to be involved as the "lab rat" - the guinea pig per se. And this week has proven to be exactly that.
I know that those of you who read this blog are busy people. Have you ever had one of those weeks when busy just didn't seen to adequately describe your daily activity -- not enough hours in the day, not enough holes in the schedule, phone ringing off the hook, legitimate and urgent needs flying your way and sudden changes of schedule that seemingly make no sense whatsoever....ok - that was my week. I'm not complaining but I do find my head spinning when I reflect back on it.
I won't bore you with all the details but let me just say this. I prayed for a job or a business where I could do the things I love doing every day - God heard me and my goodness!! -- I've used every single ability, creative energy, spiritual gift and talent that I have in some form or fashion this week. I think God was reminding me that He hears my prayers even when I'm not really seeking Him for a real and true immediate answer and I was also tested on my need to be perfect and to have that perfectionism fed by human admiration...oh my!
This past week I found myself packing boxes at two houses, arranging flowers for a wedding, preparing music to sing at same wedding, making and canning jelly and salsa, setting up sound equipment, counseling two frazzled friends, making sandwiches and spreads for moving day, singing at the rehearsal, making a new cd for the wedding because the old one didn't sound right...studying for this Sunday school lesson, studying for the Bible study on Wednesday nights, straightening up my house because it's on the market too, and running errands for my husband as well as trying to keep him calm over running sound because he was called in at the last minute when the other one cancelled for same wedding...I was just about to be a wreck when the wedding started.
This most beautiful bride strolled down the aisle. I've known her since she was a toddler and to see her beautiful face and know that her life is now going to be complete with a wonderful man just made tears come to my eyes. Getting caught up in the emotion of a wedding is a dangerous thing for a singer - a recovering perfectionist - who has had way too much caffeine and way too little sleep...her mother is like a sister to me and to see her lip quiver was just about more than I could stand...and then my turn to sing came...here we go. Object lesson for tomorrow's lesson...
Track starts on new cd. Track sounds a little high for me but I thought it was doable - and it was until the last run of the last line...emotions hit, voice cracks and I sound like a wailing cat on a hot tin roof....I don't know what the audience heard but I wanted to crawl up under the tablecloth of the nearest table and just hide. I had on my leopard dress and my sparkly pin and my hair and makeup just like I wanted...but those notes were enough to make me want to stay in the bathroom for the rest of the night....UGH!
Funny how God knew this was coming...he's that way you know. I had just studied the lesson and in it was a reminder to let God love me - to not be so hard on myself - and to remember that the goal of using our gifts and talents for God is for people to be led to worship and see Jesus - not to see or worship us the artist...it was also the reminder that we wouldn't let other people talk to us the way we talk to ourselves...oh that one stung! After I finished that song, I sat down and the bashing began....you know how it goes -- all the why's, wherefore's, but's, self- kicking, blah blah blah! And sure enough, there were a few compliments, but not a lot - I didn't expect any at all and the ones I received were very hard to receive graciously to be honest...because it just wasn't perfect and even though what happened was completely out of my control - I still took the brunt of the punishment because of it and I was the main one doing the punishing - satan was the other one who also pointed a finger of judgement through the lack of approving words from people that I thought might be kind enough to say something but didn't...oh the love of all that is good in this world....I need a 12 step program for perfectionism!
Anyway, the bride and groom were so precious and gracious and though they said it was beautiful, I'm not sure they really heard anything and that's just fine with me. They'll get a good laugh when they watch the video and hopefully it won't show up on YouTube for the world to hear! (Please Amanda and Heath!!)
The point to writing all this is -- perfectionism isn't from God. It's very self-centered and self-defeating because it places success completely out of reach. Excellence is from God. Preparing and doing our very best is what pleases Him - and if technology or stress or fatigue cause a glitch in our performances, we must be willing to let go of it and let God use it for greater good. My prayer for what happened tonight was that people won't remember what I did wrong but that they will remember the beauty of two people making a lifetime commitment and covenant of marriage and that God was lifted up in their vows and in the love that was in that room this evening. If all they remember is what I did wrong...than my motives in singing were all wrong to begin with and their focus was on me and not on God...I confess to you that in this moment, I remember the good and the beauty of that place and the love in the room but I'm still remembering the wrong too...please pray I forget it and forgive myself because confessing it before you guys and before my Sunday school class tomorrow is going to be painful enough.
Most days, I pursue excellence - and arranging those precious sunflowers for this beautiful wedding was just that - creative and artistic and excellent. I was so much freer doing that and didn't worry that every sunflower stood exactly the same or looked perfect - why can't I give myself that same freedom? I honestly don't know...but I hope one day that I'll be able to. I know I'll have a lot more fun singing and the stress of it won't be near as bad - or won't seem as bad when I do...
To those of you who can relate closely to my story and my long ramblings - you are a recovering perfectionist too, I'm guessing. May I share this word of encouragement with you? "Throw yourselves into the work of the Master, confident that NOTHING you do for His Kingdom is a waste of time or effort." 1 Corinthians 15:58. This is my life verse and I'm going to have to say it over and over tonight in order to let it flood my mind so I can forget my mistake. May I encourage you to do the same when you beat yourself up because of a mistake too? Will you let God love you just the way you are and give Him the power to use even that mistake to bless somebody? Will you begin to lay down the self-esteem thing as an idol and pick up the covering of Christ to make you whole and complete by knowing who you are in Christ? Can you find a way to be comfortable in your own skin and stop trying to please man?
I know - these are loaded questions -and I'm asking them of myself too. I don't like to make mistakes - I don't like for others to point out my mistakes either - because it only magnifies my own self-degradation. I long to be free of this thorn called perfectionism - but I kind of think it may be the very thing that keeps me clinging to the cross of Christ, and all the mercy and grace that comes with it. How 'bout you?
Until next time, Be blessed in the Name of the Lord!!! I love ya! Amy
As the Lord would have it, I lead a beautiful group of ladies in Bible study on Sunday mornings at our church. They amaze me with their talent and passion for serving Christ - and we are drawn together because of our "artsy-ness" and our passion for Christ. We have been studying a great book by Rory Noland called "The Heart of the Artist". It addresses the temperaments, behaviors, traits, strengths and weaknesses of the artist and challenges its readers to seek God's will in using this artistic talent in the local church as well as in the global church and as we carry out the Great Commission too. Well, as with most studies, I usually get to be involved as the "lab rat" - the guinea pig per se. And this week has proven to be exactly that.
I know that those of you who read this blog are busy people. Have you ever had one of those weeks when busy just didn't seen to adequately describe your daily activity -- not enough hours in the day, not enough holes in the schedule, phone ringing off the hook, legitimate and urgent needs flying your way and sudden changes of schedule that seemingly make no sense whatsoever....ok - that was my week. I'm not complaining but I do find my head spinning when I reflect back on it.
I won't bore you with all the details but let me just say this. I prayed for a job or a business where I could do the things I love doing every day - God heard me and my goodness!! -- I've used every single ability, creative energy, spiritual gift and talent that I have in some form or fashion this week. I think God was reminding me that He hears my prayers even when I'm not really seeking Him for a real and true immediate answer and I was also tested on my need to be perfect and to have that perfectionism fed by human admiration...oh my!
This past week I found myself packing boxes at two houses, arranging flowers for a wedding, preparing music to sing at same wedding, making and canning jelly and salsa, setting up sound equipment, counseling two frazzled friends, making sandwiches and spreads for moving day, singing at the rehearsal, making a new cd for the wedding because the old one didn't sound right...studying for this Sunday school lesson, studying for the Bible study on Wednesday nights, straightening up my house because it's on the market too, and running errands for my husband as well as trying to keep him calm over running sound because he was called in at the last minute when the other one cancelled for same wedding...I was just about to be a wreck when the wedding started.
This most beautiful bride strolled down the aisle. I've known her since she was a toddler and to see her beautiful face and know that her life is now going to be complete with a wonderful man just made tears come to my eyes. Getting caught up in the emotion of a wedding is a dangerous thing for a singer - a recovering perfectionist - who has had way too much caffeine and way too little sleep...her mother is like a sister to me and to see her lip quiver was just about more than I could stand...and then my turn to sing came...here we go. Object lesson for tomorrow's lesson...
Track starts on new cd. Track sounds a little high for me but I thought it was doable - and it was until the last run of the last line...emotions hit, voice cracks and I sound like a wailing cat on a hot tin roof....I don't know what the audience heard but I wanted to crawl up under the tablecloth of the nearest table and just hide. I had on my leopard dress and my sparkly pin and my hair and makeup just like I wanted...but those notes were enough to make me want to stay in the bathroom for the rest of the night....UGH!
Funny how God knew this was coming...he's that way you know. I had just studied the lesson and in it was a reminder to let God love me - to not be so hard on myself - and to remember that the goal of using our gifts and talents for God is for people to be led to worship and see Jesus - not to see or worship us the artist...it was also the reminder that we wouldn't let other people talk to us the way we talk to ourselves...oh that one stung! After I finished that song, I sat down and the bashing began....you know how it goes -- all the why's, wherefore's, but's, self- kicking, blah blah blah! And sure enough, there were a few compliments, but not a lot - I didn't expect any at all and the ones I received were very hard to receive graciously to be honest...because it just wasn't perfect and even though what happened was completely out of my control - I still took the brunt of the punishment because of it and I was the main one doing the punishing - satan was the other one who also pointed a finger of judgement through the lack of approving words from people that I thought might be kind enough to say something but didn't...oh the love of all that is good in this world....I need a 12 step program for perfectionism!
Anyway, the bride and groom were so precious and gracious and though they said it was beautiful, I'm not sure they really heard anything and that's just fine with me. They'll get a good laugh when they watch the video and hopefully it won't show up on YouTube for the world to hear! (Please Amanda and Heath!!)
The point to writing all this is -- perfectionism isn't from God. It's very self-centered and self-defeating because it places success completely out of reach. Excellence is from God. Preparing and doing our very best is what pleases Him - and if technology or stress or fatigue cause a glitch in our performances, we must be willing to let go of it and let God use it for greater good. My prayer for what happened tonight was that people won't remember what I did wrong but that they will remember the beauty of two people making a lifetime commitment and covenant of marriage and that God was lifted up in their vows and in the love that was in that room this evening. If all they remember is what I did wrong...than my motives in singing were all wrong to begin with and their focus was on me and not on God...I confess to you that in this moment, I remember the good and the beauty of that place and the love in the room but I'm still remembering the wrong too...please pray I forget it and forgive myself because confessing it before you guys and before my Sunday school class tomorrow is going to be painful enough.
Most days, I pursue excellence - and arranging those precious sunflowers for this beautiful wedding was just that - creative and artistic and excellent. I was so much freer doing that and didn't worry that every sunflower stood exactly the same or looked perfect - why can't I give myself that same freedom? I honestly don't know...but I hope one day that I'll be able to. I know I'll have a lot more fun singing and the stress of it won't be near as bad - or won't seem as bad when I do...
To those of you who can relate closely to my story and my long ramblings - you are a recovering perfectionist too, I'm guessing. May I share this word of encouragement with you? "Throw yourselves into the work of the Master, confident that NOTHING you do for His Kingdom is a waste of time or effort." 1 Corinthians 15:58. This is my life verse and I'm going to have to say it over and over tonight in order to let it flood my mind so I can forget my mistake. May I encourage you to do the same when you beat yourself up because of a mistake too? Will you let God love you just the way you are and give Him the power to use even that mistake to bless somebody? Will you begin to lay down the self-esteem thing as an idol and pick up the covering of Christ to make you whole and complete by knowing who you are in Christ? Can you find a way to be comfortable in your own skin and stop trying to please man?
I know - these are loaded questions -and I'm asking them of myself too. I don't like to make mistakes - I don't like for others to point out my mistakes either - because it only magnifies my own self-degradation. I long to be free of this thorn called perfectionism - but I kind of think it may be the very thing that keeps me clinging to the cross of Christ, and all the mercy and grace that comes with it. How 'bout you?
Until next time, Be blessed in the Name of the Lord!!! I love ya! Amy
Monday, May 21, 2012
Assignments, Spiritual Armor and Houses...things that make you go hmmmmm!
Last week, I started to write my blog two different times. I was going to write about some local happenings in my home town, but decided that emotions were running too high and just didn't want to voice an opinion that might cause a lot of debate - then I started to write about the changes in the weather and how crazy this Spring has been - but I kind of thought writing about the weather was a little like trying to write about a conversation with a brick wall...my first experience with writer's block happened, and I must say - wow - it was not fun!
So today, I'm going to write about prayer, spiritual warfare and friendship. Those things seem to be unrelated right?? Well in my world, they are tied tightly together - and I bet they are in yours as well. Do you ever ask a friend to pray for you - or solicit prayers from your church family or your Facebook friends? If so, you are linked by prayer and friendship...but what you may not realize is how spiritual warfare ties into that too.
Satan hates it when we pray. It's our most powerful weapon because we have direct access to the Father - the Creator - the King of Kings and Lord of Lords - Maker of Heaven and Earth. Do you ever find yourself getting really sleepy when you pray? How about a distraction like the phone ringing, a mosquito, noises you would otherwise never notice? If so, you've experienced spiritual warfare and prayer.
So how do all three of these become connected? When we pray for one another - either together or apart. Today, a friend of mine who shares my name went with me to pray over a home that has been a part of a dear family for a long time. There is sadness in this home and there was sickness there, grief and death in the loss of loved ones. The home is beautiful but being near it or in it or around it brings about such feelings of sadness and emptiness. A flag hangs on the front of the house that is torn, faded, twisted and knotted and it is such an open description of how this house has been tangled in the lives of these dear people for so many years.
Over the past few weeks and months, my heart has been drawn to this home over and over to pray for it. I've prayed when I have driven by it, I've prayed for it when I've been in my own home and I've prayed with others about it and for the family who has been left to care for it. Today an opportunity came to go inside it and pray. I've been in it before and walking through it I felt so much sadness that it made me want to cry at times. My friend felt the same way when she went with me today. We don't know all that happened there - we don't know the entire family history - and you may think we are really weird for wanting to do this. But here's the thing - Houses are built by people, Land is cleared by people, People dwell in houses and make them Homes - yes - houses are not living but they have life in them. Because people are partly spirit - houses have personalities - I believe this to the core of my being. Some houses feel happy and bright others feel dark and scary and others have sadness wrapped in and through them. You have felt this before, I'm sure. Movies and best-sellers are written about "haunted houses". Songs are sung about "home" and being there bringing peace and refuge...
So anyway, today my friend and I both felt as though God was drawing us to pray over and around and in this home - so I contacted the owner and asked if that might be a possibility. We had set a tentative time for around 11 without knowing whether he would be able to let us in or not. About 10:30, I received a contact from him that he had left the home open for us to pray and that we just needed to lock up before we left and he'd reset the alarm system after we finished. I literally JUMPED out of my chair to text my friend to let her know of his reply and we put on our spiritual armor and met to carry out our God-given assignment.
I was completely amazed at how the very areas I had been drawn to that were sad and dark, were the ones that my friend was drawn to as well. There were things that she pointed out that I had felt but not considered and there were places that seemed so much sadder than others. There were also places that held no emotion at all - it was as if the rooms were built but never entered.
So the first room we entered was the laundry area. As I said, I had been in the home before, but hadn't really noticed a lot of "details". When we walked in the room, I noticed that there was a type-written note on the fuse box and walked over closer to it. It was a beautiful prayer. What was so incredible about this was that I had never noticed it before but it was as though God had given us our first directive in preparing our hearts to pray. This prayer was a call of repentance, a commission of confidence and a reminder of His care, love and protection over us as we served Him.
We walked through other areas of the home and I was drawn to the windows. I noticed flowers blooming outside. There were places filled with natural beauty that served as a reminder of the life surrounding that beautiful home. As we turned on the lights to enter other rooms, it was so wonderful to see them illuminated - another reminder of God's light and how it exposes the darkness in our lives and makes them bright again. When we got into the largest room in the home, both of us felt drawn to stay there for a while. We were both drawn to the middle window of the room and we could see the pool area. At first glance it was old and tired and in disrepair. It was sad - not filled with anticipation of the joy that Summer brings. It was rusted and filled with murky water. We decided that this would be the room where we would spend the bulk of our time in prayer.
My friend began to pray aloud and I walked around the room to different windows and areas and just let God speak to me about those places - He then brought me into prayer and I began to ask Him for restoration of this home's joy. Honestly, I don't remember all that was said in our prayers and don't feel at liberty to share all that I do remember but I will tell you that when we finished praying, we were exhausted...as if we had been in a major battle. We had been, we were at war in the spiritual realm - fighting spiritual warfare as intercessors for this sweet family and this beautiful home.
We both walked back to the window that had drawn us into the room and the view had changed - it was amazing! What we hadn't noticed the first time was all the life around that broken down pool. On the hill there was a huge wild hydrangea blooming like a burst of white fire works in all its majesty - there was a sweet green tree frog sunning on the handle of the ladder - there were birds chirping everywhere - and in the center of that murky water, sitting on a torn piece of vinyl was the biggest old bull frog looking around as if he was "Lord of the Pond" looking at all his kingdom. Life everywhere!! God was showing us His life - His creation. I looked up at the ceiling in the room and on the chandelier there were medallions in the shape of sunflowers - you ALL know how much I love sunflowers...my friend said, "Amy, that was a kiss on the cheek to you from the Lord"...I knew it was! Oh dear friends, walking out of that home, there was a newness, a freshness ... mission accomplished!
Now, you may be sitting there asking yourself, what in the world is this girl talking about...you may be thinking - she has lost her stinking mind!! Maybe you're wondering why this was such an important thing for us to do -- it's just a house after all...or maybe you're just thinking my friend and I are some kind of spiritual nut-cases. Not so, my friends!
We are called to be available to go where God is working and to be ready when He says go. There are lots of ways to carry out the message of Christ and living out "The Great Commission" in our communities, states, countries and the world. Some are called to teach, preach, pray, sing, build, go, heal - and more - but we're all called in Jesus Name - if we profess to be one of His children.
Jesus promises that "where two are more are gathered, there He will be also." Matthew 18:20. I take this verse literally. I know without a doubt that He was there with us today. One of the greatest joys of living a spirit filled life is having communication with the Father. Prayer is not just a laundry list of requests from our end - it's conversational. What happens to some is that we just "ring up the phone" on our end, tell God what's on our mind and then hang up before He has a chance to say anything. Oh how we miss so much when we do that! If we wait anxiously for Him and expect to see His Hand at work, it's so easy to see. If we will truly believe all the promises He gives, we will see evidence of it even when our prayers go unanswered.
How do we get assignments from the Lord? We must first be willing and available. Secondly, we must know our Commander well enough to hear what the assignment is and trust that He knows what He is doing in asking us to do the assignment without asking Him for all the answers before we obey. Thirdly, we've got to have our spiritual armor either on or close by so that when He calls we can move quickly and go. And lastly, we must put all "logic" aside and just do the thing even if we have to do it scared...We can't let "man's approval" stand in the way of obeying God. That's serving 2 masters. We can't be so busy that we have to tell God to find someone else because we don't have room in our calendars to go...and we must trust - with every cell of our bodies that HE loves us and wants our best even in strange situations.
I loved today! I loved praying with my friend and I loved being on the front line for this family and this home and in praying for God to bring this home into its beauty, love and happy state. I'm so thankful that the family who owns this home trusted us and welcomed us to pray. I'm so honored that God asked us to do this.
Friend, I pray you'll enjoy living on the edge with God. I pray you'll walk in obedience even when it doesn't seem to make sense. I pray you will seek Him, find Him and know Him with all your heart. He's funny, He's happy, He's amazing and He really loves you! Oh how He loves you SO!!
Until next time, may you be blessed in the Name of the Lord!! Have a great week!!! Amy
So today, I'm going to write about prayer, spiritual warfare and friendship. Those things seem to be unrelated right?? Well in my world, they are tied tightly together - and I bet they are in yours as well. Do you ever ask a friend to pray for you - or solicit prayers from your church family or your Facebook friends? If so, you are linked by prayer and friendship...but what you may not realize is how spiritual warfare ties into that too.
Satan hates it when we pray. It's our most powerful weapon because we have direct access to the Father - the Creator - the King of Kings and Lord of Lords - Maker of Heaven and Earth. Do you ever find yourself getting really sleepy when you pray? How about a distraction like the phone ringing, a mosquito, noises you would otherwise never notice? If so, you've experienced spiritual warfare and prayer.
So how do all three of these become connected? When we pray for one another - either together or apart. Today, a friend of mine who shares my name went with me to pray over a home that has been a part of a dear family for a long time. There is sadness in this home and there was sickness there, grief and death in the loss of loved ones. The home is beautiful but being near it or in it or around it brings about such feelings of sadness and emptiness. A flag hangs on the front of the house that is torn, faded, twisted and knotted and it is such an open description of how this house has been tangled in the lives of these dear people for so many years.
Over the past few weeks and months, my heart has been drawn to this home over and over to pray for it. I've prayed when I have driven by it, I've prayed for it when I've been in my own home and I've prayed with others about it and for the family who has been left to care for it. Today an opportunity came to go inside it and pray. I've been in it before and walking through it I felt so much sadness that it made me want to cry at times. My friend felt the same way when she went with me today. We don't know all that happened there - we don't know the entire family history - and you may think we are really weird for wanting to do this. But here's the thing - Houses are built by people, Land is cleared by people, People dwell in houses and make them Homes - yes - houses are not living but they have life in them. Because people are partly spirit - houses have personalities - I believe this to the core of my being. Some houses feel happy and bright others feel dark and scary and others have sadness wrapped in and through them. You have felt this before, I'm sure. Movies and best-sellers are written about "haunted houses". Songs are sung about "home" and being there bringing peace and refuge...
So anyway, today my friend and I both felt as though God was drawing us to pray over and around and in this home - so I contacted the owner and asked if that might be a possibility. We had set a tentative time for around 11 without knowing whether he would be able to let us in or not. About 10:30, I received a contact from him that he had left the home open for us to pray and that we just needed to lock up before we left and he'd reset the alarm system after we finished. I literally JUMPED out of my chair to text my friend to let her know of his reply and we put on our spiritual armor and met to carry out our God-given assignment.
I was completely amazed at how the very areas I had been drawn to that were sad and dark, were the ones that my friend was drawn to as well. There were things that she pointed out that I had felt but not considered and there were places that seemed so much sadder than others. There were also places that held no emotion at all - it was as if the rooms were built but never entered.
So the first room we entered was the laundry area. As I said, I had been in the home before, but hadn't really noticed a lot of "details". When we walked in the room, I noticed that there was a type-written note on the fuse box and walked over closer to it. It was a beautiful prayer. What was so incredible about this was that I had never noticed it before but it was as though God had given us our first directive in preparing our hearts to pray. This prayer was a call of repentance, a commission of confidence and a reminder of His care, love and protection over us as we served Him.
We walked through other areas of the home and I was drawn to the windows. I noticed flowers blooming outside. There were places filled with natural beauty that served as a reminder of the life surrounding that beautiful home. As we turned on the lights to enter other rooms, it was so wonderful to see them illuminated - another reminder of God's light and how it exposes the darkness in our lives and makes them bright again. When we got into the largest room in the home, both of us felt drawn to stay there for a while. We were both drawn to the middle window of the room and we could see the pool area. At first glance it was old and tired and in disrepair. It was sad - not filled with anticipation of the joy that Summer brings. It was rusted and filled with murky water. We decided that this would be the room where we would spend the bulk of our time in prayer.
My friend began to pray aloud and I walked around the room to different windows and areas and just let God speak to me about those places - He then brought me into prayer and I began to ask Him for restoration of this home's joy. Honestly, I don't remember all that was said in our prayers and don't feel at liberty to share all that I do remember but I will tell you that when we finished praying, we were exhausted...as if we had been in a major battle. We had been, we were at war in the spiritual realm - fighting spiritual warfare as intercessors for this sweet family and this beautiful home.
We both walked back to the window that had drawn us into the room and the view had changed - it was amazing! What we hadn't noticed the first time was all the life around that broken down pool. On the hill there was a huge wild hydrangea blooming like a burst of white fire works in all its majesty - there was a sweet green tree frog sunning on the handle of the ladder - there were birds chirping everywhere - and in the center of that murky water, sitting on a torn piece of vinyl was the biggest old bull frog looking around as if he was "Lord of the Pond" looking at all his kingdom. Life everywhere!! God was showing us His life - His creation. I looked up at the ceiling in the room and on the chandelier there were medallions in the shape of sunflowers - you ALL know how much I love sunflowers...my friend said, "Amy, that was a kiss on the cheek to you from the Lord"...I knew it was! Oh dear friends, walking out of that home, there was a newness, a freshness ... mission accomplished!
Now, you may be sitting there asking yourself, what in the world is this girl talking about...you may be thinking - she has lost her stinking mind!! Maybe you're wondering why this was such an important thing for us to do -- it's just a house after all...or maybe you're just thinking my friend and I are some kind of spiritual nut-cases. Not so, my friends!
We are called to be available to go where God is working and to be ready when He says go. There are lots of ways to carry out the message of Christ and living out "The Great Commission" in our communities, states, countries and the world. Some are called to teach, preach, pray, sing, build, go, heal - and more - but we're all called in Jesus Name - if we profess to be one of His children.
Jesus promises that "where two are more are gathered, there He will be also." Matthew 18:20. I take this verse literally. I know without a doubt that He was there with us today. One of the greatest joys of living a spirit filled life is having communication with the Father. Prayer is not just a laundry list of requests from our end - it's conversational. What happens to some is that we just "ring up the phone" on our end, tell God what's on our mind and then hang up before He has a chance to say anything. Oh how we miss so much when we do that! If we wait anxiously for Him and expect to see His Hand at work, it's so easy to see. If we will truly believe all the promises He gives, we will see evidence of it even when our prayers go unanswered.
How do we get assignments from the Lord? We must first be willing and available. Secondly, we must know our Commander well enough to hear what the assignment is and trust that He knows what He is doing in asking us to do the assignment without asking Him for all the answers before we obey. Thirdly, we've got to have our spiritual armor either on or close by so that when He calls we can move quickly and go. And lastly, we must put all "logic" aside and just do the thing even if we have to do it scared...We can't let "man's approval" stand in the way of obeying God. That's serving 2 masters. We can't be so busy that we have to tell God to find someone else because we don't have room in our calendars to go...and we must trust - with every cell of our bodies that HE loves us and wants our best even in strange situations.
I loved today! I loved praying with my friend and I loved being on the front line for this family and this home and in praying for God to bring this home into its beauty, love and happy state. I'm so thankful that the family who owns this home trusted us and welcomed us to pray. I'm so honored that God asked us to do this.
Friend, I pray you'll enjoy living on the edge with God. I pray you'll walk in obedience even when it doesn't seem to make sense. I pray you will seek Him, find Him and know Him with all your heart. He's funny, He's happy, He's amazing and He really loves you! Oh how He loves you SO!!
Until next time, may you be blessed in the Name of the Lord!! Have a great week!!! Amy
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Changing Lanes
Hi Friends! It's so good to land here again. I've been away for a while working on a cookbook and writing a good bit on Facebook, but I came back today to share a couple of thoughts and a funny story for you. I hope you enjoy them and that they will speak to your heart today.
Here's the funny -- On Mondays, I have 2 sessions of voice instruction at a local Performing Arts Center in my home town - one at 4 and the other one at 5. Before leaving to go, I checked the weather map and read that the severe storms that were in West Alabama would likely just be "light" showers by the time they reached Central Alabama -- soooo, at 4:30 when my first session ended - 2 sweet dance students knocked on the studio door asking if I was the lady with the convertible - and warned that it was about to rain...I explained that there wasn't much I could do about it and they looked at me so funny (as most of you know the top to my convertible is stuck in the "top down" position and most days this is such a non-issue") Well, needless to say, the storms weren't light showers - and by the time my 2nd session ended, I was getting pretty interesting looks as I strolled out of the studio to go to my car. One sweet lady said, "Oh honey, your beautiful car...you're going to get so wet...I told her - oh well, there's a silver lining to every cloud - my car needed washing, I have a chance to cool off and y'all can pray I don't get struck by lightning! She just laughed and said - I sure will!! So I get out to my car, and yes, the seats were wet, it was still raining (not hard though) but most of the "stuff" in the car was not much more than damp. I started to open up my umbrella and drive with it over my head but thought, you know, people are going to think I'm nuts for driving in the rain with the top down - why give them more ammunition! So, instead, I turned on the heated seats, defrost and headed home. Yes, there were plenty of strange looks as I drove home and yes, I was wet and it was still raining. There were even a couple of flashes of lightning - and for the first time in my memory, I actually heard thunder across the sky above me and it sounded like fireworks popping. But I arrived home safely, and had a chance to wipe several layers of pollen off my seats and car for the first time since Spring arrived. It was pretty funny - but truly, there is a silver lining in every cloud - and if that sweet lady did pray for me - her prayers were answered! :)
Funny how driving seems to be the focus of my writing lately -- I don't know if it's because I'm driving a lot or I'm just thinking about journeys more. Probably a little of both. The title of my blog today comes from a post that I wrote on Facebook this past week. It's something that has stuck with me and I just felt like I needed to share it in this format today. Here goes:
Changing lanes...sometimes God asks us to take a step of faith and that step produces more questions...another challenge to seek Him...He says, change lanes (move out of your thought process and into Mine) and in doing so, He reveals more of Himself...changing lanes can produce clearer vision or present roadblocks...but if it's done in obedience, then the road block may just be an opportunity to know Him better.
How often in our lives do our circumstances unexpectedly change - no matter how it comes it's an opportunity to seek the Lord and get to know Him better. Seasons change, people come in and out of our lives, aging, sickness and death are part of living and wrecks, traffic jams and road blocks are certain whether real or metaphoric. The One Who never changes is God - isn't it wonderful to know that in all these circumstances, challenges and relationships, there is one constant that we can depend our lives upon...Jesus.
Have you experienced a traffic jam, road block, wreck in your life causing a need to change lanes? Are you experiencing frustration in the "slow lane" or has the "fast lane" worn you down where it's time for a "rest stop"? Do you need to take your car (body, mind, spirit) in for service so you run more efficiently? Maybe it's time to take a new route altogether or make a U-turn and head back home...whatever the case, if traffic in your life is causing restlessness in your spirit, it's likely that it's time to change lanes.
In my own life, traffic was bumpy but moving steadily but a road block caused me to change lanes, I see clearer...but I'm turning a corner and can't see what's ahead - but He can and that's all that matters.
May you be blessed and encouraged today and always!! Until next time...don't fear driving in the rain!! :) Love ya! Amy
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Thoughts on Driving in the Rain
April Showers bring May flowers -- isn't that the old saying?? Most of you know that I drive a convertible. But what you may not know is that my convertible has a minor issue -- the top is stuck in the "down" position...in other words, I can't get the top to go back up at the moment. The hydraulic fluid has drained out due to a leak in one of the lines and I would have to take it to Atlanta to get it fixed -- blah blah blah --
So, I've decided to make the best of the situation and just enjoy it and trust that I'm going to be fine - rain or shine!!
Over the last few weeks, I have had so many opportunities to either pray the rain away or praise the Lord during a brief shower. I've had opportunities to cool off from the heat of the day riding along with my sweet dog, Cash (who, by the way is looking at me like I'm crazy when we are sitting at a traffic light getting soaked!) and I've had a chance to have friends pray for my safety and to stay dry when traveling to meet them and a stray shower comes through.
This past Thursday, I was in the grocery store and knew that a storm was looming later in the evening and so I had timed it so that I would finish before the storm got close. I was checking out when my friend, Ginger, came running over to me saying, "Girl! I've been trying to call you -- you need to GO!! There is a major storm coming and it's headed our way NOW!!" So she and her daughter, Rebecca, run with me to the car and help me load all my groceries in and they send me off on my way -- they are praying and I'm looking at the sky -- a HUGE wall cloud is headed right in the direction I'm traveling!
I had just had my hair done the day before (it is Easter week after all) and was concerned about it getting wet too soon -- but I was honestly more concerned that a big lightening bolt or tornado might drop out of the sky at any moment. I looked off to the water and saw this big beautiful full moon and I began to sing -- I sang as loud as I could praising God and trusting Him to carry me home regardless of the storm winds that were blowing...
I know you're all thinking - this girl's crazy!! But honestly, to have my car fixed would cost more than it's worth and to buy gas to travel to Atlanta is just something I'm not quite willing to do right now...so think on...
Anyway -- as I slowed down to turn off the highway and onto the road where I live, I said, "Lord, I trust that you are going to get me home before this thing hits...and I meant it. I DID trust the Lord -- I could still see that beautiful moon and I knew that I was less than a mile from home....sprinkles started and the wind was beginning to blow hard...I kept driving...I kept trusting and singing and praising the God who promised to protect me...even this sheep who was stuck outside in threatening weather...
As I pulled into my driveway, a big drop fell on my windshield. I opened the garage and drove in - lowered the door and there I was, safe and sound -- then I remembered my cats were outside. I jumped out of the car and ran outside only to find that one cat was waiting by the door to get in but the other one was no where to be found....I ran in the house and lowered the windows and let the dog into the garage with the cat and when I got back downstairs I opened the front door and yelled for the other cat and moved the furniture so it wouldn't blow off -- no little cat to be found....
Again, I had to trust that God would protect her -- and I did. I left the door open into the garage and hoped she'd run in while I unloaded my groceries from the car. She never came...I was fighting worry very hard but I kept moving.
About that time, James walked in and told me he had been worried sick trying to find me out in the storm -- (did I mention that my phone battery had died and I had no idea until I got home??) Anyway, I told him I wasn't able to get Mildred in (little cat) -- so he went out to look for her -- it wasn't but a minute and he walked back into the kitchen carrying her -- she was dry and safe. I knew she would be -- God is so faithful.
There have been times in my past where I must confess that I haven't had this much trust in God. I've given lip service to it and just hoped for the best -- but I can honestly say that in this storm - I truly trusted that God would take care of not only me but of my little cat and of James and the house and that all would be well. There was peace I couldn't explain and just a relief of knowing that God had everything under control.
I've said before in situations where I've gotten caught in a shower with the top down on my car -- "Lord! You know my situation!" and just really hoped He wouldn't let me get completely drenched. And even then, He has kept me from harm. There have been times when I knew clearly that I was pushing the boundaries and that I shouldn't be foolish -- and the Holy Spirit has cautioned me of such behavior.
Was this past Thursday one of those days? Well, maybe...but I didn't feel as though I had been foolish -- I honestly thought I would be fine -- it was sunny when I went into the grocery store -- seeing that black cloud was scary and daunting -- but there was still something within me that I knew I would be fine.
So, what is the point of this story -- well first of all, if you are going to drive a convertible, just know that rag tops will break and they are expensive to fix. Spiritually speaking - well, storms in our lives are going to come and go -- some will be dark, dreary and scary -- and others will be short, unexpected and refreshing and there will be some that are in between those extremes. Trusting God to hold us during these storms is the key to peace -- it's not having a nest egg of finances - it's not having close friends or family to carry us through -- it's TRUST -- Trust in God alone. It's fine to plan ahead and it's truly a blessing to have loved ones to stick by us during the tough times -- but if we don't have the Lord to hold onto -- nothing will ever give us the security we truly crave.
When we cry out, "Lord, You know my situation!" He truly does. But He waits on us to trust Him with it. He waits to know that our hearts agree with His Truth. Sometimes we may feel as if He's a million miles away - but if we Trust Him, we don't have to worry about that distance -- we just know that He is there and He truly does know our situations and our every need no matter how great or small.
This Easter weekend, I pray that you KNOW Jesus. I pray that you have Trusted Him with your eternity and that you have invited Him to be your Savior. I pray that you have the peace that can't be explained and that you know beyond any circumstance that your life is secure and resting in Him alone. Don't be satisfied in knowing about Jesus -- do you KNOW Him like you know your mate, parent or child or best friend?
Beloved Friend - Jesus loves you so much that he willingly gave His life for you so that in God's eyes, you are forgiven of sin. He took on your sin, my sin and the sin of the world so that we may live forever if we accept Him as Savior. I pray that if you don't know Him personally -- that you'll ask Him to be your Savior today - don't wait -- none of us has the promise of tomorrow.
If you want to know this beautiful Jesus - let me encourage you to read the book of John in the New Testament of the Bible. I've attached a link to a wonderful video that describes Jesus better than any I've ever seen or heard...May you be blessed in the Name of the Lord -- He is Risen Indeed!!!
Click Here:
Do You Know Him??
So, I've decided to make the best of the situation and just enjoy it and trust that I'm going to be fine - rain or shine!!
Over the last few weeks, I have had so many opportunities to either pray the rain away or praise the Lord during a brief shower. I've had opportunities to cool off from the heat of the day riding along with my sweet dog, Cash (who, by the way is looking at me like I'm crazy when we are sitting at a traffic light getting soaked!) and I've had a chance to have friends pray for my safety and to stay dry when traveling to meet them and a stray shower comes through.
This past Thursday, I was in the grocery store and knew that a storm was looming later in the evening and so I had timed it so that I would finish before the storm got close. I was checking out when my friend, Ginger, came running over to me saying, "Girl! I've been trying to call you -- you need to GO!! There is a major storm coming and it's headed our way NOW!!" So she and her daughter, Rebecca, run with me to the car and help me load all my groceries in and they send me off on my way -- they are praying and I'm looking at the sky -- a HUGE wall cloud is headed right in the direction I'm traveling!
I had just had my hair done the day before (it is Easter week after all) and was concerned about it getting wet too soon -- but I was honestly more concerned that a big lightening bolt or tornado might drop out of the sky at any moment. I looked off to the water and saw this big beautiful full moon and I began to sing -- I sang as loud as I could praising God and trusting Him to carry me home regardless of the storm winds that were blowing...
I know you're all thinking - this girl's crazy!! But honestly, to have my car fixed would cost more than it's worth and to buy gas to travel to Atlanta is just something I'm not quite willing to do right now...so think on...
Anyway -- as I slowed down to turn off the highway and onto the road where I live, I said, "Lord, I trust that you are going to get me home before this thing hits...and I meant it. I DID trust the Lord -- I could still see that beautiful moon and I knew that I was less than a mile from home....sprinkles started and the wind was beginning to blow hard...I kept driving...I kept trusting and singing and praising the God who promised to protect me...even this sheep who was stuck outside in threatening weather...
As I pulled into my driveway, a big drop fell on my windshield. I opened the garage and drove in - lowered the door and there I was, safe and sound -- then I remembered my cats were outside. I jumped out of the car and ran outside only to find that one cat was waiting by the door to get in but the other one was no where to be found....I ran in the house and lowered the windows and let the dog into the garage with the cat and when I got back downstairs I opened the front door and yelled for the other cat and moved the furniture so it wouldn't blow off -- no little cat to be found....
Again, I had to trust that God would protect her -- and I did. I left the door open into the garage and hoped she'd run in while I unloaded my groceries from the car. She never came...I was fighting worry very hard but I kept moving.
About that time, James walked in and told me he had been worried sick trying to find me out in the storm -- (did I mention that my phone battery had died and I had no idea until I got home??) Anyway, I told him I wasn't able to get Mildred in (little cat) -- so he went out to look for her -- it wasn't but a minute and he walked back into the kitchen carrying her -- she was dry and safe. I knew she would be -- God is so faithful.
There have been times in my past where I must confess that I haven't had this much trust in God. I've given lip service to it and just hoped for the best -- but I can honestly say that in this storm - I truly trusted that God would take care of not only me but of my little cat and of James and the house and that all would be well. There was peace I couldn't explain and just a relief of knowing that God had everything under control.
I've said before in situations where I've gotten caught in a shower with the top down on my car -- "Lord! You know my situation!" and just really hoped He wouldn't let me get completely drenched. And even then, He has kept me from harm. There have been times when I knew clearly that I was pushing the boundaries and that I shouldn't be foolish -- and the Holy Spirit has cautioned me of such behavior.
Was this past Thursday one of those days? Well, maybe...but I didn't feel as though I had been foolish -- I honestly thought I would be fine -- it was sunny when I went into the grocery store -- seeing that black cloud was scary and daunting -- but there was still something within me that I knew I would be fine.
So, what is the point of this story -- well first of all, if you are going to drive a convertible, just know that rag tops will break and they are expensive to fix. Spiritually speaking - well, storms in our lives are going to come and go -- some will be dark, dreary and scary -- and others will be short, unexpected and refreshing and there will be some that are in between those extremes. Trusting God to hold us during these storms is the key to peace -- it's not having a nest egg of finances - it's not having close friends or family to carry us through -- it's TRUST -- Trust in God alone. It's fine to plan ahead and it's truly a blessing to have loved ones to stick by us during the tough times -- but if we don't have the Lord to hold onto -- nothing will ever give us the security we truly crave.
When we cry out, "Lord, You know my situation!" He truly does. But He waits on us to trust Him with it. He waits to know that our hearts agree with His Truth. Sometimes we may feel as if He's a million miles away - but if we Trust Him, we don't have to worry about that distance -- we just know that He is there and He truly does know our situations and our every need no matter how great or small.
This Easter weekend, I pray that you KNOW Jesus. I pray that you have Trusted Him with your eternity and that you have invited Him to be your Savior. I pray that you have the peace that can't be explained and that you know beyond any circumstance that your life is secure and resting in Him alone. Don't be satisfied in knowing about Jesus -- do you KNOW Him like you know your mate, parent or child or best friend?
Beloved Friend - Jesus loves you so much that he willingly gave His life for you so that in God's eyes, you are forgiven of sin. He took on your sin, my sin and the sin of the world so that we may live forever if we accept Him as Savior. I pray that if you don't know Him personally -- that you'll ask Him to be your Savior today - don't wait -- none of us has the promise of tomorrow.
If you want to know this beautiful Jesus - let me encourage you to read the book of John in the New Testament of the Bible. I've attached a link to a wonderful video that describes Jesus better than any I've ever seen or heard...May you be blessed in the Name of the Lord -- He is Risen Indeed!!!
Click Here:
Do You Know Him??
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Cocoon too tight?
I posted a quote the other day on Facebook. "When we feel restless, it could be that our cocoon has gotten too tight and it's time to spread our wings and fly..." -- I wonder how many times we get frustrated, restless, impatient, bored, snippy and even rude because our cocoons have just gotten too tight. What do you mean by cocoon, Amy? you may be thinking...
A cocoon encases a caterpillar during the time the metamorphosis is occurring for it to become a butterfly. We learned this in our elementary school science classes. When the butterfly's wings and body begin to outgrow the cocoon the stretching and movement breaks the cocoon open so that the butterfly emerges, dries its wings and begins to fly...thus serving its full purpose in life - to pollinate plants and multiply so that the process starts all over again with a new generation. We get the benefit of their beauty and the blessing of the plants that bloom and bear fruit because they fulfilled their calling (or purpose). It has been noted that "helping" a butterfly emerge from the cocoon actually cripples the butterfly because it's in the process of the struggle that the wings are strengthened and the body fully develops - elimination of the struggle by tearing open the cocoon will ultimately cause the butterfly's premature death, thus falling short of fulfilling its purpose...
Maybe you are beginning to see the correlation here. We wrap ourselves in our own little cocoons called comfort zones. Regardless of what that comfort zone is, God wants to take us higher with Him. He wants to stretch us and grow us and strengthen us so that when we are no longer comfortable inside our little cocoon, we become restless. We wiggle and squirm and whine and cry and our faith muscles hurt - our wings become sore. We want more than anything to give up - but if we do our cocoons won't feed us and we'll die inside (at least a piece of us will).
Now, you may be sitting there asking yourself how in the world does this relate to me? You may be thinking, "it's not my fault I can't move forward...I don't have the money, I don't have the time, I don't have or I can't because..." or maybe you are blaming others or finding fault with those who love you and yet you can't seem to move forward or find rest in any place or any thing...
Dear friend - it may be that you have begun to outgrow your cocoon. It may be time to take that first step of faith and believe God will show you the next one. It may be time to let go of those old comfortable habits to let God teach you a new thing. Maybe it's a dead end job that is never going to lead to anything. Maybe it's a relationship with someone that isn't healthy or doesn't honor God that just needs to be let go or given new perspective. Maybe it's applying to college or teaching a class for the first time or taking the risk to love again after being hurt deeply.
Proverbs 16:3 says, "Commit your ways unto the Lord and your plans will succeed." Proverbs 3:5, 6 says, "Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart, with ALL your soul, with ALL your mind. In ALL your ways acknowledge Him and HE will direct your paths." Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you...plans to prosper you and not harm you."
One of the greatest challenges a Christian faces each day is to trust the Lord with total abandon. It's not the routine of Bible study, prayer and the disciplines associated with it -- it's blind faith and trust in the One who is unseen...
When we feel restless, our hearts are the last thing we need to trust! Hearts lie. When we feel restless - we need to seek God with everything we have. It's in our weakness, He is made strong. When we begin to truly seek Him, He will open up our eyes to things we've never hoped for or imagined -- this is a promise dear friends.
Don't wait around on a money bag or lightning bolt to fall from the sky if God is calling you to a higher place. Don't blame others for not being able to follow your calling or pursue your dreams. We are promised that God will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory...if God calls - HE WILL PROVIDE AND ENABLE. Plain and simple.
If we are in a place of waiting - we know our calling - we know our purpose - but for whatever reason, God has chosen not to move us forward - we don't need to become stagnant in our waiting. How can we keep from growing stagnant during our wait time? Keep studying, praying and seeking. Keep asking questions of God and wise counsel...Keep exercising those wings because the stronger they become during the wait time, the more strength they will have on the other side of the struggle.
If someone asks, "How are you?" during this time and you know they are sincere - tell them what's going on and ask them to pray with you. Prayer is the greatest faith building tool we have and the more we pray the more strength we will draw from the Holy Spirit.
Prepare - do the research - if it's college, grad school - read everything you can about it and search for resources for financial aid. Apply for scholarships, work study, etc. You'd be surprised how many openings college campuses have specifically for students.
Be proactive - invite a friend to church, take a class, try something new. It could be that the temporary discomfort is preparing you to be a leader and you need wisdom and strength to be effective in your leading. Exercise - stretch those muscles - read more, change a bad habit - make a new friend...apply to that graduate school or college you've always dreamed of attending!
Just remember that all things from God have purpose and that there is nothing new under the sun (or His Son, for that matter). We, who are called His children should never be satisfied with complacency which is much different than contentment.
Contentment is active while waiting, whereas complacency is stagnant and quite boring.
Stretch your faith muscles, trust God and spread your wings and when it's time - TAKE FLIGHT!!!
Until next time, be blessed in the Name of the Lord...Amy
A cocoon encases a caterpillar during the time the metamorphosis is occurring for it to become a butterfly. We learned this in our elementary school science classes. When the butterfly's wings and body begin to outgrow the cocoon the stretching and movement breaks the cocoon open so that the butterfly emerges, dries its wings and begins to fly...thus serving its full purpose in life - to pollinate plants and multiply so that the process starts all over again with a new generation. We get the benefit of their beauty and the blessing of the plants that bloom and bear fruit because they fulfilled their calling (or purpose). It has been noted that "helping" a butterfly emerge from the cocoon actually cripples the butterfly because it's in the process of the struggle that the wings are strengthened and the body fully develops - elimination of the struggle by tearing open the cocoon will ultimately cause the butterfly's premature death, thus falling short of fulfilling its purpose...
Maybe you are beginning to see the correlation here. We wrap ourselves in our own little cocoons called comfort zones. Regardless of what that comfort zone is, God wants to take us higher with Him. He wants to stretch us and grow us and strengthen us so that when we are no longer comfortable inside our little cocoon, we become restless. We wiggle and squirm and whine and cry and our faith muscles hurt - our wings become sore. We want more than anything to give up - but if we do our cocoons won't feed us and we'll die inside (at least a piece of us will).
Now, you may be sitting there asking yourself how in the world does this relate to me? You may be thinking, "it's not my fault I can't move forward...I don't have the money, I don't have the time, I don't have or I can't because..." or maybe you are blaming others or finding fault with those who love you and yet you can't seem to move forward or find rest in any place or any thing...
Dear friend - it may be that you have begun to outgrow your cocoon. It may be time to take that first step of faith and believe God will show you the next one. It may be time to let go of those old comfortable habits to let God teach you a new thing. Maybe it's a dead end job that is never going to lead to anything. Maybe it's a relationship with someone that isn't healthy or doesn't honor God that just needs to be let go or given new perspective. Maybe it's applying to college or teaching a class for the first time or taking the risk to love again after being hurt deeply.
Proverbs 16:3 says, "Commit your ways unto the Lord and your plans will succeed." Proverbs 3:5, 6 says, "Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart, with ALL your soul, with ALL your mind. In ALL your ways acknowledge Him and HE will direct your paths." Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you...plans to prosper you and not harm you."
One of the greatest challenges a Christian faces each day is to trust the Lord with total abandon. It's not the routine of Bible study, prayer and the disciplines associated with it -- it's blind faith and trust in the One who is unseen...
When we feel restless, our hearts are the last thing we need to trust! Hearts lie. When we feel restless - we need to seek God with everything we have. It's in our weakness, He is made strong. When we begin to truly seek Him, He will open up our eyes to things we've never hoped for or imagined -- this is a promise dear friends.
Don't wait around on a money bag or lightning bolt to fall from the sky if God is calling you to a higher place. Don't blame others for not being able to follow your calling or pursue your dreams. We are promised that God will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory...if God calls - HE WILL PROVIDE AND ENABLE. Plain and simple.
If we are in a place of waiting - we know our calling - we know our purpose - but for whatever reason, God has chosen not to move us forward - we don't need to become stagnant in our waiting. How can we keep from growing stagnant during our wait time? Keep studying, praying and seeking. Keep asking questions of God and wise counsel...Keep exercising those wings because the stronger they become during the wait time, the more strength they will have on the other side of the struggle.
If someone asks, "How are you?" during this time and you know they are sincere - tell them what's going on and ask them to pray with you. Prayer is the greatest faith building tool we have and the more we pray the more strength we will draw from the Holy Spirit.
Prepare - do the research - if it's college, grad school - read everything you can about it and search for resources for financial aid. Apply for scholarships, work study, etc. You'd be surprised how many openings college campuses have specifically for students.
Be proactive - invite a friend to church, take a class, try something new. It could be that the temporary discomfort is preparing you to be a leader and you need wisdom and strength to be effective in your leading. Exercise - stretch those muscles - read more, change a bad habit - make a new friend...apply to that graduate school or college you've always dreamed of attending!
Just remember that all things from God have purpose and that there is nothing new under the sun (or His Son, for that matter). We, who are called His children should never be satisfied with complacency which is much different than contentment.
Contentment is active while waiting, whereas complacency is stagnant and quite boring.
Stretch your faith muscles, trust God and spread your wings and when it's time - TAKE FLIGHT!!!
Until next time, be blessed in the Name of the Lord...Amy
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Murky Waters, Dark Places...things that bite
Have you ever noticed that most poisonous creatures and predators don't hang out in the light or wear camouflage if they do? We have a whole host of television shows on now that show us about the swamps where alligators dwell and the snakes, insects and harmful creatures make their homes. Snakes and spiders dwell in dark places and come out to feed. Even yellow jackets burrow into the ground and sting when their dens are disrupted by a foot stepping across their openings...
God is so amazing to use Nature to teach us so much about life. He teaches us about the seasons of our lives through the seasons of our climates - He shows us in the ebb and flow of the tide that we will have highs and lows in our lives. He shows us the beauty of Himself through the beauty of His people, animals, plants and small creatures - the sunrises, sunsets, mountain splendor - snow, rain, storms, wind, sunshine, clouds, stars and the moon. Through physics He teaches us about order and organization. Through science He teaches us about miracles and wonders we can't full understand...
So what is it about these dark, murky places that God can teach us? They aren't pretty - they tend to smell bad - they aren't clear and danger lurks there if we aren't careful and wise to watch where we are going....hmmm - maybe there IS a lesson there. Could it be that murky waters represent confusion, deception and blurred images of the truth? Could it be that the darkness hides danger shows us that darkness disguises sin that leads to destruction?
Predators hide and watch their prey and wait until they are vulnerable before making their move to kill. Ferocious hunger for flesh is what drives their desire. The sting of a bee isn't felt until its poison is injected into the wound. Do you see where I'm headed with this?
God warns us about the murky waters of sin by showing us what dwells there. If you've ever seen piranhas or alligators attack an animal or person, you know it's violent and comes by surprise but not before the animal or person has been there a while and can be sniffed out. Predators like lions and panthers hide and watch and wait on an unsuspecting gazelle or zebra before attacking or there is some threat to the security of their pride...oh my! Snakes, spiders and other poisonous creatures are able to disguise themselves with camouflage that keeps them hidden even in the light - this shows us that even something or someone can appear to be harmless and beautiful or even hidden from view but contact can be deadly.
Oh friends, my heart is so heavy for others to see how cunning the enemy, Satan, can be today. He hides in the murky places of our minds and stirs up thoughts and confusion and blurs the truth when we need to see clearly. He uses what seems to be an innocent relationship or thought to hide in places just waiting for an unsuspecting victim to be attacked, mauled and left for dead out of a thirst or hunger for significance, power, control or threat to the security of their personal pride - this happens in homes, marriages, friendships and churches so often! And then there are the spirits of deception, division, gossip, fear, anger and unforgiveness that camouflage themselves so well or appear to be so perfect and beautiful and harmless - victims of this type of attack have no idea they've walked into the pit or web or that they have been deceived until the sting or bite from their venom paralyzes their witness or stings so deeply that it takes an eternity to heal. I'm sure you can think of instances in your own lives when these very things have taken root and wounded deeply.
I believe there is a spirit of deception and division lurking in the bowels of many churches and people today. I believe that it is subtle and is deafening the ears and blinding the eyes of God's people. I believe it is camouflaged and out in the light and is making itself appear to be fresh, new and full of life when its hidden and waiting to attack out of nowhere and leave a path of destruction beyond belief. Those who are most vulnerable are not just the ones who are weak in their faith but the leaders, the strong ones whose destruction would destroy others in the process. It's motive - a thirst for power and recognition and a threat to the security of their pride. Their greatest weapon is deception and their sharpest tools are the tongue and their charming ways.
Now before we get defensive and think that what I'm talking about has to do with a worship style or program back away from that and let your mind go into the spirit realm. Our enemy isn't of flesh and blood but of spirit...it prowls around like a roaring lion to steal, kill and destroy... Before we point fingers at the new or the old or the traditional or the contemporary - let's pull back and look at the heart. For it's at the heart that the true man is known.
The only way to deal with a predator is to learn its ways. The only way to avoid the dangers of murky waters is to stay out of them or wear protective clothing if you must go in. Our eyes must be open to see the truth of deception and other camouflaged behaviors and we must be wise in our dealings with them. We need to have keen vision, sharp hearing and be aware of our surroundings and what may lurk there. If we go into the dark places we need to carry the Light of Christ with us - and His Sword of the Spirit to protect us - it's double edged so it fights with truth and love - thus defending with love and mercy. We need to wear the Belt of Truth to protect our bodies and our instincts, the Breastplate of Righteousness to protect our hearts, the Helmet of Salvation to protect our thought and reasoning. We must protect our eyes, ears and senses with the Shield of Faith. Our feet guide us so they need protection - the shoes of the Gospel may lead us into the dangerous places but they have purpose in keeping us on solid ground even in the presence of our enemies. Christ died for them too...and the Gospel is about Him. Our training manual is the Word of God. It's the only standard that measures good from evil, truth from lies, humility from pride.
Please know that I'm not pointing a finger anywhere except to where it should be and that's in the face of the enemy, Satan. His days are numbered and he's not fighting fair. The stench of death is on his breath and the odor of destruction is the perfume of his clothing. His mortal enemy is the Church and NO ONE is immune from his attacks - not even the most prayed up, praised up, and powerful Christian we know...in fact they are first on his list. A church that is growing with a vision for reaching the lost is much more likely to be attacked than one that is stagnant or dying. A church that is growing is much more likely to be attacked from within or from within its growth plate than from outside forces although a firestorm can come at any time. Division can kill a healthy church and so can deception.
Friends, we need to be in CONSTANT prayer for our churches today. We need to be in CONSTANT prayer to protect our brothers and sisters from the deceptive ways of our enemy. We need to be willing to listen when God speaks to dedicated Christians who warn of character traits, behaviors, attitudes, actions that are being seen and not brush them off or sweep them under the rug or just pray they will go away. We need to respect the giftings of God's people - and look further if someone with discernment senses that the motives of another aren't pure or if one with prophecy warns of division or that there is a spirit of disharmony within the fellowship of its people. Wisdom is so valuable in our church body today - all the gifts have usefulness and should be respected and not discounted. Our leadership in churches must be mindful that they are not immune from the attacks of the enemy (if anything they wear the bulls-eye) and they must align themselves with people who have their best interest at heart and not selfish motives disguised as a teachable spirit. Those who are being led must protect their leaders with a hedge of prayer and protection and speak the truth in love even when those truths are painful.
Predators have a blood-thirst for power and recognition. A wounded warrior or bleeding church draws their attention and draws others into the attack. Consider what you have seen in the animal kingdom. People are no different and spirits are worse. We also have to realize that we can't "fix" people. That's God's job. All of us have broken places in our lives - we are sinners. But we have to be wise in knowing that not everything that walks or dwells inside the doors of a church is from God. An enemy within is more dangerous than an enemy without...so we must be wise in our dealings with all men (and women).
Friends - I love the church - I love the church where I attend - I love its people - I love God's people. Because of this love - because of this burden I have to expose the lies of the enemy I write this blog today. If you sense there is "something" going on in your own church or among your Christian friends and family but you just can't seem to put your finger on what it is, it could be that there are murky waters, dark places and enemies lurking just under the surface or around a corner. If you stand in leadership in your church, I implore you to listen to those who love you - love them for speaking truth to you and seek God when they speak words to you that war with your spirit. Believe with all your heart that they have your best interest at heart and seek not to harm but to protect you. Most of all - my brothers and sisters - Put on the Armor of Christ as we are commanded to do - do it every day without fail. Without it we are no better off than a lamb standing in the middle of a field being watched by a pack of wolves.
Be wise in your actions, loving in your ways, and faithful in your dealings...I love you all SO much, so much...
Until next time...Be blessed in the Name of Jesus - Amy
God is so amazing to use Nature to teach us so much about life. He teaches us about the seasons of our lives through the seasons of our climates - He shows us in the ebb and flow of the tide that we will have highs and lows in our lives. He shows us the beauty of Himself through the beauty of His people, animals, plants and small creatures - the sunrises, sunsets, mountain splendor - snow, rain, storms, wind, sunshine, clouds, stars and the moon. Through physics He teaches us about order and organization. Through science He teaches us about miracles and wonders we can't full understand...
So what is it about these dark, murky places that God can teach us? They aren't pretty - they tend to smell bad - they aren't clear and danger lurks there if we aren't careful and wise to watch where we are going....hmmm - maybe there IS a lesson there. Could it be that murky waters represent confusion, deception and blurred images of the truth? Could it be that the darkness hides danger shows us that darkness disguises sin that leads to destruction?
Predators hide and watch their prey and wait until they are vulnerable before making their move to kill. Ferocious hunger for flesh is what drives their desire. The sting of a bee isn't felt until its poison is injected into the wound. Do you see where I'm headed with this?
God warns us about the murky waters of sin by showing us what dwells there. If you've ever seen piranhas or alligators attack an animal or person, you know it's violent and comes by surprise but not before the animal or person has been there a while and can be sniffed out. Predators like lions and panthers hide and watch and wait on an unsuspecting gazelle or zebra before attacking or there is some threat to the security of their pride...oh my! Snakes, spiders and other poisonous creatures are able to disguise themselves with camouflage that keeps them hidden even in the light - this shows us that even something or someone can appear to be harmless and beautiful or even hidden from view but contact can be deadly.
Oh friends, my heart is so heavy for others to see how cunning the enemy, Satan, can be today. He hides in the murky places of our minds and stirs up thoughts and confusion and blurs the truth when we need to see clearly. He uses what seems to be an innocent relationship or thought to hide in places just waiting for an unsuspecting victim to be attacked, mauled and left for dead out of a thirst or hunger for significance, power, control or threat to the security of their personal pride - this happens in homes, marriages, friendships and churches so often! And then there are the spirits of deception, division, gossip, fear, anger and unforgiveness that camouflage themselves so well or appear to be so perfect and beautiful and harmless - victims of this type of attack have no idea they've walked into the pit or web or that they have been deceived until the sting or bite from their venom paralyzes their witness or stings so deeply that it takes an eternity to heal. I'm sure you can think of instances in your own lives when these very things have taken root and wounded deeply.
I believe there is a spirit of deception and division lurking in the bowels of many churches and people today. I believe that it is subtle and is deafening the ears and blinding the eyes of God's people. I believe it is camouflaged and out in the light and is making itself appear to be fresh, new and full of life when its hidden and waiting to attack out of nowhere and leave a path of destruction beyond belief. Those who are most vulnerable are not just the ones who are weak in their faith but the leaders, the strong ones whose destruction would destroy others in the process. It's motive - a thirst for power and recognition and a threat to the security of their pride. Their greatest weapon is deception and their sharpest tools are the tongue and their charming ways.
Now before we get defensive and think that what I'm talking about has to do with a worship style or program back away from that and let your mind go into the spirit realm. Our enemy isn't of flesh and blood but of spirit...it prowls around like a roaring lion to steal, kill and destroy... Before we point fingers at the new or the old or the traditional or the contemporary - let's pull back and look at the heart. For it's at the heart that the true man is known.
The only way to deal with a predator is to learn its ways. The only way to avoid the dangers of murky waters is to stay out of them or wear protective clothing if you must go in. Our eyes must be open to see the truth of deception and other camouflaged behaviors and we must be wise in our dealings with them. We need to have keen vision, sharp hearing and be aware of our surroundings and what may lurk there. If we go into the dark places we need to carry the Light of Christ with us - and His Sword of the Spirit to protect us - it's double edged so it fights with truth and love - thus defending with love and mercy. We need to wear the Belt of Truth to protect our bodies and our instincts, the Breastplate of Righteousness to protect our hearts, the Helmet of Salvation to protect our thought and reasoning. We must protect our eyes, ears and senses with the Shield of Faith. Our feet guide us so they need protection - the shoes of the Gospel may lead us into the dangerous places but they have purpose in keeping us on solid ground even in the presence of our enemies. Christ died for them too...and the Gospel is about Him. Our training manual is the Word of God. It's the only standard that measures good from evil, truth from lies, humility from pride.
Please know that I'm not pointing a finger anywhere except to where it should be and that's in the face of the enemy, Satan. His days are numbered and he's not fighting fair. The stench of death is on his breath and the odor of destruction is the perfume of his clothing. His mortal enemy is the Church and NO ONE is immune from his attacks - not even the most prayed up, praised up, and powerful Christian we know...in fact they are first on his list. A church that is growing with a vision for reaching the lost is much more likely to be attacked than one that is stagnant or dying. A church that is growing is much more likely to be attacked from within or from within its growth plate than from outside forces although a firestorm can come at any time. Division can kill a healthy church and so can deception.
Friends, we need to be in CONSTANT prayer for our churches today. We need to be in CONSTANT prayer to protect our brothers and sisters from the deceptive ways of our enemy. We need to be willing to listen when God speaks to dedicated Christians who warn of character traits, behaviors, attitudes, actions that are being seen and not brush them off or sweep them under the rug or just pray they will go away. We need to respect the giftings of God's people - and look further if someone with discernment senses that the motives of another aren't pure or if one with prophecy warns of division or that there is a spirit of disharmony within the fellowship of its people. Wisdom is so valuable in our church body today - all the gifts have usefulness and should be respected and not discounted. Our leadership in churches must be mindful that they are not immune from the attacks of the enemy (if anything they wear the bulls-eye) and they must align themselves with people who have their best interest at heart and not selfish motives disguised as a teachable spirit. Those who are being led must protect their leaders with a hedge of prayer and protection and speak the truth in love even when those truths are painful.
Predators have a blood-thirst for power and recognition. A wounded warrior or bleeding church draws their attention and draws others into the attack. Consider what you have seen in the animal kingdom. People are no different and spirits are worse. We also have to realize that we can't "fix" people. That's God's job. All of us have broken places in our lives - we are sinners. But we have to be wise in knowing that not everything that walks or dwells inside the doors of a church is from God. An enemy within is more dangerous than an enemy without...so we must be wise in our dealings with all men (and women).
Friends - I love the church - I love the church where I attend - I love its people - I love God's people. Because of this love - because of this burden I have to expose the lies of the enemy I write this blog today. If you sense there is "something" going on in your own church or among your Christian friends and family but you just can't seem to put your finger on what it is, it could be that there are murky waters, dark places and enemies lurking just under the surface or around a corner. If you stand in leadership in your church, I implore you to listen to those who love you - love them for speaking truth to you and seek God when they speak words to you that war with your spirit. Believe with all your heart that they have your best interest at heart and seek not to harm but to protect you. Most of all - my brothers and sisters - Put on the Armor of Christ as we are commanded to do - do it every day without fail. Without it we are no better off than a lamb standing in the middle of a field being watched by a pack of wolves.
Be wise in your actions, loving in your ways, and faithful in your dealings...I love you all SO much, so much...
Until next time...Be blessed in the Name of Jesus - Amy
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
How ya Leaping??
Happy Leap Day!!
I saw a post from a friend on Facebook today who shared that her baby girl decided not to be born today - that she likely was going to be some more drama queen! Another friend shared that his father's "real" birthday was today and that he would celebrate 20 Leap birthdays! I don't even know how to do the math on that but I'm guessing that he's 80 today -- is that right?? How are you celebrating Leap Day today?
God's Word tells us that when Elizabeth saw Mary coming doing the road to see her, the baby in her womb (John the Baptist) LEAPED inside her - he was so excited to know that Mary was the vessel who would bring Jesus the Messiah into the world. (Luke 1:41).
I wonder how often our hearts leap when we sense the Holy Spirit moving in our lives or in the lives of others. I wonder how often we are so caught up in our day to day grind that we miss those moments of opportunity to leap for joy. Are we leaping as lambs in the springtime knowing that Jesus died to set us free? Are we growing by leaps and bounds as we discover new truths of God's Word and apply it to our lives?
Are we believing God and taking leaps of faith or merely steps of faith? Are we radical believers or just fans of God? John 8:36 says “Therefore if the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed." That is cause for celebration -- leaps of joy should flow from our lives.
I wonder what would happen if we truly allowed ourselves the freedom to dance as David danced in the streets with joy as proclaimed in 2 Samuel 6:14 "And David danced before the LORD with all his might, wearing a priestly garment." Friends, because of Jesus' blood, we are now made priests and kings!! Our royal priestly garment is a garment of PRAISE!!
I saw a post from a friend on Facebook today who shared that her baby girl decided not to be born today - that she likely was going to be some more drama queen! Another friend shared that his father's "real" birthday was today and that he would celebrate 20 Leap birthdays! I don't even know how to do the math on that but I'm guessing that he's 80 today -- is that right?? How are you celebrating Leap Day today?
God's Word tells us that when Elizabeth saw Mary coming doing the road to see her, the baby in her womb (John the Baptist) LEAPED inside her - he was so excited to know that Mary was the vessel who would bring Jesus the Messiah into the world. (Luke 1:41).
I wonder how often our hearts leap when we sense the Holy Spirit moving in our lives or in the lives of others. I wonder how often we are so caught up in our day to day grind that we miss those moments of opportunity to leap for joy. Are we leaping as lambs in the springtime knowing that Jesus died to set us free? Are we growing by leaps and bounds as we discover new truths of God's Word and apply it to our lives?
Are we believing God and taking leaps of faith or merely steps of faith? Are we radical believers or just fans of God? John 8:36 says “Therefore if the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed." That is cause for celebration -- leaps of joy should flow from our lives.
I wonder what would happen if we truly allowed ourselves the freedom to dance as David danced in the streets with joy as proclaimed in 2 Samuel 6:14 "And David danced before the LORD with all his might, wearing a priestly garment." Friends, because of Jesus' blood, we are now made priests and kings!! Our royal priestly garment is a garment of PRAISE!!
There is a time and a season for grief and we will endure a season of testing (likely many) in order for God to refine us to be more like Him - but praise should always be on our lips and flow from our mouths because of the great things that Jesus has done for us.
So on this special and rare Leap Day -- let it be a day of joy - a day of asking ourselves and others..."How ya Leaping?"
I pray you'll experience great joy this day and always!! Until next time... Be blessed in the Name of the Lord! Amy
Thursday, February 23, 2012
How do we manage loneliness?
I meet with some precious ladies on Mondays to study God's Word. This past Monday, there was a mention that more people (especially women) are lonely this day and age than ever before. How can this be? We are busy, we work, we worship, we gather together for Girls' Nights Out, we have social media, cell phones, computers, technology, exercise classes and I could go on and on...but you know, I found myself completely agreeing with this statement.
There are so many days that I am surrounded by people, interacting with people and busy and yet there is a sense of overwhelming loneliness that covers me to a point that I think I might weep. It's not depression -- it's true loneliness. It's as if I don't matter, fit in anywhere, belong to a group or connect regardless of who I'm with or where I am. Do you ever feel this way?
Just this evening I was in a familiar place that I love and had returned to a group I've been a part of for over 20 years but because of the nature of what I do now, I'm not a regular attender to this group anymore. I sat on the front row and when it came time to be dismissed there were several others who were welcomed and missed for being absent, but the person who welcomed them didn't seem to even notice that I was there. I'm not a small person, but at that point I felt invisible and as if I didn't matter or that it didn't matter if I was there or not.
I'm not a high maintenance person and I won't dwell on what happened - and others acknowledged me later but for that moment, I felt out of place and very lonely.
I know that there are seasons in our lives where we will have to walk alone - whether it's in the loss of a spouse, the call to singleness, standing on a conviction when others don't, or just being tested in the wilderness as Jesus was. The Holy Spirit is our constant companion and Comforter, but there are times when even God feels so distant. Our prayers are heard but go unanswered - our friends and family don't understand or can't relate to what we're going through - it's just a void of relationships or closeness.
Why does this happen - I don't know. Does this happen to everyone? I honestly think it does at some point. We have to be careful when this type of thing occurs, because the enemy loves to isolate us so he can mess with our minds. He will use discouragement to bind us from moving forward and he can cause us to stumble if we allow the isolation to cause us to attempt to deaden our pain through unhealthy measures (i.e. drugs, alcohol, food, and worse)...
What can we do about it? Well, the first thing would be to pray a lot. Not those formal prayers - but the personal communication -- cry out to the Father. Ask Him to comfort you during this time of loneliness and fill you as no one can. The second thing would be to stay in His Word. Read Psalms, Proverbs, Romans -- all such encouraging books. Read Christian literature. If the weather is pretty get outside and walk or spend time in a beautiful park -- if it's not pretty outside, rest. It may be that your body just needs to rest and God has given you the opportunity to do so. Another way to fight loneliness is to seek out ways to help others. Look for places to volunteer, visit the elderly or children's homes - pour your life into others.
As soon as you are able, find a way to connect with other people - especially a body of believers who love you and care about you. Don't allow yourself to be paralyzed by loneliness. It may be appropriate for a season - but it's not God's design for His people. We are not to forsake the assembling of ourselves and where two or more are gathered in His Name there He will be also. We are on a journey and we don't need to travel alone - it's not safe or necessary over the long haul. We are reminded that a cord of three strands is not easily broken...(Hebrews 10:25; Matthew 18:20; Ecclesiastes 4:12)
I would say that if you have ever experienced loneliness, be mindful that there are others who live in that state more often than not. Make a conscious effort to notice others and make them feel welcome.
Please understand, I'm not hurt that I wasn't recognized or noticed in this gathering this evening. It was just a temporary situation that over the long haul won't matter all that much. But it did serve as a reminder that I need to be more aware of others who may feel lonely too.
I've had one of those weeks that if I could, I'd like to make it or myself disappear. But like all things - this, too, shall pass.
I pray you are all having a good week and that blessings abound. Make someone's day by giving them a hug or word of encouragement - you might just be their cure for loneliness! Until next time, be blessed in the Name of the Lord...
There are so many days that I am surrounded by people, interacting with people and busy and yet there is a sense of overwhelming loneliness that covers me to a point that I think I might weep. It's not depression -- it's true loneliness. It's as if I don't matter, fit in anywhere, belong to a group or connect regardless of who I'm with or where I am. Do you ever feel this way?
Just this evening I was in a familiar place that I love and had returned to a group I've been a part of for over 20 years but because of the nature of what I do now, I'm not a regular attender to this group anymore. I sat on the front row and when it came time to be dismissed there were several others who were welcomed and missed for being absent, but the person who welcomed them didn't seem to even notice that I was there. I'm not a small person, but at that point I felt invisible and as if I didn't matter or that it didn't matter if I was there or not.
I'm not a high maintenance person and I won't dwell on what happened - and others acknowledged me later but for that moment, I felt out of place and very lonely.
I know that there are seasons in our lives where we will have to walk alone - whether it's in the loss of a spouse, the call to singleness, standing on a conviction when others don't, or just being tested in the wilderness as Jesus was. The Holy Spirit is our constant companion and Comforter, but there are times when even God feels so distant. Our prayers are heard but go unanswered - our friends and family don't understand or can't relate to what we're going through - it's just a void of relationships or closeness.
Why does this happen - I don't know. Does this happen to everyone? I honestly think it does at some point. We have to be careful when this type of thing occurs, because the enemy loves to isolate us so he can mess with our minds. He will use discouragement to bind us from moving forward and he can cause us to stumble if we allow the isolation to cause us to attempt to deaden our pain through unhealthy measures (i.e. drugs, alcohol, food, and worse)...
What can we do about it? Well, the first thing would be to pray a lot. Not those formal prayers - but the personal communication -- cry out to the Father. Ask Him to comfort you during this time of loneliness and fill you as no one can. The second thing would be to stay in His Word. Read Psalms, Proverbs, Romans -- all such encouraging books. Read Christian literature. If the weather is pretty get outside and walk or spend time in a beautiful park -- if it's not pretty outside, rest. It may be that your body just needs to rest and God has given you the opportunity to do so. Another way to fight loneliness is to seek out ways to help others. Look for places to volunteer, visit the elderly or children's homes - pour your life into others.
As soon as you are able, find a way to connect with other people - especially a body of believers who love you and care about you. Don't allow yourself to be paralyzed by loneliness. It may be appropriate for a season - but it's not God's design for His people. We are not to forsake the assembling of ourselves and where two or more are gathered in His Name there He will be also. We are on a journey and we don't need to travel alone - it's not safe or necessary over the long haul. We are reminded that a cord of three strands is not easily broken...(Hebrews 10:25; Matthew 18:20; Ecclesiastes 4:12)
I would say that if you have ever experienced loneliness, be mindful that there are others who live in that state more often than not. Make a conscious effort to notice others and make them feel welcome.
Please understand, I'm not hurt that I wasn't recognized or noticed in this gathering this evening. It was just a temporary situation that over the long haul won't matter all that much. But it did serve as a reminder that I need to be more aware of others who may feel lonely too.
I've had one of those weeks that if I could, I'd like to make it or myself disappear. But like all things - this, too, shall pass.
I pray you are all having a good week and that blessings abound. Make someone's day by giving them a hug or word of encouragement - you might just be their cure for loneliness! Until next time, be blessed in the Name of the Lord...
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Loss of a Friend
This is a blog I wrote a couple of years ago. We are living in a season of time where there are wars and massacres of innocent children and brutal martyring of Christians around the world that the news is reporting (and likely not reporting, too.) We've lost entertainers and athletes tragically and loved ones to cancer and other diseases...and we have kids headed back to school and some off to college for the first time -- lots and lots of change! So as I sat down to write, I was reminded of this blog and decided that I would re-post this one while I work on the other one - it just seems so relevant right now - maybe even more so than when I wrote it...I pray it will touch and encourage you.
Loss of a Friend:
Today as I awakened, I realized that I have been mourning the loss of a friend. I've been so sad lately and had no idea why. I've been so tired and couldn't understand other than having some trouble sleeping. You may be wondering who this friend was ...my friend was Security. I held on so tightly for so long to her that she became somewhat of a crutch. But in this last few years, God has asked me to let her go. He's asked me to surrender her for a more reliable friend - Trust.
It's always hard to get to know a new friend, especially when you weren't interested in having to give up an old friend in order to start this new relationship. There's a phase when you feel alone, strange, different, cautious, reserved, and so many mixed emotions that go along with it. The elation of finding that you have something in common with this new friend doesn't always come instantly. At least that's been the case in making friends with Trust.
How did I lose Security as my friend? Through a season of loss, a season of surrender and a season of sacrifice. Having to realize that Security was a liar and couldn't be trusted came with a devastating job loss, draining financial reserves, loss of "fair weather" friends who just couldn't go to the hard places, distance from family, a season of ill health and near death, and fear of homelessness. Security has to be tangible or she can't handle the pressure and she leaves when things get hard...
So what about this new friend, Trust. Well, Trust doesn't make friends easily. She requires complete abandonment of logic and self-sufficiency. She is jealous and must have my full attention. She meddles and probes into the deep crevices of my heart and requires that I surrender all things that are meaningful to me to her.
I must admit, I didn't like Trust very much the first time I met her. But the more I get to know her, the more I realize that the depth of my friendship with her will be lifelong and permanent and will make me a better, deeper and richer friend to others if I will allow her to change me. She has a very intimate friendship with the Lord and holds the keys to pleasing Him. She has lots to teach me and is patient to wait until my grieving over Security is done. She understands and forgives when it's hard for me to let go or when old wounds cause me to push her away. Her greatest enemy is doubt. She won't stay in the same room with doubt but she and Faith and Wisdom are best friends. To have them as friends is like finding a priceless treasure.
So even though I know that losing this friend, Security, has been a painful separation, losing a friend is never an easy thing for anyone. But if she's moved into your house and become your friend, just be careful. She won't stay when the going gets tough. She is never long term even though she may tell you she is.
If you are seeking to be friends with the things of this world or the people who seem to have it all together, they may be disguised as this friend called Security. If you find yourself dismayed or pierced deeply when people lie, hurt or wound you or if a season of loss comes into your life - Security may have taken up residence in your household. If there's a need have wealth, financial reserves, perfection in lifestyle, appearance or acquaintances, you may be nursing a friendship with Security. She will tell you that you don't need others or that you need to listen to people who make you feel good and she will tell you that all you need is what she can offer which is a lie. She will tell you that you alone know what is best for you and she will most definitely tell you that you don't need the Lord - she is a liar. Let her go - tell her goodbye and grieve her departure as long as is necessary...but change the locks and don't let her back in.
If I may encourage you today after reading my weird little story, Proverbs 3:5,6 tells us to "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding (security). In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your path."
I lived with Security far too long and letting her go has been so difficult...am I sad? Yeah. Am I grateful that Trust has taken her place? Oh absolutely! She brought along her friends, Faith and Wisdom. And though they aren't quite as fun-loving as Security was - I know that they won't leave me when things get tough.
Be blessed in the Name of the Lord...Amy
Loss of a Friend:
Today as I awakened, I realized that I have been mourning the loss of a friend. I've been so sad lately and had no idea why. I've been so tired and couldn't understand other than having some trouble sleeping. You may be wondering who this friend was ...my friend was Security. I held on so tightly for so long to her that she became somewhat of a crutch. But in this last few years, God has asked me to let her go. He's asked me to surrender her for a more reliable friend - Trust.
It's always hard to get to know a new friend, especially when you weren't interested in having to give up an old friend in order to start this new relationship. There's a phase when you feel alone, strange, different, cautious, reserved, and so many mixed emotions that go along with it. The elation of finding that you have something in common with this new friend doesn't always come instantly. At least that's been the case in making friends with Trust.
How did I lose Security as my friend? Through a season of loss, a season of surrender and a season of sacrifice. Having to realize that Security was a liar and couldn't be trusted came with a devastating job loss, draining financial reserves, loss of "fair weather" friends who just couldn't go to the hard places, distance from family, a season of ill health and near death, and fear of homelessness. Security has to be tangible or she can't handle the pressure and she leaves when things get hard...
So what about this new friend, Trust. Well, Trust doesn't make friends easily. She requires complete abandonment of logic and self-sufficiency. She is jealous and must have my full attention. She meddles and probes into the deep crevices of my heart and requires that I surrender all things that are meaningful to me to her.
I must admit, I didn't like Trust very much the first time I met her. But the more I get to know her, the more I realize that the depth of my friendship with her will be lifelong and permanent and will make me a better, deeper and richer friend to others if I will allow her to change me. She has a very intimate friendship with the Lord and holds the keys to pleasing Him. She has lots to teach me and is patient to wait until my grieving over Security is done. She understands and forgives when it's hard for me to let go or when old wounds cause me to push her away. Her greatest enemy is doubt. She won't stay in the same room with doubt but she and Faith and Wisdom are best friends. To have them as friends is like finding a priceless treasure.
So even though I know that losing this friend, Security, has been a painful separation, losing a friend is never an easy thing for anyone. But if she's moved into your house and become your friend, just be careful. She won't stay when the going gets tough. She is never long term even though she may tell you she is.
If you are seeking to be friends with the things of this world or the people who seem to have it all together, they may be disguised as this friend called Security. If you find yourself dismayed or pierced deeply when people lie, hurt or wound you or if a season of loss comes into your life - Security may have taken up residence in your household. If there's a need have wealth, financial reserves, perfection in lifestyle, appearance or acquaintances, you may be nursing a friendship with Security. She will tell you that you don't need others or that you need to listen to people who make you feel good and she will tell you that all you need is what she can offer which is a lie. She will tell you that you alone know what is best for you and she will most definitely tell you that you don't need the Lord - she is a liar. Let her go - tell her goodbye and grieve her departure as long as is necessary...but change the locks and don't let her back in.
If I may encourage you today after reading my weird little story, Proverbs 3:5,6 tells us to "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding (security). In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your path."
I lived with Security far too long and letting her go has been so difficult...am I sad? Yeah. Am I grateful that Trust has taken her place? Oh absolutely! She brought along her friends, Faith and Wisdom. And though they aren't quite as fun-loving as Security was - I know that they won't leave me when things get tough.
Be blessed in the Name of the Lord...Amy
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