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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Murky Waters, Dark Places...things that bite

Have you ever noticed that most poisonous creatures and predators don't hang out in the light or wear camouflage if they do?  We have a whole host of television shows on now that show us about the swamps where alligators dwell and the snakes, insects and harmful creatures make their homes.  Snakes and spiders dwell in dark places and come out to feed.  Even yellow jackets burrow into the ground and sting when their dens are disrupted by a foot stepping across their openings...

God is so amazing to use Nature to teach us so much about life.  He teaches us about the seasons of our lives through the seasons of our climates - He shows us in the ebb and flow of the tide that we will have highs and lows in our lives.  He shows us the beauty of Himself through the beauty of His people, animals, plants and small creatures - the sunrises, sunsets, mountain splendor - snow, rain, storms, wind, sunshine, clouds, stars and the moon.  Through physics He teaches us about order and organization.  Through science He teaches us about miracles and wonders we can't full understand...

So what is it about these dark, murky places that God can teach us?  They aren't pretty - they tend to smell bad - they aren't clear and danger lurks there if we aren't careful and wise to watch where we are going....hmmm - maybe there IS a lesson there.  Could it be that murky waters represent confusion, deception and blurred images of the truth?  Could it be that the darkness hides danger shows us that darkness disguises sin that leads to destruction?

Predators hide and watch their prey and wait until they are vulnerable before making their move to kill.  Ferocious hunger for flesh is what drives their desire.  The sting of a bee isn't felt until its poison is injected into the wound.  Do you see where I'm headed with this?

God warns us about the murky waters of sin by showing us what dwells there.  If you've ever seen piranhas or alligators attack an animal or person, you know it's violent and comes by surprise but not before the animal or person has been there a while and can be sniffed out.  Predators like lions and panthers hide and watch and wait on an unsuspecting gazelle or zebra before attacking or there is some threat to the security of their pride...oh my!  Snakes, spiders and other poisonous creatures are able to disguise themselves with camouflage that keeps them hidden even in the light - this shows us that even something or someone can appear to be harmless and beautiful or even hidden from view but contact can be deadly.

Oh friends, my heart is so heavy for others to see how cunning the enemy, Satan, can be today.  He hides in the murky places of our minds and stirs up thoughts and confusion and blurs the truth when we need to see clearly.  He uses what seems to be an innocent relationship or thought to hide in places just waiting for an unsuspecting victim to be attacked, mauled and left for dead out of a thirst or hunger for significance, power, control or threat to the security of their personal pride - this happens in homes, marriages, friendships and churches so often!  And then there are the spirits of deception, division, gossip, fear, anger and unforgiveness that camouflage themselves so well or appear to be so perfect and beautiful and harmless - victims of this type of attack have no idea they've walked into the pit or web or that they have been deceived until the sting or bite from their venom paralyzes their witness or stings so deeply that it takes an eternity to heal.  I'm sure you can think of instances in your own lives when these very things have taken root and wounded deeply.

I believe there is a spirit of deception and division lurking in the bowels of many churches and people today.  I believe that it is subtle and is deafening the ears and blinding the eyes of God's people.  I believe it is camouflaged and out in the light and is making itself appear to be fresh, new and full of life when its hidden and waiting to attack out of nowhere and leave a path of destruction beyond belief.  Those who are most vulnerable are not just the ones who are weak in their faith but the leaders, the strong ones whose destruction would destroy others in the process.  It's motive - a thirst for power and recognition and a threat to the security of their pride.  Their greatest weapon is deception and their sharpest tools are the tongue and their charming ways.

Now before we get defensive and think that what I'm talking about has to do with a worship style or program back away from that and let your mind go into the spirit realm.  Our enemy isn't of flesh and blood but of prowls around like a roaring lion to steal, kill and destroy...  Before we point fingers at the new or the old or the traditional or the contemporary - let's pull back and look at the heart.  For it's at the heart that the true man is known.

The only way to deal with a predator is to learn its ways.  The only way to avoid the dangers of murky waters is to stay out of them or wear protective clothing if you must go in.  Our eyes must be open to see the truth of deception and other camouflaged behaviors and we must be wise in our dealings with them.  We need to have keen vision, sharp hearing and be aware of our surroundings and what may lurk there.  If we go into the dark places we need to carry the Light of Christ with us - and His Sword of the Spirit to protect us - it's double edged so it fights with truth and love - thus defending with love and mercy.  We need to wear the Belt of Truth to protect our bodies and our instincts, the Breastplate of Righteousness to protect our hearts, the Helmet of Salvation to protect our thought and reasoning. We must protect our eyes, ears and senses with the Shield of Faith.  Our feet guide us so they need protection - the shoes of the Gospel may lead us into the dangerous places but they have purpose in keeping us on solid ground even in the presence of our enemies.  Christ died for them too...and the Gospel is about Him.   Our training manual is the Word of God.  It's the only standard that measures good from evil, truth from lies, humility from pride.

Please know that I'm not pointing a finger anywhere except to where it should be and that's in the face of the enemy, Satan.  His days are numbered and he's not fighting fair.  The stench of death is on his breath and the odor of destruction is the perfume of his clothing.  His mortal enemy is the Church and NO ONE is immune from his attacks - not even the most prayed up, praised up, and powerful Christian we fact they are first on his list.  A church that is growing with a vision for reaching the lost is much more likely to be attacked than one that is stagnant or dying.  A church that is growing is much more likely to be attacked from within or from within its growth plate than from outside forces although a firestorm can come at any time.  Division can kill a healthy church and so can deception.

Friends, we need to be in CONSTANT prayer for our churches today.  We need to be in CONSTANT prayer to protect our brothers and sisters from the deceptive ways of our enemy.  We need to be willing to listen when God speaks to dedicated Christians who warn of character traits, behaviors, attitudes, actions that are being seen and not brush them off or sweep them under the rug or just pray they will go away.  We need to respect the giftings of God's people - and look further if someone with discernment senses that the motives of another aren't pure or if one with prophecy warns of division or that there is a spirit of disharmony within the fellowship of its people.  Wisdom is so valuable in our church body today - all the gifts have usefulness and should be respected and not discounted.  Our leadership in churches must be mindful that they are not immune from the attacks of the enemy (if anything they wear the bulls-eye) and they must align themselves with people who have their best interest at heart and not selfish motives disguised as a teachable spirit.  Those who are being led must protect their leaders with a hedge of prayer and protection and speak the truth in love even when those truths are painful.

Predators have a blood-thirst for power and recognition.  A wounded warrior or bleeding church draws their attention and draws others into the attack.  Consider what you have seen in the animal kingdom.  People are no different and spirits are worse.  We also have to realize that we can't "fix" people.  That's God's job.  All of us have broken places in our lives - we are sinners.  But we have to be wise in knowing that not everything that walks or dwells inside the doors of a church is from God.  An enemy within is more dangerous than an enemy we must be wise in our dealings with all men (and women).

Friends - I love the church - I love the church where I attend - I love its people - I love God's people.  Because of this love - because of this burden I have to expose the lies of the enemy I write this blog today.  If you sense there is "something" going on in your own church or among your Christian friends and family but you just can't seem to put your finger on what it is, it could be that there are murky waters, dark places and enemies lurking just under the surface or around a corner.  If you stand in leadership in your church, I implore you to listen to those who love you - love them for speaking truth to you and seek God when they speak words to you that war with your spirit.  Believe with all your heart that they have your best interest at heart and seek not to harm but to protect you.  Most of all - my brothers and sisters - Put on the Armor of Christ as we are commanded to do - do it every day without fail.  Without it we are no better off than a lamb standing in the middle of a field being watched by a pack of wolves.

Be wise in your actions, loving in your ways, and faithful in your dealings...I love you all SO much, so much...

Until next time...Be blessed in the Name of Jesus - Amy

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