Hi there!! I hope you are enjoying the journey recap! Thanks for hanging out here for a bit...
I left you last time on the Lido Deck after a lively midday concert aboard the Carnival Ecstasy. We were on our way to the beautiful island of Grand Turk and couldn't be more excited about the opportunities that were unfolding...turns out, God was preparing the way even at dinner that evening!
Cruise ships have a great way of connecting people. Dinner is served at large tables in close proximity to other tables so it's a great way to meet other shipmates. Because we were a large group, some of us were seated back to back at 2 large tables and then others were seated at large tables in another location. We shared wait staff and fun conversation with others surrounding us and could freely visit the other tables while waiting on the different courses to be served.
Tuesday night was formal night - which meant dressing up a little more than the accepted casual attire but not necessarily in formal wear. Our group had another shipboard concert, so most of us were already dressed and ready in our black and sparkles! We cleaned up well for a gnarly band of players, if I say so myself!
The table where I was sitting was a fun table!! We were so blessed to have Gina and Chris Z.(pictured in front) sitting with us, who were from New Jersey and also comedian, Bone Hampton sitting across from us. Bone moved back and forth from our table to his, bringing much laughter wherever he happened to sit.
Gina could be a comedienne herself. At one of the other tables, Mark (Trumpet/Band Mgr) and Belinda B. (Piano) were sitting with a couple (Ronnie and Susan T.) from Memphis that they knew who were passengers on the ship. Mark shared our ministry plans for the day on Grand Turk with them and Ronnie mentioned that he had been praying for an opportunity to preach or share the gospel somewhere during this cruise. Mark's jaw dropped. God had dropped an evangelist in our midst! Not just an evangelist - but someone whose specific call was to inner city ministry with experience speaking with teens! He asked Mark if he and his wife could join us and if he might share a short message if there was time. Mark was elated and when we all heard the news we were thrilled!
God also gave us another lovely connection later in the evening as we prepared for another outdoor concert. This time it was for a ballroom dancing workshop with the Palmers, who were on the speaker roster for the "Love Like You Mean It" cruise agenda. Meeting them was such a blessing! Our bandleader, Bob F., had some time to sit with them to get a feel for how they wanted the session to go and then they came up to introduce themselves to us. To our surprise, we saw a familiar face! This lovely lady standing before us, was that same lovely lady who danced in worship earlier in the day! She shared how much she loved our music and how she couldn't help but dance in freedom in the season that God had just brought her through.
She and I had a few moments to talk as well and we discovered that we were the same age and that God had brought us through a sifting season into the freedom of our Jubilee year at the same time! Such a beautiful connection! I believe one of our Lord's favorite things to do is connect his children together! Embracing my sister in Christ and finding these things in common with her was just the beginning and to laugh and chat with her sweet husband was great fun too!! Turns out, turning 50 is a great thing - especially when shared with people who love Jesus!
The practice session was recorded music and our "live" session was mostly instrumental, so I had the privilege of watching the couples dance the night away, many learning to dance together for the very first time. It was captivating! There was a young couple, likely expecting their first child, dancing the jitterbug with finesse and then another young couple, tattooed with brightly dyed hair (the husband had a mohawk!), they were a little awkward but having fun. There were senior adult couples learning to foxtrot and swing and even some of our own band mates gave it a try! Some who were learning would get frustrated and try to walk away and others would dig in and just try harder but the Palmers were so fun and patient and encouraged everyone to enjoy the journey. I think the best part about it all was that on the dance floor nothing mattered -- fitness level, size, ethnicity, age, economic status - nothing -- all that did matter was the connection these couples made with one another and it was a beautiful thing to watch! I applaud all those who gave it their best shot with lead feet and no rhythm -- it was just amazing! Stuart and Tracy - I love ya -- Thank you for the lessons you taught about the foxtrot -- now every time I catch the rhythm I scoot and skip in my memory!!
The evening was late and Grand Turk was before us so once we broke down the set we all headed to bed for a few hours of sleep!
I woke up very early on Wednesday morning to a beautiful sun rise and enjoyed watching the ship sail toward the dock. I prayed for the Lord to bless our day in such a way that what we would experience would reveal His glory and all would know that He was there in our midst. I prayed He would speak through our music and words and that He would be magnified and that lives would change...get ready...there must have been a lot of folks praying that same prayer!
There was a little mystery surrounding this day because our contact person on the island had actually been in the United States for a while. Mark hadn't spoken with him and wasn't quite sure how or where we'd be connecting with him to find out where/when we'd play the concert. Isn't this great!?! I know that you all must be under the impression that all these plans are laid out perfectly and planned properly in advance...and they are - but in God's timing not ours! Humanly, we just never completely know - at least that's been my experience!

We had planned to send a search party early off the ship to see if Alvin, our guide, would be there to meet us or if he had someone there to represent him. The rest of us waited on board, instruments and sunscreen in hand for word as to our next assignment.
Alvin came through and sent a group of guys as his representatives to meet us. We hurried off the ship, posed for a few pictures and then proceeded through the security gate to start the day. There were 3 or 4 church vans waiting and some beautiful smiles to greet us. The people of Grand Turk were so glad to see us and many in the marketplace said they wished we would do a concert there after we finished at the church! We had no idea what to expect because it was a work day/school day but God knew.

Driving to the church gave us the chance to see a little bit of the island and learned that the population ON the island was about the same as the number of people ON the ship! 4000 people! To travel the island completely would be an 8 mile round trip and John Glenn's space capsule landed in the ocean there way back in the day and gas is over $6.00/gallon!
Hurricane Katrina wiped out most of the dwellings and businesses on Grand Turk back in 2008 and the rebuilding process has been slow but they are taking the time to do it right and what they've done so far is beautiful!
Grand Turk is a Christian nation with about 8 to 10 churches there...but there are many lost people living there, too. Tourism is their primary industry and the cruise lines are the major feeder. Palm trees and picket fences line the beach side and the buildings are bright and colorful. The ocean is blue green and clear and the divers find the sea life to be quite lovely. Wild donkeys hang out on the roadside and are friendly but shy...not aggressive at all. It's just beautiful -- GRAND, really!

Upon our arrival at Salem Baptist Church, we were greeted by the Pastor and a few of the ladies who served to make our visit there comfortable. The church was just beautiful!
Pastor Chris told us that he really had no idea how many people were coming. They thought our concert was on Saturday and had planned for it to be a very large community gathering - but he said he knew God would send the ones He wanted there. Alvin shared that all the school children would be coming over. The first to arrive were the high school students. They were so polite and friendly, dressed in their crisply neat uniforms. The little ones came later and they all captured our hearts immediately as you can see!

We had the best time! One of the As the music started, some of our support team members could hear the children singing along.
When I got up to sing the first song, it was my turn to introduce "Blue Skies". I rarely remember what I say when I do these things, but I remember drawing in the beauty of their island and how God made these things for us to enjoy.
When I started singing the kids stood up and started shouting and praising and singing along!! IT WAS THE BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD!!! The connection was made and at that moment we all bonded as musicians and audience.

There are no words to describe how we all felt...all I can say is when I turned around and looked at our band leader - he mouthed to me - "Amy, I'm crying!" and I said back to him, "I am, too!". I found out later that it wasn't just the two of us -- it was ALL of us!

When we finished our portion of the concert, Mark invited Pastor Ronnie up to share a short message. I knew it would be special, but had no idea just how much. He didn't need a podium and he didn't speak fancy, church language. He spoke from the heart. He looked those beautiful faces in their eyes and asked them to consider what their eternity was worth. He shared a story about his lovely wife, Susan, who gave her heart to Jesus when she was a child. She grew up in church and thought everything was just as it should be until a revival that Bro. Ronnie preached in their community. It was this same message that he preached and she began to seek God about the truth of what had happened to her as a child. Was her experience real or was she really saved for all eternity? She began to wonder and question to the point of sleeplessness. After some questions and lots of prayers, Susan came to the place where she was sure that she needed to ask Jesus to be her Savior once and for all.
I must tell you that hearing Ronnie's simple truths and honesty about Susan's situation was very moving - but there was something more. I began to listen to the children behind me - many were crying and there was a young man directly behind me who was sobbing. I was moved to tears myself. It was such a beautiful moment because we were on the verge of seeing young people all over the sanctuary giving their lives to the Lord forever. I can't begin to put into words how that room felt at that moment. The Lord was right there with us. Ronnie gave an invitation for anyone to make their decision public by standing and well over 200 kids stood -- we don't know whether every one who stood was sincere or not in their decision but what we do know is that many, many of them were and for those who just followed the crowd, we claim that a seed was planted and pray that it will grow on fertile soil and that at the right time the Lord will harvest yet more lives for the Kingdom of God.
We had a chance to visit and take pictures after the concert ended and then we had a few hours to spend on the island enjoying its beauty and bounty of goods, food and friendly residents. On our way back into town, one of the merchants stepped out of the store and asked how everything went -- I told her that at least 100 kids accepted Christ as their Savior and she put her hand in the air and said, "Oh! I hope one of them was my son!" ...and yep, you guessed it - I was a puddle again. I told her I hoped so too!
God is so good -- He loves for us to use the gifts that He gives us -- spiritual, talents, intellect, athleticism, etc...especially when we use them for His glory. It brings Him joy when we praise Him and the angels erupt in song and praise when we proclaim Jesus as our Lord and Savior for all eternity. I believe it was a happy day in Heaven that day -- I know it was a happy day on Grand Turk for a band of musicians, an evangelist and his sweet wife, a pastor, youth minister, townspeople and some great kids, too!
I know I'm still smiling! Are you?
I left you last time on the Lido Deck after a lively midday concert aboard the Carnival Ecstasy. We were on our way to the beautiful island of Grand Turk and couldn't be more excited about the opportunities that were unfolding...turns out, God was preparing the way even at dinner that evening!
Cruise ships have a great way of connecting people. Dinner is served at large tables in close proximity to other tables so it's a great way to meet other shipmates. Because we were a large group, some of us were seated back to back at 2 large tables and then others were seated at large tables in another location. We shared wait staff and fun conversation with others surrounding us and could freely visit the other tables while waiting on the different courses to be served.
Tuesday night was formal night - which meant dressing up a little more than the accepted casual attire but not necessarily in formal wear. Our group had another shipboard concert, so most of us were already dressed and ready in our black and sparkles! We cleaned up well for a gnarly band of players, if I say so myself!
The table where I was sitting was a fun table!! We were so blessed to have Gina and Chris Z.(pictured in front) sitting with us, who were from New Jersey and also comedian, Bone Hampton sitting across from us. Bone moved back and forth from our table to his, bringing much laughter wherever he happened to sit.
The BEST table EVER! Gina and Chris are the first ones pictured! |
God also gave us another lovely connection later in the evening as we prepared for another outdoor concert. This time it was for a ballroom dancing workshop with the Palmers, who were on the speaker roster for the "Love Like You Mean It" cruise agenda. Meeting them was such a blessing! Our bandleader, Bob F., had some time to sit with them to get a feel for how they wanted the session to go and then they came up to introduce themselves to us. To our surprise, we saw a familiar face! This lovely lady standing before us, was that same lovely lady who danced in worship earlier in the day! She shared how much she loved our music and how she couldn't help but dance in freedom in the season that God had just brought her through.
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This is one of my favorite pictures - Tracy and I chatting just before the couples took the dance floor. |
She and I had a few moments to talk as well and we discovered that we were the same age and that God had brought us through a sifting season into the freedom of our Jubilee year at the same time! Such a beautiful connection! I believe one of our Lord's favorite things to do is connect his children together! Embracing my sister in Christ and finding these things in common with her was just the beginning and to laugh and chat with her sweet husband was great fun too!! Turns out, turning 50 is a great thing - especially when shared with people who love Jesus!
The evening was late and Grand Turk was before us so once we broke down the set we all headed to bed for a few hours of sleep!

There was a little mystery surrounding this day because our contact person on the island had actually been in the United States for a while. Mark hadn't spoken with him and wasn't quite sure how or where we'd be connecting with him to find out where/when we'd play the concert. Isn't this great!?! I know that you all must be under the impression that all these plans are laid out perfectly and planned properly in advance...and they are - but in God's timing not ours! Humanly, we just never completely know - at least that's been my experience!

We had planned to send a search party early off the ship to see if Alvin, our guide, would be there to meet us or if he had someone there to represent him. The rest of us waited on board, instruments and sunscreen in hand for word as to our next assignment.
Mark and Alvin |
Driving to the church gave us the chance to see a little bit of the island and learned that the population ON the island was about the same as the number of people ON the ship! 4000 people! To travel the island completely would be an 8 mile round trip and John Glenn's space capsule landed in the ocean there way back in the day and gas is over $6.00/gallon!

Grand Turk is a Christian nation with about 8 to 10 churches there...but there are many lost people living there, too. Tourism is their primary industry and the cruise lines are the major feeder. Palm trees and picket fences line the beach side and the buildings are bright and colorful. The ocean is blue green and clear and the divers find the sea life to be quite lovely. Wild donkeys hang out on the roadside and are friendly but shy...not aggressive at all. It's just beautiful -- GRAND, really!

Upon our arrival at Salem Baptist Church, we were greeted by the Pastor and a few of the ladies who served to make our visit there comfortable. The church was just beautiful!
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Our drummer, JW and the future drummers of Grand Turk! |

When I got up to sing the first song, it was my turn to introduce "Blue Skies". I rarely remember what I say when I do these things, but I remember drawing in the beauty of their island and how God made these things for us to enjoy.

When I started singing the kids stood up and started shouting and praising and singing along!! IT WAS THE BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD!!! The connection was made and at that moment we all bonded as musicians and audience.

There are no words to describe how we all felt...all I can say is when I turned around and looked at our band leader - he mouthed to me - "Amy, I'm crying!" and I said back to him, "I am, too!". I found out later that it wasn't just the two of us -- it was ALL of us!

When we finished our portion of the concert, Mark invited Pastor Ronnie up to share a short message. I knew it would be special, but had no idea just how much. He didn't need a podium and he didn't speak fancy, church language. He spoke from the heart. He looked those beautiful faces in their eyes and asked them to consider what their eternity was worth. He shared a story about his lovely wife, Susan, who gave her heart to Jesus when she was a child. She grew up in church and thought everything was just as it should be until a revival that Bro. Ronnie preached in their community. It was this same message that he preached and she began to seek God about the truth of what had happened to her as a child. Was her experience real or was she really saved for all eternity? She began to wonder and question to the point of sleeplessness. After some questions and lots of prayers, Susan came to the place where she was sure that she needed to ask Jesus to be her Savior once and for all.
I must tell you that hearing Ronnie's simple truths and honesty about Susan's situation was very moving - but there was something more. I began to listen to the children behind me - many were crying and there was a young man directly behind me who was sobbing. I was moved to tears myself. It was such a beautiful moment because we were on the verge of seeing young people all over the sanctuary giving their lives to the Lord forever. I can't begin to put into words how that room felt at that moment. The Lord was right there with us. Ronnie gave an invitation for anyone to make their decision public by standing and well over 200 kids stood -- we don't know whether every one who stood was sincere or not in their decision but what we do know is that many, many of them were and for those who just followed the crowd, we claim that a seed was planted and pray that it will grow on fertile soil and that at the right time the Lord will harvest yet more lives for the Kingdom of God.
We had a chance to visit and take pictures after the concert ended and then we had a few hours to spend on the island enjoying its beauty and bounty of goods, food and friendly residents. On our way back into town, one of the merchants stepped out of the store and asked how everything went -- I told her that at least 100 kids accepted Christ as their Savior and she put her hand in the air and said, "Oh! I hope one of them was my son!" ...and yep, you guessed it - I was a puddle again. I told her I hoped so too!
God is so good -- He loves for us to use the gifts that He gives us -- spiritual, talents, intellect, athleticism, etc...especially when we use them for His glory. It brings Him joy when we praise Him and the angels erupt in song and praise when we proclaim Jesus as our Lord and Savior for all eternity. I believe it was a happy day in Heaven that day -- I know it was a happy day on Grand Turk for a band of musicians, an evangelist and his sweet wife, a pastor, youth minister, townspeople and some great kids, too!
I know I'm still smiling! Are you?
Oh Amy, now I'm crying! My heart leaps and rejoices when I hear of how the Lord is working. Sometimes we feel all alone in this world and then Mighty Yahweh shows up and displays his plan , his loving care.....who am I that you are mindful of me ? It's amazing! I am a friend of God...I am a friend of God ..I am a friend of God you call me friend!! Sorry, I spontaneously erupted in song there! Amy , I lift you up daily. I know He has amazing things ahead and I am excited that he let's me have some part in your ministry thru prayer. There are not very many that have had that peek behind the veil , that have an understanding of the responsibility . I pray for your armor to hold , your faith to not waiver, and for Christ to lead the charge!!! Love you sister!!
ReplyDeleteDanielle I love you so much!! Please continue to pray for me -- God has laid a path before me that sometimes feels rough and overwhelming and other times feels boring and mundane but on these days - the ones like these in this blog - all the other seems worth it all. I can't wait to see the other side of this in Heaven...Praying for you and sweet Hannah!! hugs and kisses my darling friend!