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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How ya Leaping??

Happy Leap Day!! 

I saw a post from a friend on Facebook today who shared that her baby girl decided not to be born today - that she likely was going to be some more drama queen!  Another friend shared that his father's "real" birthday was today and that he would celebrate 20 Leap birthdays!  I don't even know how to do the math on that but I'm guessing that he's 80 today -- is that right??  How are you celebrating Leap Day today?

God's Word tells us that when Elizabeth saw Mary coming doing the road to see her, the baby in her womb (John the Baptist) LEAPED inside her - he was so excited to know that Mary was the vessel who would bring Jesus the Messiah into the world. (Luke 1:41).

I wonder how often our hearts leap when we sense the Holy Spirit moving in our lives or in the lives of others.  I wonder how often we are so caught up in our day to day grind that we miss those moments of opportunity to leap for joy.  Are we leaping as lambs in the springtime knowing that Jesus died to set us free?  Are we growing by leaps and bounds as we discover new truths of God's Word and apply it to our lives?  

Are we believing God and taking leaps of faith or merely steps of faith?  Are we radical believers or just fans of God?  John 8:36 says “Therefore if the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed."  That is cause for celebration -- leaps of joy should flow from our lives.

I wonder what would happen if we truly allowed ourselves the freedom to dance as David danced in the streets with joy as proclaimed in 2 Samuel 6:14 "And David danced before the LORD with all his might, wearing a priestly garment."  Friends, because of Jesus' blood, we are now made priests and kings!! Our royal priestly garment is a garment of PRAISE!! 

There is a time and a season for grief and we will endure a season of testing (likely many) in order for God to refine us to be more like Him - but praise should always be on our lips and flow from our mouths because of the great things that Jesus has done for us.

So on this special and rare Leap Day -- let it be a day of joy - a day of asking ourselves and others..."How ya Leaping?"

I pray you'll experience great joy this day and always!! Until next time... Be blessed in the Name of the Lord!  Amy

Thursday, February 23, 2012

How do we manage loneliness?

I meet with some precious ladies on Mondays to study God's Word.  This past Monday, there was a mention that more people (especially women) are lonely this day and age than ever before.  How can this be?  We are busy, we work, we worship, we gather together for Girls' Nights Out, we have social media, cell phones, computers, technology, exercise classes and I could go on and on...but you know, I found myself completely agreeing with this statement.

There are so many days that I am surrounded by people, interacting with people and busy and yet there is a sense of overwhelming loneliness that covers me to a point that I think I might weep.  It's not depression -- it's true loneliness.  It's as if I don't matter, fit in anywhere, belong to a group or connect regardless of who I'm with or where I am.  Do you ever feel this way?

Just this evening I was in a familiar place that I love and had returned to a group I've been a part of for over 20 years but because of the nature of what I do now, I'm not a regular attender to this group anymore.  I sat on the front row and when it came time to be dismissed there were several others who were welcomed and missed for being absent, but the person who welcomed them didn't seem to even notice that I was there.  I'm not a small person, but at that point I felt invisible and as if I didn't matter or that it didn't matter if I was there or not.

I'm not a high maintenance person and I won't dwell on what happened - and others acknowledged me later but for that moment, I felt out of place and very lonely.

I know that there are seasons in our lives where we will have to walk alone - whether it's in the loss of a spouse, the call to singleness, standing on a conviction when others don't, or just being tested in the wilderness as Jesus was.  The Holy Spirit is our constant companion and Comforter, but there are times when even God feels so distant.  Our prayers are heard but go unanswered - our friends and family don't understand or can't relate to what we're going through - it's just a void of relationships or closeness.

Why does this happen - I don't know.  Does this happen to everyone?  I honestly think it does at some point.    We have to be careful when this type of thing occurs, because the enemy loves to isolate us so he can mess with our minds.  He will use discouragement to bind us from moving forward and he can cause us to stumble if we allow the isolation to cause us to attempt to deaden our pain through unhealthy measures (i.e. drugs, alcohol, food, and worse)...

What can we do about it?  Well, the first thing would be to pray a lot.  Not those formal prayers - but the personal communication -- cry out to the Father.  Ask Him to comfort you during this time of loneliness and fill you as no one can.  The second thing would be to stay in His Word.  Read Psalms, Proverbs, Romans -- all such encouraging books.  Read Christian literature.  If the weather is pretty get outside and walk or spend time in a beautiful park -- if it's not pretty outside, rest.  It may be that your body just needs to rest and God has given you the opportunity to do so.  Another way to fight loneliness is to seek out ways to help others.  Look for places to volunteer, visit the elderly or children's homes - pour your life into others.

As soon as you are able, find a way to connect with other people - especially a body of believers who love you and care about you.  Don't allow yourself to be paralyzed by loneliness.  It may be appropriate for a season - but it's not God's design for His people.  We are not to forsake the assembling of ourselves and where two or more are gathered in His Name there He will be also.  We are on a journey and we don't need to travel alone - it's not safe or necessary over the long haul.  We are reminded that a cord of three strands is not easily broken...(Hebrews 10:25; Matthew 18:20; Ecclesiastes 4:12)

I would say that if you have ever experienced loneliness, be mindful that there are others who live in that state more often than not.  Make a conscious effort to notice others and make them feel welcome.

Please understand, I'm not hurt that I wasn't recognized or noticed in this gathering this evening.  It was just a temporary situation that over the long haul won't matter all that much.  But it did serve as a reminder that I need to be more aware of others who may feel lonely too.

I've had one of those weeks that if I could, I'd like to make it or myself disappear.  But like all things - this, too, shall pass.

I pray you are all having a good week and that blessings abound.  Make someone's day by giving them a hug or word of encouragement - you might just be their cure for loneliness!  Until next time, be blessed in the Name of the Lord...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Loss of a Friend

This is a blog I wrote a couple of years ago.  We are living in a season of time where there are wars and massacres of innocent children and brutal martyring of Christians around the world that the news is reporting (and likely not reporting, too.)  We've lost entertainers and athletes tragically and loved ones to cancer and other diseases...and we have kids headed back to school and some off to college for the first time -- lots and lots of change!  So as I sat down to write, I was reminded of this blog and decided that I would re-post this one while I work on the other one - it just seems so relevant right now - maybe even more so than when I wrote it...I pray it will touch and encourage you.

Loss of a Friend:

Today as I awakened, I realized that I have been mourning the loss of a friend.  I've been so sad lately and had no idea why.  I've been so tired and couldn't understand other than having some trouble sleeping.  You may be wondering who this friend was friend was Security.  I held on so tightly for so long to her that she became somewhat of a crutch.  But in this last few years, God has asked me to let her go.  He's asked me to surrender her for a more reliable friend - Trust.

It's always hard to get to know a new friend, especially when you weren't interested in having to give up an old friend in order to start this new relationship.  There's a phase when you feel alone, strange, different, cautious, reserved, and so many mixed emotions that go along with it.  The elation of finding that you have something in common with this new friend doesn't always come instantly.  At least that's been the case in making friends with Trust.

How did I lose Security as my friend?  Through a season of loss, a season of surrender and a season of sacrifice.  Having to realize that Security was a liar and couldn't be trusted came with a devastating job loss, draining financial reserves, loss of "fair weather" friends who just couldn't go to the hard places, distance from family, a season of ill health and near death, and fear of homelessness.  Security has to be tangible or she can't handle the pressure and she leaves when things get hard...

So what about this new friend, Trust.  Well, Trust doesn't make friends easily.  She requires complete abandonment of logic and self-sufficiency.  She is jealous and must have my full attention.  She meddles and probes into the deep crevices of my heart and requires that I surrender all things that are meaningful to me to her.

I must admit, I didn't like Trust very much the first time I met her.  But the more I get to know her, the more I realize that the depth of my friendship with her will be lifelong and permanent and will make me a better, deeper and richer friend to others if I will allow her to change me.  She has a very intimate friendship with the Lord and holds the keys to pleasing Him.  She has lots to teach me and is patient to wait until my grieving over Security is done.  She understands and forgives when it's hard for me to let go or when old wounds cause me to push her away.  Her greatest enemy is doubt.  She won't stay in the same room with doubt but she and Faith and Wisdom are best friends.  To have them as friends is like finding a priceless treasure.

So even though I know that losing this friend, Security, has been a painful separation, losing a friend is never an easy thing for anyone.  But if she's moved into your house and become your friend, just be careful.  She won't stay when the going gets tough.  She is never long term even though she may tell you she is.

If you are seeking to be friends with the things of this world or the people who seem to have it all together, they may be disguised as this friend called Security.  If you find yourself dismayed or pierced deeply when people lie, hurt or wound you or if a season of loss comes into your life - Security may have taken up residence in your household.  If there's a need have wealth, financial reserves, perfection in lifestyle, appearance or acquaintances, you may be nursing a friendship with Security.  She will tell you that you don't need others or that you need to listen to people who make you feel good and she will tell you that all you need is what she can offer which is a lie. She will tell you that you alone know what is best for you and she will most definitely tell you that you don't need the Lord - she is a liar.  Let her go - tell her goodbye and grieve her departure as long as is necessary...but change the locks and don't let her back in.

 If I may encourage you today after reading my weird little story, Proverbs 3:5,6 tells us to "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding (security).  In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your path."

I lived with Security far too long and letting her go has been so I sad? Yeah.  Am I grateful that Trust has taken her place? Oh absolutely!  She brought along her friends, Faith and Wisdom.  And though they aren't quite as fun-loving as Security was - I know that they won't leave me when things get tough.

Be blessed in the Name of the Lord...Amy