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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Rest, Trust and Purge - an Unlikely Trio of Faithfulness

This past Sunday, our Pastor continued leading us through the book of Acts - focusing on the principle of Fasting.  The Lord spoke to me during that service asking me to let go or "fast" from my normal lunch plans from now until I leave for Israel and take time to spend time in His Word and prayer.  It's been wonderful to go a quiet place and prayer walk and spend time reading, studying and journaling what I've learned.  Most of what I've done has been private but today, I sensed that the Lord would have me to share this with you.

I read Isaiah 30 during my lunch break today.  The devotional content I'm reading centered around Isaiah 30:15 which talks about resting in the Lord but I SO enjoyed reading the whole chapter. It answered a lot of my questions about my own struggles with rest, idolatry and world events.

In Isaiah 30:15 God speaks of returning to Him and resting..."Only in returning to me and resting in me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength..." (this is in the context of Israel seeking out help from Egypt during wartime for provision rather than resting and trusting in God.)

It's comforting to know that God has a plan (Jeremiah 29:11) and in Isaiah He shows how part of that plan includes rest, waiting and returning to God. If you're like me, resting just isn't something that comes naturally or easy. If I'm at home and I may sit down to rest, but rather than sitting quietly or just watching TV or listening to music or doing nothing more than resting - I find myself multi-tasking -- I will look at a magazine while all that is on or a cat will jump in my lap wanting to be petted and inevitably, I will pick up my phone or tablet to answer a text or check Facebook or play a game and rather than resting - I'm mentally active.  Or maybe I go outside just to sit in the sun or watch the water or walk - but instead I find myself thinking about all the things I need to do, making either a mental list or physical list or get distracted by taking on a new project -- never resting or enjoying just the beauty of the day!  We are commanded to rest - and God patiently waits on us to return to Him and rest in Him rather than trying to conquer our worlds apart from Him - even in the small things.

Part of God's plan includes trust - In Isaiah 30:18, the prophet says, "So the LORD must wait for you to come to Him so he can show you His love and compassion. For the LORD is a faithful God. Blessed are those who wait for His help." verse 20 "Though the Lord gave you adversity for food and suffering for drink, He will still be with you to teach you. You will see your teacher with your own eyes. Your own ears will hear Him. Right behind you a voice will say, "This is the way you should go," whether to the right or to the left"

Trust means giving over our concerns for the big and the small and letting Him have control and trusting Him with the outcome.  How many prayers do we pray, giving over the concerns of our hearts and then rather than trusting God to handle those concerns, we lose sleep, toil and spin over them or wrestle with God in prayer until He answers.  Now, wrestling with God in prayer and praying fervently is not a bad thing - unless we are doing it because we don't trust God - and that's a question we need to ask ourselves. Jacob wrestled with God and ended up with a dislocated hip for the rest of his life - God wins - always - and there may be a lifelong reminder of going to battle with Him as in the case of Jacob.  We need to trust God - He is faithful - He is trustworthy and His Word is true - but He is God, not our buddy and His will is always for the greater good and His glory.

Part of God's plan includes purging - Verse 22 - "Then you will destroy all your silver idols and your precious gold images. You will throw them out like filthy rags, saying to them, "Good riddance!"

Getting rid of idols and junk (physical, emotional, mental) - and burning them, throwing them out and destroying them as if they were common rubbish.  Idols weigh us down. My husband and I moved and combined households with  my 85 year old mother 2 years ago.  We have tried haphazardly to get rid of things that we don't use and aren't meaningful anymore but because we are busy, the process has been slow.  Now a lot of what we thought was so valuable is collecting dust, dirt, and spider webs and will be worthless if we don't get rid of it or find use for it soon.

It's never fun to clean out, clear out and purge.  But when we do - we make room. We make room for new things, new memories, new relationships.  We make room for God, too. God is showing me patiently how to honor Him by letting go. Part of the purging for me involves letting go of material possessions but I think there's really a larger calling to let go of old dreams that were never meant to come true and of letting go of old hurts that cut deeply and then forgiving myself and others who may have caused or had part in those hurts and bad decisions. Part of the purging process for me has involved letting go of toxic relationships and activities that didn't glorify God.  So I'm in a major season of cleaning out and letting go and in doing so I'm discovering I don't need as much, I don't want as much and I'm ready for new - whatever new is waiting but only if it comes from the Lord.

The rest of Isaiah will make your heart leap to read of God's power and promise to conquer the enemies and tear down the strongholds and refresh, restore and renew as the old is put away and the evil is defeated in this broken world.

I think we could all benefit from spending time in Isaiah 30 - believing that God always keeps His promises and He will prevail - over ebola, over Hamas, over ISIS, over our corrupt government, over idolatry, over war, and over Satan and all those things that war with our souls and minds for attention.

Rest and trust in Him this day dear friend and if He calls you to purge - make room for more of Him by being obedient -- it was a beautiful lesson for me. My prayer is that it will be an encouragement for you.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Loss of a Friend - Reposting

This is a blog I wrote a couple of years ago.  We are living in a season of time where there are wars and massacres of innocent children and brutal martyring of Christians around the world that the news is reporting (and likely not reporting, too.)  We've lost entertainers and athletes tragically and loved ones to cancer and other diseases...and we have kids headed back to school and some off to college for the first time -- lots and lots of change!  So as I sat down to write, I was reminded of this blog and decided that I would re-post this one while I work on the other one - it just seems so relevant right now - maybe even more so than when I wrote it...I pray it will touch and encourage you.

Loss of a Friend:

Today as I awakened, I realized that I have been mourning the loss of a friend.  I've been so sad lately and had no idea why.  I've been so tired and couldn't understand other than having some trouble sleeping.  You may be wondering who this friend was friend was Security.  I held on so tightly for so long to her that she became somewhat of a crutch.  But in this last few years, God has asked me to let her go.  He's asked me to surrender her for a more reliable friend - Trust.

It's always hard to get to know a new friend, especially when you weren't interested in having to give up an old friend in order to start this new relationship.  There's a phase when you feel alone, strange, different, cautious, reserved, and so many mixed emotions that go along with it.  The elation of finding that you have something in common with this new friend doesn't always come instantly.  At least that's been the case in making friends with Trust.

How did I lose Security as my friend?  Through a season of loss, a season of surrender and a season of sacrifice.  Having to realize that Security was a liar and couldn't be trusted came with a devastating job loss, draining financial reserves, loss of "fair weather" friends who just couldn't go to the hard places, distance from family, a season of ill health and near death, and fear of homelessness.  Security has to be tangible or she can't handle the pressure and she leaves when things get hard...

So what about this new friend, Trust.  Well, Trust doesn't make friends easily.  She requires complete abandonment of logic and self-sufficiency.  She is jealous and must have my full attention.  She meddles and probes into the deep crevices of my heart and requires that I surrender all things that are meaningful to me to her.

I must admit, I didn't like Trust very much the first time I met her.  But the more I get to know her, the more I realize that the depth of my friendship with her will be lifelong and permanent and will make me a better, deeper and richer friend to others if I will allow her to change me.  She has a very intimate friendship with the Lord and holds the keys to pleasing Him.  She has lots to teach me and is patient to wait until my grieving over Security is done.  She understands and forgives when it's hard for me to let go or when old wounds cause me to push her away.  Her greatest enemy is doubt.  She won't stay in the same room with doubt but she and Faith and Wisdom are best friends.  To have them as friends is like finding a priceless treasure.

So even though I know that losing this friend, Security, has been a painful separation, losing a friend is never an easy thing for anyone.  But if she's moved into your house and become your friend, just be careful.  She won't stay when the going gets tough.  She is never long term even though she may tell you she is.

If you are seeking to be friends with the things of this world or the people who seem to have it all together, they may be disguised as this friend called Security.  If you find yourself dismayed or pierced deeply when people lie, hurt or wound you or if a season of loss comes into your life - Security may have taken up residence in your household.  If there's a need have wealth, financial reserves, perfection in lifestyle, appearance or acquaintances, you may be nursing a friendship with Security.  She will tell you that you don't need others or that you need to listen to people who make you feel good and she will tell you that all you need is what she can offer which is a lie. She will tell you that you alone know what is best for you and she will most definitely tell you that you don't need the Lord - she is a liar.  Let her go - tell her goodbye and grieve her departure as long as is necessary...but change the locks and don't let her back in.

 If I may encourage you today after reading my weird little story, Proverbs 3:5,6 tells us to "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding (security).  In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your path."

I lived with Security far too long and letting her go has been so I sad? Yeah.  Am I grateful that Trust has taken her place? Oh absolutely!  She brought along her friends, Faith and Wisdom.  And though they aren't quite as fun-loving as Security was - I know that they won't leave me when things get tough.

Be blessed in the Name of the Lord...Amy

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Freedom - bought at a great price!

Hi Friends - Last week I posted some of my headache with the lackluster experience I've had with a pool on Facebook.  I mentioned that I knew there was a blog post in there somewhere and a lesson to be learned -- I'm working on that one...but today and for this week, I decided to post another writing from my friend Theresa Bryant regarding our freedom...a great reminder for all of us both at home and abroad...God bless you as you celebrate this week...God Bless America!!

In 1776, at a young age, Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence which has been described as a magnificent and revolutionary document.  It was a 28-count indictment against King George in which the colonists declared that they were a free country, that they could make decisions on their own, that they could select their own leaders, and that they were no longer to be subjected to a class status as defined by the king.  One of the most quoted parts of this document is “Behold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.”  This was a totally foreign concept to most people in the world at that time.  This freedom was not realized until after winning the Revolutionary War with the Kingdom of Great Britain (now known as the United Kingdom) in which many lives were lost.  The forces fighting for our freedom were described as “rag-tag colonists,” but they were fighting for a way of life and prevailed against the British soldiers who were fighting for a king. 
As you celebrate our freedom as a country from Great Britain, perhaps you will recall the phrase “Freedom isn’t free.”  This phrase has been used in poems, songs, speeches and commercials to explain the fact that freedom often comes at a very heavy cost. 
Our salvation, on the other hand, is totally free to us.  However, it came at the ultimate price for one life – that of Jesus Christ.   He bore the sins of everyone and endured a tortuous death in order that we might be free from our sins if we only accept him and ask him to be the ruler of our lives. The following are some Bible verses that speak of this freedom.
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. (Galatians 5:1)
You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.  (Galatians 5:13)
In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence. (Ephesians 3:12 

On Friday, most Americans will celebrate the 4th of July in some way with family and friends. Perhaps you will attend a local parade or a barbeque or a patriotic program complete with fireworks or perhaps you will visit the grave of a veteran.   Whatever you do, may you reflect not only on the price paid for our freedom as a country, but also reflect on the ultimate price paid for our salvation which is the greatest free gift we could ever receive.

Monday, May 12, 2014

If You're Happy and You Know It - Praise the Lord!

God has blessed me with the renewal of friendship with a dear lady I met when I was on the road as a college recruiter.  She was a teacher for many years and I had the honor of presenting to her classes during her tenure.  She has now retired and God has placed her in a wonderful position at her home church and we were miraculously re-connected at a conference this past March.  I love how the Lord draws us together for His glory and our good pleasure and each week, Theresa sends an encouraging email that lands in my mailbox on Monday mornings.  Her words are a blessing and I can think of no better way to say what she has -- this is something I believe and try to inspire in others ... "If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life."  I hope you enjoy her words this morning...Love you Theresa!!


I love the phrase “Happy, Happy, Happy” from the Duck Dynasty television show.  Back in December when Alvin and I were putting up our Christmas tree, a flower vase fell off the fireplace hearth and broke.  Alvin said, “That not make wife happy, happy, happy!”  Yes, I was disappointed, but I had to laugh at how he handled the situation.

When I was teaching high school students, I taught a unit on careers.  Students would take an aptitude test to determine possible careers to match their skills and interests.  Then, students would choose a career from their list to research.  One of the things I tried to emphasize to my students was to choose a career in which they would be happy and not to choose one just because the salary attracted them.  Before retirement, we spend a great deal of our lives in the workplace; therefore, we should enjoy that time.  All jobs have some stress and unpleasant tasks, but working at something you really enjoy doing makes the time go by so much faster. 

This past year, I met a cashier in a grocery store named Amanda.  She sent a stock boy to replace an item of mine that she had noticed had a hole in it.  I complemented Amanda on noticing the hole, and she shared with me how much she enjoyed her job.  After asking her a few questions, I learned that she had previously worked at a totally different job that paid more, but was a high-stress job.  Amanda expressed to me how happy she was that she had made the career change, and it certainly showed in her smile and attitude.

When our school janitor was asked by someone why he always seemed so happy when working, he replied that he did not work for man, but for the Lord.  He literally lived out Ephesians 6:8:  “Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord.” 

Both the cashier and the janitor were “happy, happy, happy,” and as a result, they made those around them much happier.  Draw near to the Lord, and he will make your life happy no matter what your circumstances.  This is more than mere happiness; this is pure joy!  The word joy bring to mind the children’s song with the phrase, “I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart, down in my heart, down in my heart to stay.  “The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart.” (Psalm 19:8)   Whether you are working or retired, if you are not joyful, perhaps, it is time to prayerfully consider some changes in your life.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Let go, Let Go, Let's GO!!!

Well, friends - I have had a breakthrough today!! I am so excited to share this because it's been troubling me for quite some it earth shattering? Well, for me it is. For you?  Maybe - just maybe there's something in this post that will open your eyes to what God has been trying to say for such a long time but you just haven't been able to hear or see it...oh I hope so!! I'd love to shout to the rooftops with you too!!

I'm leading Priscilla Shirer's study of "Gideon" both in my Sunday school class and in my Wednesday night discipleship class.  This study grows up the superhero we learned about as children and makes it relevant to the day to day living that we "regular" folks go through - the fears, the frustrations and the impossible situations that we sometimes find ourselves in parallel the life of Gideon and the Midianites.

I'm also reading a wonderful book, "The Circle Maker", by Mark Batterson which challenges me to deepen my prayer life and strengthen my faith with big dreams and God's power.   The book is really amazing and the accounts of God's power in the lives of people facing impossible situations is truly fascinating and encouraging every time I turn the page.

As I read through the material for this week's study and covered a chapter in "The Circle Maker" during my lunch break, I prayed that God would reveal some answers to questions I've been asking for a while now and what happened felt like a collision of questions, answers, connections and curiosities that have been weighing heavily on my heart for some time!  Praise the Lord -- the freedom that is coming in this discovery is lightening the load and giving me the focus that I've wanted and needed for so very long!!!

So as I make an attempt to explain this without going all crazy, I hope that it will be a blessing to you, my dear readers and friends. Here goes:

Recently, a young artist was asked to step out of his play "set" to do a number with another group.  It was a familiar tune but not one he had written or performed before but one that he certainly would have had no trouble doing and probably would have had fun in doing so.  His reply to this request was, "I'm so sorry, I can't do that - I get paid to not mess up."  Now, I have to tell you - this young artist's reply has been a fly in my ointment since I heard it.  I haven't been able to get away from it!  I shared it with friends and family and those who are in my classes and while many expressed their dismay at this young man's arrogance or short sightedness at an opportunity to stretch his wings a little, I never really felt that way toward him.  I felt a lot of things -- the first thing I did was internalize it and feel bad for making mistakes myself and found myself wondering if that's why I don't earn a living singing (believe me, this line of thinking is something I struggle with all the time and I hate it more than anyone!) The next thing I did was feel so sorry for him.  I thought how confined he must feel that he can only sing songs when they have worn out their welcome (he's sick of them) or he can only sing songs that are on his current album or songs that are on the Hot 100 list that his label has given him permission to sing -- or maybe because he's trying to support his family by singing for a living the fear of losing his record deal by messing up and the terms of this deal require him to be perfect 100% of the time on stage - any stage...for an artist that just doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun or freedom in my opinion and I wonder how long he can live in that cage.

I thought how limited he must be with regard to his calling to minister through music.  Is he thinking that people won't buy his music anymore if he forgets a word or misses a note or his voice cracks or if he is sick and his voice just isn't up to par?  What if God says, "Sing to me a new song" in the middle of a concert -- will he hear God's request or refuse because his paycheck depends upon "not messing up".  See what I mean?!?  I just couldn't let this go because of my tendency to overthink things!

But in today's reading, God showed me that I do the very same thing - but rather than attaching a paycheck to it, I put myself in a cage using age, weight, lack of finances, responsibilities, loyalty, etc. as excuses to "not fail" or "not dream big" anymore. And then there's the "do it in the name of" stuff!  You know -- I'm going to keep doing the same things because I always have or said I don't have time to or any number of cliches that help me to bow out of stepping into something amazing with the Lord.

I know so many in my reading audience who would say - no way! Amy, you live by faith every day and God has given you opportunities that I'd never have -- and I'd have to agree with you -- but here's the deal, I've made excuses out of fear and my heart's longings have been paralyzed because of fear and probably laced with pride too if the truth were known.  If I've messed up (whether it's on the stage or just in life in general - I've made excuses and tried to justify my way out of it). I've blamed my weight, my past, my family, my circumstances and have even tossed the ball in God's court saying that it wasn't "His will" or I don't feel His move in this direction for far too long and yet, the dream never goes away and yet, here I am still running on the same hamster ring wishing and hoping.  It's no different than what this young artist is saying -- "I get paid to not mess up" -- I'm saying in my own way -- "I get justified to not step out in faith" -- I get blessed by staying in my box --and a whole host of other ones -- which just boil down to sad excuses.  And today God gave me freedom -- real freedom!  He threw me keys to unlock the chamber doors of my heart to know Him deeper and trust Him more and He gave me the truth I needed to see.

Here's what He showed me -- In Judges 7:5-6, God told Gideon to bring the people to the water and gave him specific instructions as to what to look for in the warriors that would remain. 32,000 people had already been whittled down to 10,000 to fight against the Midianite army of over 145,000.  The number who were left after Gideon saw in them what God said to keep was only 300 - yes ONLY 300!  God needed warriors who were fully committed and not distracted from their calling by their desires of their flesh (functional gods, comfort zones, modern day idols - ouch)!  Unfocused warriors can contaminate and discourage others by fear and lack of unity (fear and perfectionism, fear and materialism, blah blah blah)...what God was testing here was the alertness of the warriors, focused and unified.

Application to Amy:  In the past year, God has begun whittling away things in my life that have been distractions to my calling.  Toxic relationships, material possessions, excess junk, thought patterns, attitudes, obligations, etc.  But there's still more that needs to go with the new challenges before me.  I've prayed more fervently and specifically with regard to two areas of my life and wanted clarity with regard to His will in those areas.  Today, He showed me specifically how to whittle the distractions away in order to conquer one major obstacle and specific contacts to make with regard to another.  I cannot tell you how long I have prayed over these two areas -- years!! But in praying over them, I've never prayed really believing for an answer.  I've prayed, "Lord, if it be your will, then make it happen" so many times that I'm sure it seemed to the Lord as if I was rubbing the lamp of a genie or just throwing my request in His Hands without being willing to see or hear what steps would be made to see these areas change.  But today was different.  I prayed a simple prayer - Lord, show me the way, reveal the areas that need to change and lead me into the fullness of your calling on my life!" It doesn't really sound so different but here's the kicker -- in praying that prayer, rather than just handing it over in desperation - I kept my eyes open, looking and believing God for an answer and there it was - right before my eyes!!

God showed me distractions that needed to be removed and applications to be added to win the battle.  He revealed to me the reason for the blessing of hearing this young artist's comment was because of the contacts that He brought into my life - had I not been in that place, those contacts would not have been made and that comment would not have been's also a reminder to be excellent but never let my paycheck ride on being perfect...that's just not possible - in any occupation...and only maturity will teach that lesson...well, that and many opportunities to fail...oh the joy of those lessons!

The last words I wrote in my lesson for this quick lunch break study today were: Let go, Let go - Let's go!! My directives were clear - 4 of the 6 things God told me to let go are : excess junk (thoughts, stuff, mindsets), over-thinking, pursuit of perfectionism (body, performance, life) and excess technology time (facebook, games, TV, obligations I'm not called to, etc.).  If I can give up these areas that rob my time and space and fill them with more time in His Word, more time to practice, exercise, etc. Then I'll have room in my heart for the things He loves and more room in my jeans as well as be better equipped for the opportunities that lie ahead.  If I can give up the junk that has no meaning anymore to me (whether physical junk, spiritual junk or obligations I'm not called to do anymore), I'll have room for the things I love and new opportunities that He provides that bring glory to Him.  He gave me questions to ask of those he's put in my sphere of His family.

He showed me that age has no bearing on being used of Him and neither does weight or physical or mental handicap either... Earthly labels mean absolutely nothing to God.  I read an interview with singer, Susan Boyle, who was diagnosed with Asberger's (a form of autism) and she said that finally she has the freedom to let others know that she's not defined by this.  It gives people a chance to know who she is and how she is created and it gives the public and opportunity to know more about this syndrome.  She says that she lived with labels and was trapped and discouraged for years and years and never found freedom from them until she was diagnosed at 51 years of age.  That struck me amazingly because I will be 51 in June of this year.

I think what I received today is a diagnosis from my Great Physician and the freedom to no longer be defined by my limitations but by the simple truth that I'm His child.  I don't have to strive to be anything more than my this to receive His favor and blessing.  I don't have to worry about not getting paid if I mess up, because His grace is unending and forgiveness was bought at the cross of Jesus.  I don't have to be perfect because His perfection is found in my imperfection.  I don't have to be strong because His strength is made more powerful in my weakness.  I don't have to wear the world's labels because I wear the crown of righteousness bought with the price of the blood of Jesus.

We serve an amazing God whose thoughts are not our thoughts and whose ways are not our ways - in fact, they are light years away from our own.  He delights in those He loves - He dances over us with joy!! He sings over us while we sleep and He holds our tears in His own hands when this old world is unkind to us.  The enemy is under His feet and His Son, Jesus crushed him with defeat when He died on Calvary and rose from the grave.

So, my friend, your breakthrough is coming -- keep seeking God with all your heart...your breakthrough is guaranteed to be different than mine and will change your life and direction if need be.  Allow God to whittle away the warriors in your life and rest assured that the "300" He leaves will be your secret weapon for it's there that God's strength will take over and will use that to bring victory in your life.  Ask yourself, is my dream too big and overwhelming?  If it's not, then dream bigger - because if your dream is something that can be accomplished by human strength - that's not God's dream -- I'm not talking about name it claim it dreams that are self seeking and self serving -- I'm talking about the kind where God gets credit -- the stuff that Heaven cheers over...the conquering of strongholds, the defeat of the enemy, the transformation of lives, the salvation of the lost...and so much more!

Thank you for reading this and walking through this journey with means the world!!

Take a walk through Judges 6, 7 and 8 to remember Gideon today if you have time and if you need a little more challenge to your prayer life -- I highly recommend "The Circle Maker" by Mark Batterson.

Blessings my friends!! Till next time...Amy

Friday, March 28, 2014

Thoughts on Venturing Outward...

Today, I'm just going to write from the heart.  No fancy pictures or videos...just conversation.

I've posted a lot of memories about the recent trip to Grand Turk and as I've looked through all the pictures and watched the videos my heart longs to be back there.  The presence of the Lord was so strong with us from start to finish.

I remember walking through the security checkpoint at my local airport only to find out that my flight had been delayed and then given a voucher to have lunch while I waited.  Rather than getting frustrated by the delay, I walked around, strolling in and out of the different shops and chatted with some of the people who worked there.  Some asked where I was going and as I shared with them, so many were quick to share their faith with me.

My husband was a little nervous about me traveling into Miami alone, but at the Birmingham airport, 2 gentlemen approached me with beautiful smiles and asked if it was my first trip to South Florida.  We had a lively conversation and again, I shared what I was going to be doing and they both were quick to share their faith with me as well.  One of them was from Cuba and another was a native of Miami.  They sat across from me on the plane and when we got there, both were so kind as to show me the way to go to pick up my baggage and catch a cab to the hotel.  I never felt afraid.  Even the cab driver was a Christian - a sweet man who openly shared his faith with me and played Christian music in his cab on the way to Ft. Lauderdale.

On the way home, similar instances happened.  A delay at the airport gave me the opportunity to visit a little longer with some other members of the Metro Big Band who were also delayed.  At the Atlanta airport, I was eating lunch and a kind gentleman asked if he might sit beside me and before long before we were talking about the goodness of the Lord and he prayed for our safety in traveling back home Then sitting at the terminal, a sweet flight attendant sat beside me and it didn't take long before we were talking about the Lord again and a little Alabama football too - which always makes me happy!

Sometimes God may call us out of our comfort zones in our very own homes.  He may ask us to care for an aging parent or sick loved one or a small infant as something we've never done before.  He may put us in a workplace with unbelievers or difficult co-workers.  He may allow financial hardship or relationship storms to come our way.  But if we're willing to trust Him and give over our anxieties and hurts during these seasons, our faith will grow stronger and our knowledge of His presence will be deeper - and the stories we can share will help others along the way.

Sometimes God will invite us to pray out of our comfort zones.  He will give us situations and opportunities that cause us anguish in praying.  Cancer, Alzheimer's Disease, wayward children, unexplained illnesses, deaths, losses and more can drive us to our knees...but He is there.  We need to venture outward especially in our prayers because it's there that intimacy with our Heavenly Father is found.

Venturing outward is hard and can be dark and scary.  Letting our guard down is risky, especially if we've been wounded deeply.  Forgiveness of wrongs done is painful.  But God is there...drawing us closer each time we walk boldly in faith with Him.  Venturing out can also be refreshing - a time of renewal.  For me, this last trip was exactly that.  There was testing and stretching and on some things I didn't quite pass but on other things I spread my wings more than ever before and I found that to be exhilarating!  I want more than ever to learn from the tests I didn't quite pass and try again and then build on those amazing successes and do more!

Someone once said that if God calls you to do something that scares you -- do it scared!  I know in my own walk with Him, there have been lots of scary moments. But when I know my brothers and sisters are praying and when I earnestly seek Him too, I find that even the scariest moments become filled with His presence. Do they go away?  Rarely.  Is there always a happy ending?  Sometimes.  But the blessing is always a deeper walk with the Lord.

I think the point of all this rambling is this...If God leads us to go out of our comfort zone to follow Him (and He will!) - and if we obey Him in it - He will go with us as He promises.  We should never worry.  The destination may be in our homes or just to the grocery store or the post office or it may be completely around the world - but if He calls us - He is going to be there with us.  I think that's why I love these opportunities so very's always a great opportunity to see just what the Lord will do.

So today if you find yourself at a place where you could venture outward or pull inward, let me encourage you to take the outward path.  You may not have a choice in the matter -- you may be knee deep in venturing outward and not enjoying it all -- if that's the case, let me encourage you to seek the Lord and ask Him what can be learned in this season and look for His presence there. He is so faithful - and He will send others to stand with you - but you must be willing to let them. Seek Him today, dear friend...and know that He will meet you right where you are.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

To anyone who writes, plays, performs or just loves music...

I will post the final entry of the mission trip later this week (I hope), but this article grabbed me early this morning and has held tightly to my heart today...just wanted to share it with you...enjoy!

This is from "Helen Keller: The Official Fan Page" on Facebook:

Helen Keller wrote the following letter to the New York Symphony Orchestra in March 1924. Here's how she describes listening to Beethoven's "Ninth Symphony" over the radio:

“Dear Friends:

I have the joy of being able to tell you that, though deaf and blind, I spent a glorious hour last night listening over the radio to Beethoven’s “Ninth Symphony.” I do not mean to say that I “heard” the music in the sense that other people heard it; and I do not know whether I can make you understand how it was possible for me to derive pleasure from the symphony. It was a great surprise to myself. I had been reading in my magazine for the blind of the happiness that the radio was bringing to the sightless everywhere. I was delighted to know that the blind had gained a new source of enjoyment; but I did not dream that I could have any part in their joy. Last night, when the family was listening to your wonderful rendering of the immortal symphony someone suggested that I put my hand on the receiver and see if I could get any of the vibrations. He unscrewed the cap, and I lightly touched the sensitive diaphragm. What was my amazement to discover that I could feel, not only the vibration, but also the impassioned rhythm, the throb and the urge of the music! The intertwined and intermingling vibrations from different instruments enchanted me. I could actually distinguish the cornets, the roil of the drums, deep-toned violas and violins singing in exquisite unison. How the lovely speech of the violins flowed and plowed over the deepest tones of the other instruments! When the human voices leaped up thrilling from the surge of harmony, I recognized them instantly as voices more ecstatic, upcurving swift and flame-like, until my heart almost stood still. The women’s voices seemed an embodiment of all the angelic voices rushing in a harmonious flood of beautiful and inspiring sound. The great chorus throbbed against my fingers with poignant pause and flow. Then all the instruments and voices together burst forth – an ocean of heavenly vibration – and died away like winds when the atom is spent, ending in a delicate shower of sweet notes.

Of course this was not “hearing,” but I do know that the tones and harmonies conveyed to me moods of great beauty and majesty. I also sense, or thought I did, the tender sounds of nature that sing into my hand-swaying reeds and winds and the murmur of streams. I have never been so enraptured before by a multitude of tone-vibrations.

As I listened, with darkness and melody, shadow and sound filling all the room, I could not help remembering that the great composer who poured forth such a flood of sweetness into the world was deaf like myself. I marveled at the power of his quenchless spirit by which out of his pain he wrought such joy for others – and there I sat, feeling with my hand the magnificent symphony which broke like a sea upon the silent shores of his soul and mine.” The Auricle, Vol. II, No. 6, March 1924. American Foundation for the Blind, Helen Keller Archives.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

They That Wait Upon the Lord - Part 3 - GRAND TURK!

Hi there!! I hope you are enjoying the journey recap!  Thanks for hanging out here for a bit...

I left you last time on the Lido Deck after a lively midday concert aboard the Carnival Ecstasy. We were on our way to the beautiful island of Grand Turk and couldn't be more excited about the opportunities that were unfolding...turns out, God was preparing the way even at dinner that evening!

Cruise ships have a great way of connecting people.  Dinner is served at large tables in close proximity to other tables so it's a great way to meet other shipmates. Because we were a large group, some of us were seated back to back at 2 large tables and then others were seated at large tables in another location. We shared wait staff and fun conversation with others surrounding us and could freely visit the other tables while waiting on the different courses to be served.
Tuesday night was formal night - which meant dressing up a little more than the accepted casual attire but not necessarily in formal wear.  Our group had another shipboard concert, so most of us were already dressed and ready in our black and sparkles!  We cleaned up well for a gnarly band of players, if I say so myself!

The table where I was sitting was a fun table!! We were so blessed to have Gina and Chris Z
.(pictured in front) sitting with us, who were from New Jersey and also comedian, Bone Hampton sitting across from us.  Bone moved back and forth from our table to his, bringing much laughter wherever he happened to sit.  
The BEST table EVER!
Gina and Chris are the first ones pictured!
Gina could be a comedienne herself.  At one of the other tables, Mark (Trumpet/Band Mgr) and Belinda B. (Piano) were sitting with a couple (Ronnie and Susan T.) from Memphis that they knew who were passengers on the ship.  Mark shared our ministry plans for the day on Grand Turk with them and Ronnie mentioned that he had been praying for an opportunity to preach or share the gospel somewhere during this cruise.  Mark's jaw dropped.  God had dropped an evangelist in our midst!  Not just an evangelist - but someone whose specific call was to inner city ministry with experience speaking with teens!  He asked Mark if he and his wife could join us and if he might share a short message if there was time.  Mark was elated and when we all heard the news we were thrilled!

God also gave us another lovely connection later in the evening as we prepared for another outdoor concert.  This time it was for a ballroom dancing workshop with the Palmers, who were on the speaker roster for the "Love Like You Mean It" cruise agenda. Meeting them was such a blessing!  Our bandleader, Bob F., had some time to sit with them to get a feel for how they wanted the session to go and then they came up to introduce themselves to us.  To our surprise, we saw a familiar face!  This lovely lady standing before us, was that same lovely lady who danced in worship earlier in the day!  She shared 
how much she loved our music and how she couldn't help but dance in freedom in the season that God had just brought her through.  
This is one of my favorite pictures -
Tracy and I chatting just before
the couples took the dance floor.

She and I had a few moments to talk as well and we discovered that we were the same age and that God had brought us through a sifting season into the freedom of our Jubilee year at the same time!  Such a beautiful connection!  I believe one of our Lord's favorite things to do is connect his children together! Embracing my sister in Christ and finding these things in common with her was just the beginning and to laugh and chat with her sweet husband was great fun too!! Turns out, turning 50 is a great thing - especially when shared with people who love Jesus!

The practice session was recorded music and our "live" session was mostly instrumental, so I had the privilege of watching the couples dance the night away, many learning to dance together for the very first time.  It was captivating! There was a young couple, likely expecting their first child, dancing the jitterbug with finesse and then another young couple, tattooed with brightly dyed hair (the husband had a mohawk!), they were a little awkward but having fun.  There were senior adult couples learning to foxtrot and swing and even some of our own band mates gave it a try! Some who were learning would get frustrated and try to walk away and others would dig in and just try harder but the Palmers were so fun and patient and encouraged everyone to enjoy the journey.  I think the best part about it all was that on the dance floor nothing mattered -- fitness level, size, ethnicity, age, economic status - nothing -- all that did matter was the connection these couples made with one another and it was a beautiful thing to watch!  I applaud all those who gave it their best shot with lead feet and no rhythm -- it was just amazing! Stuart and Tracy - I love ya -- Thank you for the lessons you taught about the foxtrot -- now every time I catch the rhythm I scoot and skip in my memory!! 

The evening was late and Grand Turk was before us so once we broke down the set we all headed to bed for a few hours of sleep! 

I woke up very early on Wednesday morning to a beautiful sun rise and enjoyed watching the ship sail toward the dock.  I prayed for the Lord to bless our day in such a way that what we would experience would reveal His glory and all would know that He was there in our midst.  I prayed He would speak through our music and words and that He would be magnified and that lives would change...get ready...there must have been a lot of folks praying that same prayer!

There was a little mystery surrounding this day because our contact person on the island had actually been in the United States for a while. Mark hadn't spoken with him and wasn't quite sure how or where we'd be connecting with him to find out where/when we'd play the concert.  Isn't this great!?!  I know that you all must be under the impression that all these plans are laid out perfectly and planned properly in advance...and they are - but in God's timing not ours!  Humanly, we just never completely know - at least that's been my experience!

We had planned to send a search party early off the ship to see if Alvin, our guide, would be there to meet us or if he had someone there to represent him.  The rest of us waited on board, instruments and sunscreen in hand for word as to our next assignment.  
Mark and Alvin
Alvin came through and sent a group of guys as his representatives to meet us.  We hurried off the ship, posed for a few pictures and then proceeded through the security gate to start the day.  There were 3 or 4 church vans waiting and some beautiful smiles to greet us.  The people of Grand Turk were so glad to see us and many in the marketplace said they wished we would do a concert there after we finished at the church!  We had no idea what to expect because it was a work day/school day but God knew.

Driving to the church gave us the chance to see a little bit of the island and learned that the population ON the island was about the same as the number of people ON the ship!  4000 people!  To travel the island completely would be an 8 mile round trip and John Glenn's space capsule landed in the ocean there way back in the day and gas is over $6.00/gallon!  

Hurricane Katrina wiped out most of the dwellings and businesses on Grand Turk back in 2008 and the rebuilding process has been slow but they are taking the time to do it right and what they've done so far is beautiful! 

Grand Turk is a Christian nation with about 8 to 10 churches there...but there are many lost people living there, too. Tourism is their primary industry and the cruise lines are the major feeder. Palm trees and picket fences line the beach side and the buildings are bright and colorful. The ocean is blue green and clear and the divers find the sea life to be quite lovely. Wild donkeys hang out on the roadside and are friendly but shy...not aggressive at all.    It's just beautiful -- GRAND, really!

Upon our arrival at Salem Baptist Church, we were greeted by the Pastor and a few of the ladies who served to make our visit there comfortable.  The church was just beautiful! 

Our drummer, JW and the future
drummers of Grand Turk!
Pastor Chris told us that he really had no idea how many people were coming.  They thought our concert was on Saturday and had planned for it to be a very large community gathering - but he said he knew God would send the ones He wanted there. Alvin shared that all the school children would be coming over. The first to arrive were the high school students.  They were so polite and friendly, dressed in their crisply neat uniforms. The little ones came later and they all captured our hearts immediately as you can see!
We had the best time!  One of the As the music started, some of our support team members could hear the children singing along. 

When I got up to sing the first song, it was my turn to introduce "Blue Skies".  I rarely remember what I say when I do these things, but I remember drawing in the beauty of their island and how God made these things for us to enjoy.  
When I started singing the kids stood up and started shouting and praising and singing along!! IT WAS THE BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD!!!  The connection was made and at that moment we all bonded as musicians and audience.  

There are no words to describe how we all felt...all I can say is when I turned around and looked at our band leader - he mouthed to me - "Amy, I'm crying!" and I said back to him, "I am, too!".  I found out later that it wasn't just the two of us -- it was ALL of us!

When we finished our portion of the concert, Mark invited Pastor Ronnie up to share a short message.  I knew it would be special, but had no idea just how much.  He didn't need a podium and he didn't speak fancy, church language.  He spoke from the heart.  He looked those beautiful faces in their eyes and asked them to consider what their eternity was worth.  He shared a story about his lovely wife, Susan, who gave her heart to Jesus when she was a child.  She grew up in church and thought everything was just as it should be until a revival that Bro. Ronnie preached in their community.  It was this same message that he preached and she began to seek God about the truth of what had happened to her as a child.  Was her experience real or was she really saved for all eternity?  She began to wonder and question to the point of sleeplessness.  After some questions and lots of prayers, Susan came to the place where she was sure that she needed to ask Jesus to be her Savior once and for all.  

I must tell you that hearing Ronnie's simple truths and honesty about Susan's situation was very moving - but there was something more.  I began to listen to the children behind me - many were crying and there was a young man directly behind me who was sobbing.  I was moved to tears myself.  It was such a beautiful moment because we were on the verge of seeing young people all over the sanctuary giving their lives to the Lord forever.  I can't begin to put into words how that room felt at that moment.  The Lord was right there with us.  Ronnie gave an invitation for anyone to make their decision public by standing and well over 200 kids stood -- we don't know whether every one who stood was sincere or not in their decision but what we do know is that many, many of them were and for those who just followed the crowd, we claim that a seed was planted and pray that it will grow on fertile soil and that at the right time the Lord will harvest yet more lives for the Kingdom of God.

We had a chance to visit and take pictures after the concert ended and then we had a few hours to spend on the island enjoying its beauty and bounty of goods, food and friendly residents.  On our way back into town, one of the merchants stepped out of the store and asked how everything went -- I told her that at least 100 kids accepted Christ as their Savior and she put her hand in the air and said, "Oh! I hope one of them was my son!" ...and yep, you guessed it - I was a puddle again.  I told her I hoped so too!

God is so good -- He loves for us to use the gifts that He gives us -- spiritual, talents, intellect, athleticism, etc...especially when we use them for His glory.  It brings Him joy when we praise Him and the angels erupt in song and praise when we proclaim Jesus as our Lord and Savior for all eternity.  I believe it was a happy day in Heaven that day -- I know it was a happy day on Grand Turk for a band of musicians, an evangelist and his sweet wife, a pastor, youth minister, townspeople and some great kids, too!  

I know I'm still smiling!  Are you?

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

They That Wait Upon the Lord - part 2

"They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

Thanks for coming back - this one has taken much longer to write than I planned -- so much to tell - but wanted it to be something that would hold your attention.  This installment is about trusting God -- we thought we had a plan of action and a schedule and it all seemed great but God had much different plans for us -- we didn't quite have the same map He did...but His ways are always best!

We pick up on Sunday afternoon February 9, 2014 -- After our wonderful experience in Ft. Lauderdale, we loaded the bus to transfer over to the beautiful Miami Airport Hilton where we would spend the evening awaiting our transport to the Carnival "Ecstasy" the next day.  Upon arrival, our rooms weren't quite ready so we enjoyed each other's company spending some down time hanging out in the lobby.  Here's a view from my room:

Once everyone got checked in a large group of us ventured out to a popular restaurant near the airport called the 94th Aero Squadron Restaurant ( It was so good and so much fun!  Here's what my dinner looked like!  It was Argentinian skirt steak with an amazing sauce and sides. For dessert, I had Key Lime Pie -- the perfect balance of sweet and tartness -- capping off a wonderful dinner of laughter and bonding with our Metro Big Band Family.

Heading back to the hotel, we spent the rest of the evening rehearsing our music individually and preparing our hearts and minds for the adventure ahead.  Our itinerary would start early the next day boarding the ship and then our first concert for the crew of the Carnival Ecstasy! We were so excited in anticipation of having the opportunity to reach out to so many people from so many different cultures (over 70 different countries).  

"They shall run and not grow weary"...

Loading the bus to head to the ship was an adventure in itself. Can I just say - Musicians have a LOT of gear! When we arrived at the dock, we proceeded through a series of rooms, getting our check-in materials and then having a small briefing where we learned some news that was disappointing to say the least.

We found out that the Ecstasy was up for internal audit on this particular voyage so at least one if not both of the crew concerts was cancelled.  The internal audit meant that the crew's attendance at the concerts, even very late at night, might be impossible but for only a few.  We were a little stunned because we were certain that this was our major target group to share God's gospel with AND the crew had asked for these concerts!  But we trusted that God had a plan and we were right in the center of it. Mark, our band manager was able to work through some channels to find a venue on board that would be available for us for us to rehearse and hopefully do a short concert late on Monday evening, so we were encouraged some, but still not sure what God had in mind as far as our shipboard ministry.  
We had a relaxed lunch and enjoyed the afternoon.  We set sail around 4:30 to a breathtaking seaside view of Miami and the beautiful ocean amidst fun music and dancing and anticipation of the week ahead.  Here's a look at my beautiful view:  

Soon we were setting up and preparing for a concert in the "Starlight Lounge".  The stage was small and the venue was dark as might be expected.  There were a few people milling about - some crew and some passengers and we were enjoying the rehearsal time when I noticed a young man sitting alone in one of the booths watching every move we made and listening intently to the songs we practiced.  
There was a tune in our song list that was a little low for me to sing and we were considering our options for it.  I felt a gentle nudge from the Holy Spirit to go and talk to this young man. So while the band was rehearsing another number I walked over and shook his hand and introduced myself.  I noticed he had on a name badge on and was a member of the Carnival crew.  He wasn't dressed in uniform, but instead looked a little like someone who might be a performer or something other than wait staff or stewards.  We chatted a little bit and I learned that he was only 22 years old and had come all the way from central Italy to work on the ship as a singer in one of the stage bands.  His job would only last on Ecstasy for 2 weeks and then he would move on to either another ship or head home.  He had taken a huge step to work in this environment but said that his family supported him for pursuing his dream to be a professional singer and he hoped to make the big stage one day - his name was Phillipo.

I continued to feel that gentle nudging from the Holy Spirit to ask our director and manager about letting Phillipo sing the number that was a too low for me.  I approached them, saying that I felt we had a ministry opportunity and shared Phillipo's story with them.  They agreed that we should give him a shot at it and I was thrilled.  I asked Phillipo to rehearse the song with us and promised to stay with him to help with the words and phrasing. He said he knew the tune and felt he could sing it so he came up to join us.  We had a great time rehearsing with him and his accent was so cute as he sang "Save the Last Dance for Me" in his own sweet way.  The band thought he did a good job and so we decided that at the actual concert Phillipo would sing this song and I would stay with him just like we practiced.  I told him our plan and he agreed that it would be fun to do.  He had a huge smile on his face and so did I.  I was thrilled that he was willing to do this and I think he was excited to have been asked.  He had such a sweet spirit about him and a great attitude knowing that it wouldn't be perfect but it would be lots of fun for the audience and for us as well.  My first friend with the crew had been made and I knew that the Lord smiled.  

Around 11 that night, we gathered in the Starlight Lounge.  We had a small crowd but they were a great audience!  Several couples danced to our music, which included both Christian and secular tunes.  About mid-way through the show, I brought Phillipo up to the microphone.  I introduced him, sharing where he was from and thanked him for being so willing to use his gifts to bless our hearts.  He had a beautiful smile and countenance! He sang the song in broken English and did his Elvis moves and put his whole heart into it. The audience loved it and all of us in the band had tears in our eyes knowing that this sweet kid put it all out there for us and for the audience but we also knew that it had made his day and probably his week to have been asked as well.  He stayed for the entire show and heard the Gospel presented through the songs and testimonies that were shared.  

What a way to start off the week!! It was wonderful!  God was showing us that He had plans to use us on this big boat but not as we planned - but as He planned.  Rather than performing for the crew at large, God wanted us to get to know the crew on a more personal level.  Without being prompted, each of us just began to look them in the eye and ask their names and listen to their stories and we began to show them the love of Christ through our words and action - taking notice of the folks with the badges or name tags whether Carnival, Premier or Event staff.  It was a beautiful thing!  

"They shall walk and not faint"... We were so busy but our energy level was awesome!!

On Tuesday, we had a midday concert which meant setting up shortly after breakfast, doing a quick sound check and then changing clothes to be back up on the Lido deck before noon dressed and ready to perform.  After our sound check, I hurried back to my room to change clothes, fix my hair and makeup and get back upstairs.  When I got there, the door was open and the guys were scurrying about making it sparkle - some bringing in fresh sheets or towels and others cleaning and polishing.  I rushed in, and asked how long they needed to finish up.  The one who was cleaning tried to gather up his things quickly and leave and then his supervisor came in to apologize. They were both so concerned that they were in my way.  I smiled and sat down on my bed and told them to calm down - all was well and I just needed to change to get back upstairs for a noon concert.  They stopped and looked at me so funny.  They said, "Ma'am, we work around you, you don't work around us!"  I just laughed and said, "Guys, do what you need to do, I'm fine - I don't mind waiting - God has a plan and I'm right in the middle of it."  The supervisor hurried out and thanked me for being patient and I told him there was no problem at all.  Amru introduced himself and told me he was from Thailand.  He continued his work and when he finished thanked me again for being so patient and asked my name.  I asked what his name meant -- he said, "It means peace-maker - what does your name mean?" -- I told him that my name meant "beloved".  He said, "Wow! We have special work in both our names don't we?"  That took me back a little.  I said, "Yes, Amru, yes we do."  I thanked him for making my room peaceful and told him how much I appreciated what they all did for us.  He had the sweetest smile...I'll never forget that.

I changed clothes and got back upstairs, but my heart was changing.  My eyes were opened and I began to see people not just the blur of the crowds -- I began to notice that each person had a name and that each name meant something.  I began to see the crew - noticing and remembering that they were far from home.  I began to listen to their stories and ask about their families and how long it would be before they would see them again.  I began to listen - I began to love began to let them be-loved too.

The concert on the Lido deck was great fun.  The day was gorgeous, the breeze was comfortable and there were people everywhere! They were milling about getting lunch, a little sun, and a little fellowship to the sounds of the Metro Big Band.  It was great fun and even though we were more background sound than focal point, it was neat to see people nodding their heads, tapping their toes or moving to the fun rhythms of the songs.  "Days of Elijah" was one of the songs the band played.  During this song, a beautiful lady in a sarong and pink bathing suit began worshipping through dance all around the chairs and people seemingly in her own world of worship.  It was beautifully mesmerizing!  She cried and lifted her hands and twirled and swayed in praise to the King of Kings.  It looked as if she was part of our show, but she wasn't.  She was moved by the music and the message of the song and began to worship in her own sweet way.  Our hearts were stirred by her simple, yet vulnerable actions.  We didn't know that this first connection would be a deeper connection later in the week - but God did.  There was a young girl, cleaning around the stage - I believe her name was Melissa.  She was from the Philippines.  She asked about our group and told me she loved music.  She said she was so glad to hear Christian music and hear people talking about God on this cruise.  My heart melted. She said that her family was far away and she would get to see them sometime but not soon.  She said she prays for them a lot and misses them.  I had a huge lump in my throat.  After seeing that beautiful lady dance and hear this lovely girl speak, the tears flowed freely.  I was up to sing soon, so I moved away to get ready - but I must say, it was difficult to sing at best but "Blue Skies" came up and God made a way.  It was a magnificent day!!