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Monday, April 18, 2011

Holy Week - A New Beginning

Hello Everyone! What a week to start a blog! I've decided to start this at the urging of a friend and fellow Southern gal - Dottie Bennett. I've been on a journey through God's wilderness for the last few years and it appears that I've finally begun to walk on out of it and what I'd like to do here is share some things I've learned, some things I'm learning and some smiles along the way. I love to cook, decorate and grow things (plants and animals!) And I love sharing the love of Christ in the ordinary things. I sing and share my testimony with others on a regular basis through Stonecroft Ministries and in churches and other venues and I'm so glad you've decided to read this blog in my little corner of the world. Yesterday marked the beginning of Holy Week with Palm Sunday - the triumphant entry of Jesus, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, into Jerusalem where he would later be arrested, beaten and crucified by the same ones who cheered him on....but that wasn't the end of the story....Sunday was coming! Holy Week is one of my favorite weeks of the year. I love it because it draws me closer to remembering just how much I'm loved by the Lord and everything seems so fresh and green and new. I'm met with a lot of different emotions during this week too. I find myself at a place of new beginnings... Holy Week this year marks not only a new beginning for me as I start writing this blog -- it also marks an ending. I'm ending a 47 day break from the consumption of bread as a sacrifice during the season of Lent. I've never done this before and I must say, it's been an interesting journey. God has shown me so much about myself, blessed me more than I can begin to write and brought me to a whole new level of intimacy with Him. How so? I'm a bread lover -- it's my favorite food, favorite comfort food and for a Southern girl, biscuits are just a staple around here! When the Lord asked me to give up bread for Lent, I found myself willing but unsure that I'd be able to make it --- not just the normal 40 days -- but for 47 days -- yes, this year Lent is longer for whatever reason (I'm sure you scholars out there will know). Nevertheless, the journey began and I felt sure that if "God brought me to it, He'd be with me through it". And you know what....He sure has! I've been tempted so many times through this journey -- and one time, I was so hungry that I actually ate a hamburger and never considered that there was a BUN on the burger until I had completely finished it! But what happened was a great lesson on being more alert to the temptations that come my way. I asked for forgiveness for that day and God told me to keep moving forward. And I didn't stumble again (of course, I have 6 days to go...) It was amazing! On that day, I experienced a whole new level of awareness of just how quickly humanity can take over spiritual awareness just in trying to get a need met. How many times do we fall into that trap? We have a bad day -- we stop at a store, "just to look" and end up overextending the credit card. We have a spat with our mates or the kids get on our nerves and we grab a candy bar or bag of chips and wolf them down before we even know it and we only remember it AFTER it's happened! I know I'm not alone in this. How many times do we simply act on impulse and say something we don't really mean and regret it after the mouth has gone full speed ahead. Matthew 6:33 says -- "but seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and ALL these things shall be added unto you." What are "all these things?" We find that in looking back to the verses that come before this one....let's take a look -- Chapter 6 begins with instructions of how to act as Christians -- a charge to be the same before man as you are with God -- and then in verses 25 thru 30, all the things we tend to fret over and worry about are included -- everything from what we should wear to what we should eat. God uses such a beautiful illustration of lillies and sparrows to remind us that if he would make them so beautiful and feed them the smallest of grain, then because we are even more valuable to Him, we need not ever think He wouldn't be concerned about our needs. So as an encouragement to you this week, I'd like to offer you a new beginning. Give yourself a break for once -- don't beat yourself up if you act before you think - but be quick to ask the Lord to forgive you if you do (and the person, if necessary). And remember just how much you are loved. This week, Holy Week, is an opportunity to remember the greatest gift we have ever been given -- Jesus. He gave His life for you (and me) so that we might have eternal life - He was bruised and beaten and every stripe had our names on them. He had nails driven in his hands and feet on a cross that put big splinters all in his back as He moved just trying to breathe -- those nails and that cross were for us. "He who knew no sin was made sin for us so that we might be right with God." 2 Corinthians 5:21 This is Jesus. My sacrifice of bread wasn't a perfect journey in the season of Lent. But it has most definitely been an amazing opportunity to learn and grow. Food is important to our health and living -- but seeking God first has allowed me to focus and remember Him first and that He provides all things. Bread is such a symbolic food in the Bible -- for me - as one of my favorite foods, when I begin to eat it again, I'll forever be reminded of the Bread of Life - Jesus. I can't live on just bread (nor would I really want to) -- but my Life-giver -- is Jesus. As much as I love all flavors and varieties of bread -- I have truly grown to Love my Jesus more and more and more and more. Taste and see that the LORD is good! Just thought I'd share this last little tidbit -- This fast has been 47 days, I'm 47 years old and I've walked with the Lord for 40 years. I was 7 when I came to know Him as my Savior AND my wilderness started when I was 40 and lasted 7 years....God's timing is SO perfect... Be are SO loved! Amy

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