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Friday, April 22, 2011

It's Friday - Good Friday - a beautiful day...

Hi Everybody!!! Can you believe it's already Friday!  Wow! This week has flown by!  I've had a busy week and I'm sure you have as well - but I hope you've had a moment to stop and thank the Lord for His GREAT sacrifice today - especially today -- Good Friday.

I've decided that Fridays are going to be kind of a "freestyle" day -- kind of filled with lots of different things and thoughts -- just a relaxed conversation of sorts.

I noticed just a minute ago that "The Passion of the Christ" is showing on TBN -- whew! that's a tough movie to watch but I may just have to do that before the weekend is out.  What do you think?

Okay so what to write about today ... My first thoughts would be, of course, on Easter.  Good Friday is usually such a sad day because it's a reminder that Christ hung on the cross and died on this day after suffering beatings that we cannot truly comprehend.  His flesh was ripped and torn so badly that he would have been almost unrecognizable at this point and would have been dehydrated, and in more pain than any medicine could dull even slightly.  Death was surely the desired outcome once the crosses were hoisted and dropped down into the holes that would hold them steady.  The weight that his wrists had to bear - his full body weight would have made it very difficult to breathe and to push up to catch a breath on the nail that pierced his feet (between the ankle joint and tibia) would have been excruciating.  And yet, that wasn't the worst part of Jesus' day - Good Friday.  That came later.  The sky began to darken as God turned His face away from His Beloved Son.  As the sins (our sins) of the world were heaped upon Jesus.  As the sky turned black, Jesus experienced the most pain He would ever have to endure.  He was fully God and fully man, and the Only One who truly understood Him, His purpose, and knew Him intimately had turned His Holy Face away from His Perfect and Only Son.  I've been homesick before, and I've felt lonely and alone -- as I'm sure we all have -- but I promise -- none of us can truly fathom the pain of those moments as the earth turned completely dark, the veil was ripped in the temple and as He bore the sins of the world upon Him...for us my friends -- all this -- for us.  None of us can fathom the pain that God felt in having to do so either.  So, as we reflect on this day, Good Friday, the "goodness" in it comes because of the pain Jesus endured so that we might find favor with God - because of the sacrifice of a perfect Lamb...without blemish, sinless. 

So before sleep overtakes us this evening, let's pause to be thankful and rise tomorrow to live a life of gratitude no matter what comes our way remembering the GREAT sacrifice that was made on our behalf.

But it's not over sweet friends...Sunday's coming!! HE is RISEN INDEED!!  Have a blessed and beautiful Easter weekend...until next week....


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