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Friday, May 6, 2011

It's FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!

Welcome to Friday, Everyone!!!  This has been a long week, but it's been truly wonderful to see the sunshine, blue skies and the outpouring of love and generosity that so many are showing to the storm ravaged cities and victims of last week.  If you are one of those people -- May God return a magnificent blessing according to your generosity!  Thank you!

Since Fridays are our freebie day, I thought I'd share some really wonderful Bible studies that I've had the opportunity to facilitate in the recent past.,.  If you are looking for some ideas to deepen your walk with the Lord or maybe you are interested in putting a group of folks together to study God's Word - these are just terrific and really have made a difference in my own life as well as those who have joined me for the studies. 

The first one I'd recommend is "No Other Gods" by Kelly Minter.  This study focuses on the First of the Ten Commandments and through personal encounters, stories and Scripture, she leads us to a deeper understanding of everyday idols - functional gods - that creep into our lives so subtly and aren't always material, bad things -- but many times they can be the really good things in our lives - but because they require so much of our attention, by definition they become idols.  Upon first glance at this study, I must admit, I honestly didn't think there would be much to it -- but my goodness!  Was I wrong!  The content, depth and combination of Scripture that Kelley uses in this short 8 week study are very powerful and eye-opening.  It's one I would do again and again and never tire of God's teachings.  Check it out at

Second on my list of great studies would be "Fool-proofing Your Life" by Jan Silvious.  Whew!  If you have any type of relationship with anyone who is difficult, inconsistent, full of self, manipulative, has an addiction to anything, or just wears you out in general - then this study is for you!  Centered on the book of Proverbs, Jan uses a Scripture rich text to teach us practical applications of God's Word to gain sanity in dealing with "fools" - as defined in the Bible.  It's confronting, no nonsense, straightforward discussion that allows anyone who is seeking wisdom and sanity in relationship issues.  Jan isn't shy about speaking the truth in love and offers the reader a clear path for digging out of the dangerous behavior patterns in relating to these people.  There is a book, DVD and study guide for this study which is 8 weeks in length (including intro week).  Check it out at 

A third study I'd like to recommend is one by Priscilla Shirer.  It's called "One in a Million" and centers on the time that the Israelites spent in the wilderness, just after leaving Egypt and before entering into the Promised Land.  For anyone who desires to gain an understanding of the purpose of the wilderness journey and try to make sense of things when nothing makes sense, this is the study for you!  Centered around the books of Exodus, Deuteronomy and Joshua, Priscilla takes us on a journey of a lifetime offering practical application to gaining peace, contentment and purpose during those times in our lives when nothing seems to be happening and we seem to be walking in circles in our faith.  Again, this is an 8 week study.  The leader guide is in the back of the workbook and the course may be done with or without the dvds.  Of the studies that I've done by Priscilla Shirer, this is one of my favorites.  Take a look at

Beth Moore's study of "Daniel" is another one of my favorites.  It's deep, it's challenging and offers so much insight to the past, present and future according to God's Word.  Daniel was so committed to live justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God and provides us with such a great example of how God will use a faithful servant in spectacular ways if we will commit our lives to Him and hold fast even when things just don't seem to go our way.  Daniel seems to "get the big picture" and has no issue with his role in his part of history.  This study has a good bit of homework but is wonderful for the person who has a passion for digging deeper in God's Word and grabbing for nuggets of great truth along the way.  It's 12 weeks and has a workbook, dvds and leader guide. 

A couple of books before I go -- I'm reading one now called "Made to Crave" by Lysa Terkherst.  It's her personal account of the journey into self control according to God's Word.  Lysa is very open, honest and laces humor with the Truth of Scripture to show the reader how to step into the fullness of purpose and calling by letting go of the strongholds of addiction (in her case, food) and allowing the Holy Spirit into those empty spaces to heal the hurts that exist in those strongholds.  The book is filled with Scripture and each chapter ends with questions for deeper thought and study.  Would be a great small group study -- it's not a diet book -- it is more of a heart book -- just a check up to see if there are deeper issues with regard self control.  There are dvds available as well as study guides too!

Last one (well really two!)  Smart Girls Think Twice (SGTT) and Big Girls Don't Whine (BGDW) by Jan Silvious...don't you just love those titles!  These books are awesome!  SGTT focuses on making wise choices and letting the Holy Spirit teach us to be better listeners, seers and speakers as we represent God's Kingdom.  It's a practical guide to searching out God's Word as a handbook for living in our world today -- a must have for anyone trying to make sense out of living!  BGDW has to do with developing confidence as a woman of God and walking in it.  Both of these books are great for small group discussions or for personal reading.

I hope today you'll find blessings in the small things and enjoy those around you.  Get out in the sunshine and laugh a little!  Have an awesome weekend!!

Be blessed...not stressed!! Amy

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