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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Tips and Tricks Thursday 4th Edition

Hello Friends! This post was slated for last week as I travelled home from the Smokey Mountains, but for whatever reason, Blogger went down and this never posted -- it's such a good list of tips and tricks that I've decided to use it for this week -- enjoy!! is Tips and Tricks Thursday!  I'm going to make it quick but these are GOOD!

Natural mosquito repellent -- Listerine (or the generic form)!  Buy a big bottle of the gold original flavor and pour into a spray bottle.  Don't dilute!  Spray all around the porch, door facings, outdoor furniture and lightly on your clothes and mosquitos and other flying insects will flee!  This will last a couple of days -- and the scent really isn't all that unpleasant.  We tried this on Sunday for Mother's Day and were able to eat outside on the patio for the first time ever and not have to swat flies and mosquitos!

Cutting corn off the cob and dread the mess?  Here's a great tip!  Using your bundt pan, place the corn cob tip side down into the center hole.  Scrape the corn off the cob and it will fall easily into the pan and you'll have an easy stand to hold it while you do.  This is so much faster and much less messy and makes for easy scraping of the "corn milk" off the cob too if you're making that delicious creamed corn!

Want to keep ants away from your garden but really don't want to use pesticides?  Use Baking Soda.  Sprinkle soda around the perimeter edge of your garden (not near or on the plants - will burn them!)  Ants don't like the salt and will leave immediately.  When it rains the soda will soak into the soil and sweeten it to make it healthier. 

Got ants inside?  Sprinkle some ground oatmeal around where they are.  The worker ants will take the oatmeal back to the queen and she will eat, swell, and die -- no queen - no worker ants -- no problem - and no pesticide near your food, children or pets.

Gotta run -- I'll see you on Friday!!! Be blessed...not stressed!  Amy

Verse of the Day:  "When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the LORD your God for the good land he has given you."   Deuteronomy 8:10

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